15,554 Topics

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Member Avatar for blindislands

I need to write a right turn code for a micromouse using sensors but I don't know where to start. Can you help me please? This is the algorithm we developed. > // Right turn while sensor 1 is OFF // initialize RTcounter = 0; if (sensor 6 == 0) …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for dendenny01

My Program contains 4 arrays and I want to sort the array in such a way that if one array is sorted the other array should follow it Example: unsorted array name code salary date John 52 6500 15 Suzzy 10 1500 20 Mike 20 1451 16 Sorted array(according to …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for pandu_kvv

Hi friends... I need to write a program in C which will print all the combinations of a string with non-repeating characters. Example: “Say” will have the following: s, a,y, sa, sy, as,sy, ys, ya, asy,sya,ysa and so on. The string length is not known. The string will be a …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for sai.aleenus

**how to draw a line in c program given the slope and intercept of the line**

Member Avatar for Echo89
Member Avatar for VaibhavJhaveri

Can anyone help me with my problem? Problem : I have 4 text files named datatypes, delimiters, operators and variables, having respective data. I have another file which acts as input to this program. The problem is that I have to check each lexeme of the input file and compare …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for harshi414

i just read in a few articles that we need some kind of special drivers for parallel port to access it through c as in win xp and 7 we cannot access them directly ! so can you help me in that !????

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for vjitsingh

Hi, I installed OpenCV 2.4.3 and added it to system path. Then i added everything in CodeBlocks as described here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10876052/how-to-compile-a-program-using-opencv-2-4-3-with-codeblocks When i run a sample OpenCV program, CodeBlocks doesn't recognize the header files saying no such file or directory. I have OpenCv2.0 working perfectly fine with CodeBlocks 8.02 on …

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Member Avatar for dendenny01

I want to designe a code at display a perticular data Example a time table of the week For instance if someone view a page on monday so it show display result of the table or data which is set to display on monday or if some one view same …

Member Avatar for dendenny01
Member Avatar for hg_fs2002

I am getting input from terminal using "char *argv[]" parameter in main function. Now, I want to check whether all the inputs are not character (they are not necessarily int, they can be double) but I don't know how to do it here because inputs are pointers and it's not …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for SHWOO

Can anyone point out why I am getting these errors two errors. [CODE] #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; #include "playerType.h" playerType::playerType(string first, string last, int num, string pos) : personType(first, last) { playerNum = num; playerPos = pos; } // end function playerType void …

Member Avatar for saba.gul.1048554
Member Avatar for roshu10

hello guys, i am doing a project in c(for college mini project) " to get the status of the I/O devices connected to the PC" pl give me suggestion as i am completely new to this system software concepts. guys pl suggest me some valuable resources, links or codes. because …

Member Avatar for harshi414
Member Avatar for vegaseat

So you want to find out which day of the week you were born. Well at least some of us do. I actually wrote this program because my whole family was born on Sundays, and my friends didn't believe it! An oldie but goodie, moved from DeSmet C to Turbo …

Member Avatar for jnawrocki
Member Avatar for alex910TN

Hey guys, I find myself here once again seeking your expertese. Long story short, I need to create a hash function that will hash a list of lexemes in a programming language to unique indicies in a hash table. The problem is that the lexemes (provided below) must all hash …

Member Avatar for SoreComet

Hi Guys, I was trying to code in C for the following. You are given with 2 files, file1.txt and file2.txt. The contents of the file contain INTERGER values. Add the contents of the file and write them to another file file3.txt. My code is as follows #include <stdio.h> #include …

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Member Avatar for nitin1

If you consider any multiple of 3 and then sum up its digits, the sum is always divisible by 3. For eg. 843 is a multiple of 3 and 8 + 4 + 3 = 15 is also multiple of 3. Similarly, for 9, any multiple of 9 satisfies the …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for alex910TN

Hey guys, I have a general question about what is and what is not included in standard C? I have a project and the instructor says we can only use anything that was included in C99. Because I have a heay experience in C++, I often find myself questioning whether …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for coding101

I would like to send a dhcp discovery packet progammatically in C. I know C programming, but not network programming. I understand I need to set the dest. ip "" and src "". Then send a DHCPDISCOVERY UDP Packet to get a list of available wireless dhcp servers. How can …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for necrovore

Hello all, I am working on a project and i need to basically copy a directory and its files to another location. I have figured out that xcopy comes in handy for what i want to do.but somehow when incorporated into my C code, it does not work. The code …

Member Avatar for necrovore
Member Avatar for saurabh.mehta.33234

Why does the following line of code generate error as " pasting / and / doesnot generate a valid preprocessing token"? Can someone please help #define comment /##/ int main() { comment printf("hello"); return 0; }

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for alex910TN

Hey guys, I have a silly issue that is bothering me. I am trying to read an unknown amount of lines from an input file and basically stop when I reach the EOF. I probably does'nt matter but the assignment is to create a simple lexical analyzer/scanner for a mini-subset …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Renesme-LuCiFeR

Hi Every One, I Was Wondering If Anyone Could help me With This Problem Or Not... I Just Need A Simple Program, With The Least Amount Of Using Arrays, And Loops... And My Main Problem While Writing It Is When I Want To command The Program To Act Like a …

Member Avatar for Ramesh.YoTLC
Member Avatar for anestistsoukalis

In lines 359 and 360 i have this piece of code: printf("Oi mathites me ton megalytero bathmo ( %f ) einai oi: \n",max); for (i=Stack.Top;i>=0;i--) { printf("%f, \n",Stack.Element[i]); } And i want to print the results of that Stack...... but nothing happens .. :-/ What have i missed to add …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for roshu10

hello guys, how to play audio files using c ?? i am just a beginner to c programming and also to this form.. thanks in advance.. :) with regards, roshan

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for sparsh610_1

hello everyone ,, have a look on the program really difficult for me to understand the concept please help

Member Avatar for sepp2k
Member Avatar for syedalisajjad

#include "LVdefs.h" struct konfigDatei { char tableName[50]; char columnName[128]; char primary1[50]; char primary2[50]; char primary3[50]; char primary4[50]; char primary5[50]; char primary6[50]; }; main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { int loop = 0; int count = 0; struct konfigDatei kd[50]; char line[500]; char *ch; FILE *f = NULL; f …

Member Avatar for syedalisajjad
Member Avatar for boomerang2711

How to make an application to prevent itself from launching from the command line? I have a binary which should be launched by a daemon; but when somebody tries to launch the binary from command line, I should error out stating "cannot be launched from command line". Tried googling but …

Member Avatar for boomerang2711
Member Avatar for icepickero

hi can anyone please help me with this problem arranging given input that is alphanumeric in ascending and descending order using turbo c *note the given info are char only example output: info to be arranged: blk4 lot 32 ascending order: bkllot234 descending order:tollkb432

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for fedaa91

hi i am adjusting a socket program code to make it able to read and write on files and send and recieve packets but i am stuck it only performs the first while loop and doesn't go to the next lines to execute them ! i dont usually program using …

Member Avatar for fedaa91
Member Avatar for alex910TN

Hi guys. I am a student who really needs some assistance with creating a recursive function in C that changes multiple consecutive white spaces (blanks) from an array of characters into a single blank. For instance: char c [10]; // let ␢= blank symbol where the contents are :␢␢␢␢INT␢␢␢ the …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for e.patricioparga

Ok, it's a pretty dumb title but represents well what I need to know. I'm pretty much a noob in programming and I found a problem about finding the first 3 perfect numbers. I got it solved, but I wanted to see how far I could go. My computer can …

Member Avatar for Adak

The End.