50 Topics

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Member Avatar for arvindikchari

Hello, I have a string taken as input from user. I just want to check if a particular character within that string, is part of Standard English character set or not. How do I code the IF condition for this purpose? Regards, Arvind.

Member Avatar for AhmedGhazey
Member Avatar for Toikkala

Hi! On school we got exercise to calculate how much the length of substance grow when we know original length and temperature change. So,the case goes that i have value temperature coefficient of different substances and i have to multiply them. I'd like to it without doing several condition statements. …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

I'm trying to code a site similar to the coding on the bottom. I need help though I'm not sure if functions for php can work this way. I want to be able to use the function greeting in many different if else statements. How can i do this without …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

I'm trying to build a mortgage qualifying script for a company. My php code is working fine .. up until the if else statements. fyi I'm using wamp... heres the code. The code if very raw, i've only been working on it for a day or 2, but I can't …

Member Avatar for Insensus
Member Avatar for ppatryk

Hi, is it ok to use an if condition as a presence check, this is my code - [ICODE]if (textBox1 != null) { MessageBox.Show("Dont Leave Blank"); } else MessageBox.Show("Successfully added");[/ICODE] my code runs however no matter if there is text in textbox1 or if its left empty it shows "Dont …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for garber

[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { // Variable declarations allowing us to calculate string fullName; int weeklySalary; int weeks; string age; int option; int actualage; int earnings; double savingsPercentage; double percentage; int retirementage; double total; cout << "What is your name? "; getline(cin, fullName); cout << …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for JeanPhilippe

Hi, i'm trying to get something to work. I want to do a query with multiples "if not" conditions in a mysql query. This is working : SELECT * FROM table WHERE column!='value' This is not working : SELECT * FROM table WHERE column!='value' OR column2!='value' I've tried all kind …

Member Avatar for ifezuec
Member Avatar for DKDeath

Hello! I'm a beginner in the worl of C++. I'm building a program that acts as a launcher for a game. In it I have Start and Exit button. What I want the Start button to do is start an .exe with extra conditions: IP and Port. [CODE] if (nResponse …

Member Avatar for DKDeath
Member Avatar for iskinner

Thanks to some great help for my first ever post on this formum [ [URL="http://http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread346113.html"]Fetch a node based on a value of another node.[/URL]] I am now recursively traversing through my XML data where nodes are related to each other. Example XML [ICODE] <gedcom> <INDI ID="@I001@"> ... <FAMC>@F001@</FAMC> </INDI> <INDI …

Member Avatar for xamonix

Hi I'm trying to modify a Shipping module for an online shop but I'm not getting it to work...I want to put two options on that, if customer chooses first option he gets one price for the shipment if he chooses second option then he gets a different price. The …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for knan

D is a list containing some words. D=[word1,word2,word3......] E is a list containing combinations of any two words in D ... E=[(word1,word2),(word7,word1)....] How can I implement the following in python: [CODE]A0[x]=1 for all x in D # This is actually Ai. when i=0, it becomes A0 B0[x]=1 for all x …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for halil.burak

Salary Works Department for use in a workplace, employees' salaries and to calculate the income tax cuts, the minimum number of net salary payments using money to make and required a program to get some statistical information. For this program the following data will be entered for each employee in …

Member Avatar for halil.burak
Member Avatar for halil.burak
Member Avatar for Musing888

Using the following code I am trying to check the users input string (CAcodes) and checking each one individually by assigning each element in CAcodes to a list (CAcode). A for-loop checks the conditions to make sure that the conditions for each code are met. The main for-loop tests several …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Do you know that there is clean way of doing what C-language ternary operator ? does in Python's recent versions. It is if with special twist. The syntax is: [CODE]'The value if true' if <condition> else 'Value when false'[/CODE] Values can be any type. You can put this structure to …

Member Avatar for liamfriel

Hello I was helping a fellow daniwebber and I noticed that I have no idea if it is possible and how the syntax works for it. Any help appreciated. example of how I think it works. [CODE] function retTrue(){ return true; } //code in if if(retTrue()){ //do some php } …

Member Avatar for SikoSoft
Member Avatar for toocoded

Hello everyone, Im new here. I'm not new to web design but a bit new to PHP. I really need some help with this. I have an email script that sends a bunch of user choices to me. The choices ware one or more and are sent to the email …

Member Avatar for sourcez
Member Avatar for 6pandn21

Hello guys, I am trying to make a very simple booking system. The booking will be either for the current or the next year only. There are three fields; number of person, type of meal and date. In any particualr day and meal, the number of person can't exceed 100. …

Member Avatar for cascade3891

Hi all, Are multiple conditionals at once okay in Python?? So for example: [CODE]if self.combobox.GetValue()!="" [B][COLOR="Red"]and [/COLOR][/B]self.FilePathTextBox.GetValue()!="": [I][functions and objects go here] [functions and objects go here][/I] else: self.SetStatusText('error') [/CODE] Mainly a question on style ... I tried it on my program, and the program seems to work fine. Is …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

A belated word about last week's [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] fiasco, if I may. You might remember the company aroused all sorts of excitement when it changed its terms and conditions to allow itself rights in perpetuity to images on its servers. The BBC had a [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7897824.stm"]social media expert[/URL] in to explain how …


The End.