Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Biiim … download zip, extract it and put that directory onto your ftp and require it in the file EDIT2: > All they… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Biiim … a text file so you can download it from the FTP. I found a similar situation you might try [mail-not… FTP SERVER Programming Software Development by sem.sabiduria Ftp Server Complete Source code Re: ftp-> quit fails with Bad file number error for some servers Programming Software Development by Comatose FTP uses two ports (typically 20 and 21). One of those … done sending the file (EOF). I've never used the ftp module, so I can't tell you where to fix… the file'll want to look at the ftp module's properties, or see if you can error trap… Re: FTP in HTTP Programming Web Development by ariez88 … the address bar of internet explorer we have written "ftp://localhost/san/" where san is the name of… some error stating "An error occured opening folder on FTP server.Make sure you have pernmission to access this folder…; in addition to it, we want to place data on FTP server being an administrator to use data for the entire… Re: ftp file using wildcard with Java Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ FTP supports a mget command which can be used for retrieving multiple files based on the passed in file name/pattern. Look into your FTP client documentation for such support. Ftp Programming Software Development by freesoft_2000 … Currently i am trying to connect to a site using ftp using the below method to upload a file [code] …URL url = new URL(";type=i"); URLConnection urlc…also a way i can just connect to a ftp site say without specifying the file name so … ftp Programming Software Development by morteza_ipo … is my code: [CODE] from ftplib import FTP ftp=FTP('','username','pass') a=ftp.dir('') [/CODE] after runnig : (Output) drwxrwxrwx 1 user…. I want to get files and folders with permissions from ftp and write these in file(a.txt)! please help me… Ftp Programming Software Development by freesoft_2000 HI everyone, Let's say when i connect to a ftp do i have to worry about something called type. I … say when connect to an ftp as such [code] URL url = new URL(""… type as such [code] URL url = new URL(";type=i"); [/code] Does… Re: Ftp Programming Software Development by jwenting … provided for that protocol. So you'll have to write FTP commands to that connection, and read the answers. The RFC… a lot), or you can scour the internet for an FTP library (which I know exists, though I don't have… Re: ftp Programming Software Development by nezachem There's an example at the top of paragraph 20.11 (ftplib) of python documentation. See how a callback is passed to retrbinary. You need a similar setup for your ftp.dir() - or better ftp.retrlines('LIST', callback). Re: ftp Programming Software Development by nezachem This is a documented behaviour. FTP.dir() returns None. However, it calls a callback function for each line of the transfer. The default callback prints lines to stdout. You need to provide your own callback. Re: Ftp Programming Software Development by jwenting … adding the 'i' flag may result in corruption as most ftp servers will transfer in text mode unless told otherwise. Re: Ftp Programming Software Development by freesoft_2000 Hi everyone, Sorry to ask this but what does a html file classify under the ftp protocol. image or ascii? Richard West Re: Ftp Programming Software Development by jwenting … transfer to ensure no data is lost (this is transparent). FTP was originally created to transport only text data, and if… Re: Ftp Programming Web Development by petr.pavel …URL that contains username and password looks like this: [icode][/icode] [*] To assign …privileges to an FTP account (e.g. to have access to a single…to use your webhosting control panel. Or edit your FTP server's configuration, in case you're running your… Re: FTP Help Programming Software Development by Momerath I don't have an FTP server to test with so I'm kinda flying blind …here, but you tried [I]WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory[/I] and [I]WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectoryDetails[/I]? If you do, can you… are also plenty of projects on the net for an FTP client written in C# (they use Sockets instead of FtpWebRequest… Ftp Programming Software Development by vinutha1309 … file feature also without using Internet i am trying through FTP .In control Panel from adminstrative tools i opened IIS in… that default FTP->properties->security accounts there is a default password… FTP Help Programming Software Development by darkelflemurian … following. I'm creating an specific program to upload to FTP on C#. That works perfectly. My problem is that i… some code on how to get specifically folders on the FTP and not any other file. I want to put that… Re: FTP Help Programming Web Development by stymiee How about you use [url=]PHP's FTP functions[/url] to write some code and if you have any problems post your code and ask specific questions? We're happy to help you but we're not here to do your work for you. Ftp? Programming Software Development by Nasimov Hello, I need to make a FTP class to upload some info onto the net. I would appreciate any links to tutorials or examples. Thanks. Re: Ftp? Programming Software Development by infamous i wrote an ftp library, found here: [url][/url] look halfway down page or so, feel free to modify/use it as u plz. Ftp Programming Software Development by freesoft_2000 Hi everyone, I need to ask a very broad based question about the JAVA Authenticator class. Is this class only meant to be used for authentication for the Http internet protocols or it can also apply to Ftp internet protocols and Https internet protocols?? Any help is greatly appreciated Yours Sincerely Richard West Ftp Programming Software Development by michael.ngobeni Hi guys, I have an ftp server that I need to copy files from. The files are big, so i need to compress them first before i can download them. How do I do this in I can see all the directories and files using and, but I just need to compress those files and download the to my local machine Thanks advance FTP Help Programming Web Development by Pro2000 Hello, Can you give me the code wich shows me the files and folders in the current folder by FTP? THanks. Ftp Programming Web Development by Cente I need help I want to develop in php code to redirect the browser to one specific folder (FTP) using password upon login in that folder only that folder they can access. Re: FTP SERVER Programming Software Development by tinstaafl …%3Aofficial&sclient=psy-ab&q=ftp+server+source+code+vb6&oq=ftp+server+source+code+vb6&gs_l=serp… FTP Client / Server using RMI Programming Software Development by lwinn213 …COLOR] System.out.println ([COLOR=red]"Attempt to create FTP object..."[/COLOR]); InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); [COLOR=darkgreen… re) [COLOR=navy]{[/COLOR] System.out.println([COLOR=red]"FTP RemoteException Error: "[/COLOR] + re.getMessage()); [COLOR=navy]}[/COLOR… Re: FTP Client / Server using RMI Programming Software Development by lwinn213 … created..."); System.out.println("Registering FTP Server with RMI Naming service..."); String … RMI registry"); host = "Bindings Finished. FTP Server hostname is : " + hostName; System.… = SERVER_PORT;[/LEFT] [LEFT] port = "Waiting for FTP Client requests on port "+ portListen + " ..."… Ftp error c++ (Using external .h file) Programming Software Development by ashesh1708 …,remoteFilename); if (success != true) { printf("%s\n",ftp.lastErrorText()); return; } ftp.Disconnect(); printf("File Uploaded!\n"); } But when…