Re: Opengl, java background color rendering problem Programming Game Development by rproffitt Is this the old Blinding Flash issue? Hack or workaround possible at Nehe Tutorial Problem: AVI Video in openGL Programming Game Development by kharri5 … out lesson 35 of the NeHe tutorial: [url][/url] Well I… appreciate it greatly. I tried to post this on the forums, but I can see that those forums are… Re: Nehe Tutorial Problem: AVI Video in openGL Programming Game Development by ~s.o.s~ … source code of the tutorial from [URL=""]here[/URL] and… Re: Nehe Tutorial Problem: AVI Video in openGL Programming Game Development by kharri5 First of all Thank you a million times over for responding to me. I began to think no one cared at all about my trouble I downloaded and ran the zip that Jeff Molofee(NeHe) gives on that I both ran the exe and I ran it from within VC++ It still gave me the same error each time, so I know its not discrepency in code at least...Did it … Re: Nehe Tutorial Problem: AVI Video in openGL Programming Game Development by John A [quote]I began to think no one cared at all about my trouble[/quote] Don't think that way; after all, this is DaniWeb! :D Well, you've obviously narrowed it down to the codecs (definitely not your code), thanks to ~s.o.s~. My guess is that you're missing some sort of DLL file. Could you possibly be missing msvfw32.dll? If you are, you may want to … Re: Nehe Tutorial Problem: AVI Video in openGL Programming Game Development by kharri5 You are right. Daniweb is one of the best online communities of which I've been a part. So I do have msvfw32.dll it is in my windows/system32 folder. Did a search for it to make sure. It cannot be that then. Any other suggestions perhaps? I have to try to test this code again on another computer so that I know whether or not it is my computer … Re: Nehe Tutorial Problem: AVI Video in openGL Programming Game Development by ~s.o.s~ Does the executable run well on your computer.. ? Re: Nehe Tutorial Problem: AVI Video in openGL Programming Game Development by ~s.o.s~ From an extract on NeHe's site: [QUOTE]All you need to know is that you MUST include the vfw.h header file and you must link to the vfw32.lib library file[/QUOTE] Do you have the header as well as the library file on your computer... ? Re: Nehe Tutorial Problem: AVI Video in openGL Programming Game Development by John A [quote=~s.o.s~;305088]Does the executable run well on your computer.. ?[/quote] Yes, I believe he said that the executable downloaded from NeHe's site failed also: [quote=kharri5;304850]I both ran the exe and I ran it from within VC++ It still gave me the same error each time, so I know its not discrepency in code at least...Did it work for you?[/… Re: Nehe Tutorial Problem: AVI Video in openGL Programming Game Development by ~s.o.s~ Well the reason I asked was that I can't seem to find the lib file on my computer so I thought that it might be the problem. But yes you are right, without the library file the code might not have got compiled and I guess he did mention that his code compiled... I didn't know that his executable is not working -- if that is the case then it surely… Re: Nehe Tutorial Problem: AVI Video in openGL Programming Game Development by kharri5 [QUOTE=~s.o.s~;305368] [B]Kharri[/B], the only problem I can think of, as [B]Joey[/B] has already mentioned is that of the missing DLL. Check your Windows folder to see if the file msvfw32.dll is present or not, since its present in my case....[/QUOTE] Well as I did say before I do have the msvfw32.dll in my Windows/system32 folder. I havea … Re: Nehe Tutorial Problem: AVI Video in openGL Programming Game Development by ~s.o.s~ It really is strange since you are able to play AVI files on your computer. ( are you ? ) If not then I can't think of putting the blame on anyone other than the missing codecs... Re: Nehe Tutorial Problem: AVI Video in openGL Programming Game Development by kharri5 Yes, I am thinking it has to be the codec. Vid card update had no effect. The face2.avi does not play on my comptuer if I just play it in windows media player. It uses Cinepak Codec(which I found out at school where it does play) which is a codec that works with Video for Windows specifically. I did not know this until yesterday at closer … Re: Nehe Tutorial Problem: AVI Video in openGL Programming Game Development by kharri5 I definitely narrowed it to the codec being the trouble! For future posters and readers of this, if you have trouble with the video not grabbing the frame and everything else compiles and runs. It is definitely the codec that is your trouble. I got one to work by doing a playblast from Maya using the Intel Indeo 5.1 codec as the compression for … Re: Nehe Tutorial Problem: AVI Video in openGL Programming Game Development by ~s.o.s~ I don't know a lot about codecs, maybe [B]Joey[/B] would have something enlightning to say on this, but just a recommendation -- try [URL=""]VLC player[/URL]. Most of the people on the internet recommend since it comes packaged with all the codecs required to play most of the type of video files. Uninstall all… Re: Nehe Tutorial Problem: AVI Video in openGL Programming Game Development by John A [quote=~s.o.s~;305806]I don't know a lot about codecs, maybe [B]Joey[/B] would have something enlightning to say on this, but just a recommendation -- try [URL=""]VLC player[/URL]. Most of the people on the internet recommend since it comes packaged with all the codecs required to play most of the type of video… OpenGL application, CreateWindowEx() is failing Programming Software Development by death_oclock ….wParam; }[/CODE] The tutorial is here: [URL=""]http://nehe…[/URL] I can'… tree container Programming Software Development by kawafis44 … standard containers of C++. I found [this site]( and I'd like to…; #include <string> //source of tree.h: // #include "tree.h"… Racing game /w collision detection Programming Game Development by Hidden_mistakes … code/website ([URL=""][/URL… OpenGL Game Programming book Programming Game Development by nwhitfield I'm thinking about buying a opengl game programming book that looks pretty good, but its dated at being published at 2001. If you know anything about this book just please post. Thanks. Here's link to the book. Check it out. [URL=""][/URL] Re: OpenGL Game Programming book Programming Game Development by mike_2000_17 Well it looks like a good book, and gamedev is a good source for openGL game programming. Consider first …going through the [URL=""]NeHe Tutorials[/URL], that's a great start… How to make a character jump Programming Software Development by sandorlev … looking for some help. I made a [thread](…/) at, which contains some code. I appreciate the reading, and… I would like some assistance with my diamond square algorithm Programming Software Development by Martin_22 … from the older algorithm was taken from a question on [gamedev stack][8] but I can't find the question/answer…]: [8]: Re: Racing game /w collision detection Programming Game Development by 0x69 … collision detection method. What you didn't understood in that gamedev code exactly ? Ok. If you want even MORE simple collision… Re: How to make a character jump Programming Software Development by 3e0jUn …'m looking for some help. I made a thread at, which contains some code. I appreciate the reading, and… Problem getting SDL to work with Dev-C++ Programming Software Development by Dragon Master …] Error 1[/COLOR] I followed these instructions: [url][/url… Programming Resources Programming Computer Science by Iron_Cross …]Game Programming / Graphics / AI Programming[/b] [list] [*] [url][/url] (game programming) [*] [url]… Programming Resources (Updated 21-July-05 ) Programming Computer Science by Iron_Cross …]Game Programming / Graphics / AI Programming[/b] [list] [*] [url][/url] (game programming) [*] [url]… Online video tutorial of C++ !!! Programming Software Development by JoBe … it belonged here ;) A while back I was browsing the GameDev forums and I found this thread in wich someone announced… Simple script parser - how to ? Programming Software Development by MaestroS … for own script language for games. I found one on [polish site], but I can't stick together all…