149 Topics

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Member Avatar for theashman88

I'm currently having an assignment that wants me to copy a select amount of files. More specifically files that are even using the cp command. The assignment is to copy files that start with cp and are even. This was my command at first `cp[24680]*` but it returned all files …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

I want to copy a folder full of folders to a backup on another disk. But if a duplicate filename already exists on the other disk, I want Windows to prompt to ask whether or not to replace the file for each file separately. Windows XP just gives me the …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for skyyadav

given int a[]= {3,2,7,6,8,1,4,5} vector<int> v(a,a+8) use the stl copy algorithm to display the last 5 integers in the vector to cout with each integer on a seperate line. copy takes three argument. third argument is output container. In this case it is v.but v already have 8 elemenst. How …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for DM Galaxy

I am in wonder. I just make a slideshow form and add the context menu strip as when the user click on download image then current image get copy and paste on the desktop. I use path and destination method in this but they say bitmap cannot be converted into …

Member Avatar for DM Galaxy
Member Avatar for Aldic

Dear All, I'm working on application in C# which needs to filter "blanks" in one column and copy some value from other column instead. Filtering works perfectly, but copying is not so cool.. It copies some lines, but rest left blank. I cant find out where is problem. If possible …

Member Avatar for minitauros

Someone just notified me that a new free online space provider has launched, called Copy. If you know Dropbox: it's pretty much similar to that for as far as I can see now, only here you get a starting **15GB** for free (instead of 2? at Dropbox). They now have …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for mahesh113

Hi, Please tell me in the following question why no copy constructor is called when fun returns the A object. While returning b and constructing c, there is no copy constructor called. Why?? #include<iostream> using namespace std; class A { public: A(){cout <<"Default\n";} A(const A&){ cout<<"copy\n"; } A fun(A a) …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for ngonix

Hello, I have a small issue with copying text from one textbox in main window to another textbox in an iframe. The code i have is as follows: index.html <html> ... \\JQuery Library Here \\JQuery Code <script> $(function() { $('#lastName').keyup(function() { var txtClone = $(this).val(); var rel = $("#listUnder").contents().find("#relationship option:selected").text(); …

Member Avatar for ngonix
Member Avatar for shark101

hey guys I need help with this I have no idea how to work this out please help me with like atleast the starting coding i am trying to google too but i cannot find any info on this. ***"char * copyString( const char * s ); copyString returns a …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for noobCode

Hello. Im new here. I have a question: I have this copy constructor here: /** Copy Constructor. * Since landscape is immutable in the scope of our project, you could * do a simple reference copy for it. * However, Fish and Plants are mutable, so those lists must be …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for ppstyle

Hi!I have a project with me which contains this html editor user control designed by someone else. I want to use this control in my project but I don't know how to copy it to my project. Please help me. Attached is the project from which I need to copy …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for kumar_g

Hi Freinds I am programmer in VB.net & wanted to make a software Well this is a common problem. Consider there are 2 friends A & B One day A requires an urgent document which is there in B's laptop But unfortunately B is out for some work & will …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for phfilly

Hi all! I just have a quick question about the execution of a copy constructor. This is the code i'm testing my work with as I'm busy learning for a test. Class file: Clock :: Clock (int h, int m, int s) { hr = h; min = m; sec …

Member Avatar for can-mohan
Member Avatar for celina1234

I am very new to programming language and need help urgently. I am running a program which gives me one output file for every 5 min simulation. i have to copy and rename the output file in each step so that they can be used in another program . Any …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to make a program that will copy text from an excel spreatsheet and place it in another using visualbasic.net not vba? Please Help

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Divinedar

I'm still having a problem with this. Can someone help? Let me explain a little more of what I need. Range("G3:G" & Cells(65536, "A").End(xlUp).Row).Select Selection.FormulaR1C1 = _ "=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(RC[-6],SUMMARY2!C[-6]:C,7,0)),35,VLOOKUP(RC[-6],SUMMARY2!C[-6]:C,7,0))" Sub Compare() Worksheets("SUMMARY2").Visible = True I'm still having a problem with this. Can someone help? Let me explain a little more of …

Member Avatar for wisuju

Please guy's how do I solve this question using pascal? just new here and in programming. Am using free pascal. In the given string of characters move all the letters to the beginning of the line, and digits to the end of the line. For example: the string "a13Bc1de2F G.! …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for DarkPyros

hey, this is an assignment for school, the total task of the program was to accept a string, print the an uppercase version ofthe same string, count the number of vowels in the string and finally copy the identified vowels to a seconday stringto be printed. i have pretty much …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for Alexkid

Hi there, I have an array of unsigned chars that hold hex values, I’m interested in values [5] and [6] of the array. Say [5] = 0x5b = 0101 1011 and [6] = 0x7b = 0111 1011 I'm trying to get all of [5] and the first half of [6], …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for ctrl-alt-del

Good evening all, Currently I am working on a program that will automate the backup/restore jobs at the place I work. The rough work has been done, but I am somewhat concerned about the possibility of massive IO operations due to the way my program works. Here is the scenario: …

Member Avatar for ctrl-alt-del
Member Avatar for zacharysr

Hello, i am making a keyboarding site for my class, and i have a div with some text inside, when they type, i want to check if the text matches the text in the div, if it dosn't, i wan't to update a box with an "error count". How can …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for tahirkhanafridi

I am getting Copying issue with my code, when i use only one single url it works but if i get multi url from explode function and call them it gives me an error please help me i have a problem in my copy() function let me show my code. …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for raj-uk

Please advice, how to writing code in php , only echo letter that between [ ] , like we are going to [uk] echo uk

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for caven.chunyen

Hi, I've got a set of folders with each contain many files. I need to extract a specific file extention(.sof) from each of these folders to a new directory(or the same directory in a new folder). Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Member Avatar for extension wpd
Member Avatar for jakubee

Given an Arrayl.ist that contains a list of Employee object references, describe two ways in which you could write code to make a copy of that ArrayL ist. (Hint: one way would be a shallow copy). Use code examples to illustrate your answer. Discuss the implications of each way you …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for piero.costa

Hi guys, I'm learning C and I still don't have some concepts very clear in my mind. I have to create a program that get the values from ARGV[] and puts into a vector: the program would work like that: ./program file1 file2 file3 My idea was to do something …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jumboora

Hi, I want to copy all the video files from one directory (source folder) to another directory (destination folder) which i have already done. Code is given below. Now i want to put some condition. For Example, I want to read first the text file (videoID.txt)in which all the video …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for astala27

Hi mates, How can I keep the result ready to paste in copy? I was trying to find this thing on Google but so far everthing is about to copy the physical address of the data :/ I need to copy the result, as an example imagine a calculator copy …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for jumboora

Hi, I am a newbie in C#. I am trying to read a text file line by line (each line has fixed length of 128 numerical values). Text file has more than 300 lines. Now i want to select and copy each line after 5 lines (i.e., interval = 5 …

Member Avatar for Cameronsmith63
Member Avatar for clarkcomputer

Office 2007 on a Windows 7 PC. A user has an intermittent problem where when she copies a cell with a formula in it, clipboard picks it up as text. Typically, if one pastes a copied cell with a formula it also puts the formula in the cell. Not always …

Member Avatar for dee101g

The End.