SCO vs. Linux Again--You've Got to be Kidding. Hardware and Software Networking by khess …." But noooo, Linux arch nemesis SCO with the inimitable Darl McBride at the helm is at it again. I am so… hit some tennis balls--it's time to retire. To Darl McBride: Darl, I'm sorry that you don't own Unix. It… SCO Doesn't Own UNIX - Someone Please Tell SCO Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess …illegal software. Today, SCO is in bankruptcy. SCO CEO, Darl McBride, still believes that SCO owns UNIX in some form. Novell… testimonies given by Senior SCO VP Chris Sontag and Darl McBride certainly doesn't help SCO's case. Sontag stated… there is. Someone needs to explain clearly to Mr. McBride that SCO doesn't own UNIX, never did, never… Go SCO Go. See SCO Go. Stop SCO Stop. Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess …) has to make in this case. SCO is in bankruptcy. Darl McBride is no longer CEO. They've lost every case involved… Re: SCO vs. Linux Again--You've Got to be Kidding. Hardware and Software Networking by shutslar … there for. If you had checked, you would know that Darl isn't at the helm of the company anymore. A… Re: SCO vs. Linux Again--You've Got to be Kidding. Hardware and Software Networking by khess Um, well, apparently the AP thinks he is the CEO when last they spoke is perhaps they who should get their facts straight. I wonder if Darl knows he isn't the CEO any more? Re: SCO vs. Linux Again--You've Got to be Kidding. Hardware and Software Networking by wpeckham Dude, You really should check GROKLAW and the history of the case before commenting. This is nothing new that SCO is instigating, just a decision (finally) on one of the issues that they brought to court. They are still toast, so chill! Re: SCO vs. Linux Again--You've Got to be Kidding. Hardware and Software Networking by khess Groklaw linked to my story. Re: SCO vs. Linux Again--You've Got to be Kidding. Hardware and Software Networking by khess It's actually a reversal of an earlier decision... Re: SCO vs. Linux Again--You've Got to be Kidding. Hardware and Software Networking by khess Here is the link, please contact the AP writer and let them know that their facts aren't straight. [url][/url] Re: SCO vs. Linux Again--You've Got to be Kidding. Hardware and Software Networking by NicAx64 OpenServer sucks ! nothing more tell about this thing. Re: The Late Great Mythical SCO Hardware and Software Networking by decentralist … legal ground than the RIAA, and SCO customers had alternatives. Darl is focused on a "More Mormon than thou"… Re: Go SCO Go. See SCO Go. Stop SCO Stop. Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by jameskatt Correction: SCO still owes Novell Millions of dollars in funds it stole from Novell rather than giving it to Novell as royalty payments. SCO is a strange beast - a company willing to kill itself by trolling lawsuits, to die at the bitter end trying to assert rights it never had. Hopefully, the bankruptcy court can come to its senses and finally … The Late Great Mythical SCO Hardware and Software Networking by khess OK, I can't resist this whole SCO thing, since it has again raised its ugly head. My [URL=""]previous post[/URL] on the subject the other day drew a lot of attention from a diverse gaggle of readers and commenters so I thought I'd go back to the well at least once more for good measure. Here's … Re: The Late Great Mythical SCO Hardware and Software Networking by mjeffer Not that I disagree because if they haven't proved it yet they aren't going to...but they never accused Linus of using UNIX code to build Linux.. They accused IBM of contributing it to the kernel long after Linux was already established. Granted it's still a bunch of BS, they were just looking for some deep pockets to attack.