13 Topics

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Member Avatar for neha05
Member Avatar for neha05
Member Avatar for Denmbithi

hi everyone i need your help, i ave a project where by i have to create a simple mortgage calculator. the problem is that i have to create a login frame where it will redirect me to the main frame which is the calculator.Could someone show me how to switch …

Member Avatar for Seldar
Member Avatar for ihatehippies

I made a simple ThreadManager class that receives tasks and spawns threads to complete the tasks. Currently it keeps all the threads alive until I explicitly set threadmgr.waiting=False and all of the tasks are complete. I'm trying to eliminate the need for the former. What I would prefer is that …

Member Avatar for ihatehippies
Member Avatar for saucy6969

Hi there, I am trying to create a socialbar using either Wibiya or Bumpin. Both looked great in Google Chrome. Bumpin's wont stay static in IE or Firefox which inturn covers the footer. I wrote their tech support for help...no response. Wibiya's went completely haywire in IE...split bits and pieces …

Member Avatar for RobotFX

So, here's the picture: page1 has, at the bottom of it, a frame loading page2. The question is: can use a javascript (how?) in page2, so when the page1 loads, it will focus to the frame loading page2? Thanks!

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for GatorAlli

I'm using Python, PyQt4, and QtWebKit to load a web page into a bare-bones browser to examine the data. However, there is a small issue. I'm trying to get the contents and src of every iframe on the loaded page. I'm using [B][I]webView.page().mainFrame().childFrames()[/I][/B] to get the frames. To problem is, …

Member Avatar for ivanwafoo

Hi guys Can I use HTML Frames with PHP? I presumed I can do this by.. <?php session_start(); require("auth.php"); require("do_html_header.php"); if($_SESSION['SESS_admin'] == 0) require("do_menu.php"); else require("do_menu3.php"); do_html_header(); print"<h1>Welcome ". $_SESSION['SESS_FIRST_NAME']."!</h1>"; do_menu(); ?> </body> <frameset rows="50%,50%"> <frame noresize="noresize" src="limits.php" /> <frame noresize="noresize" src="limits.php" /> </frameset> </html> I have put it everywhere …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for rajesh1158

I have a website whose homepage has 4 frames. 1 at top(horizontal) and 3 vertical below it. The middle vertical frame displays all the contents of pages when links in other frames are clicked. I have a link in top frame to logout the user when clicked. In this link's …

Member Avatar for rajesh1158
Member Avatar for kalpa23

c# ,webforms,vs2003, frames i have a web form that have two frames top frame and main frame and the top frame contains all the links to the pages wich is loaded in the main frame and lets say i have 2 web forms (webform1 & webform 2. my problem is …

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for brinegart

I want to focus back on the main page from an iFrame that is loaded as an element on the page. I am trying to make a toggle focus using CTRL to go between the two. I am using javascript to navigate the iFrame to different pages. Once the iFrame …

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for kjenkins591

I'm using basic HTML with framesets. Everything works fine in IE, but when I click on a link that has a frameset in Firefox, it shows a broken link. What's happening is that one of the slashes in the web addresses is switching from '/' to ''. [url]http://www.kjwebsite.com/Humor\HumorIndex.htm[/url]. Is there …

Member Avatar for Dandello
Member Avatar for crazzy_devil

i am soryy my english is very bad but ill try my best to explain.i need help with my c++ assignemnt urgently. i want to create a frame and fit in this histograph(attached) which i made with the help of the container, where the x-axsis is the number from like …

Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I would like to know if it's possible to specify the "target='FrameName'" in response.sendRedirect("Home.jsp") by any chance? I tried this: [CODE] <!-- Security Check --> <form action="Login" target="_top"> <% if ((String) request.getSession(false).getAttribute("sessionStatus") == null) { response.sendRedirect("Login?pageTimeout=yes"); } %> </form> <!-- Security Check --> [/CODE] But it doesn't work... The …

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The End.