Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by m_624 …you may observe wider vertical lines on a square grid due to the nature of the algorithm. This phenomenon … because the vertical lines represent intersections of rays with grid cells, and depending on the angle and distance of… the rays, they may intersect multiple grid cells horizontally, resulting in wider lines compared to the… RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by cambalinho …HorizY = (fix(player.PosY / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) + ObjectSize ' Calculate grid position HorizX = player.PosX + (HorizY - player.PosY) / Math.Tan(RayRadians…VertX = (fix(Player.PosX / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) + ObjectSize ' Calculate grid position VertY = Player.PosY + (Player.PosX - VertX) * -Math.Tan(… Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by rproffitt When I work such an issue I set the breakpoint where the trouble is and examine variables. There's some variable that controls the output so that's what you look at. You've posted a lot about ray-tracing and that's all good but setting breakpoints to see what's going on seems to be the challenge. Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by cambalinho debug print line height: Line Height : 1452 Line Height : 1441 Line Height : 1430 Line Height : 1419 Line Height : 1407 Line Height : 1397 Line Height : 1386 Line Height : 1375 Line Height : 1364 Line Height : 1353 Line Height : 1342 Line Height : 1331 Line Height : 1321… Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by cambalinho i can see: 1 - maybe some are too much height(but they are converted to 300 of max); 2 - on some they are repeated... and maybe the problem is there... i can save the previous Height for test the actual Height.... but i see a problem: if i avoid them, i can lose some height, unless i continue add angle and don't count the rays ;) ... but maybe i… Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by cambalinho will be rounded numbers problem or something? yes i'm testing more, but no success :( Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by cambalinho maybe you have right... but, for now, i don't understand why and where i'm fail :( i'm learning from: theres several tutorials, but not all are so good :( Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by cambalinho yes i must test more... and, like you see, that vertical bar have another color.... that means the code problem can be here: 'Get the horizontal Ray Distance: HorizDist = Math.Abs((player.PosX - HorizX) / Math.Cos(RayRadians)) 'Get the vertical Ray Distance: VertDist = Math.Abs((Player.PosX - VertX) … Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by cambalinho what make me more crazy is that i'm using a code, converted and works, from VB6 lol VB2010- why i get a different vertical size\color on RayCasting? Programming Software Development by cambalinho …HorizY = (Fix(player.PosY / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) + ObjectSize ' Calculate grid position HorizX = player.PosX + (HorizY - player.PosY) / Math.Tan(RayRadians…VertX = (Fix(Player.PosX / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) + ObjectSize ' Calculate grid position VertY = player.PosY + (player.PosX - VertX) * -Math.Tan(… How Build video-player in html And css ? Programming by Kirubel_2 … style="color: aqua;"> <div class="grid"> <div class="card"> <… Re: How to disable the automatic swipe effect on the product page? Programming Web Development by Dani …-thumb", { slidesPerView: "2", spaceBetween: 0, grid: { rows: 2, }, autoplay: { delay: 1500, }, pagination: { el… Re: How Build video-player in html And css ? Programming by Kirubel_2 body{ /* background: url(../img/w11.png); */ background: url(../img/m.jpg); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 101vh; overflow-y: hidden; } .container button{ background: transparent; … Re: Grid Programming Software Development by bruceraymond … a database and I know that's not typical for grid objects. Data comes in from a measurement, I perform some… need to be able to present the results in a grid. The data are in memory, so there's no need… I know it's possible to perform the grid update quickly. The database/grid objects seem to have many more bells and… Grid Programming Software Development by bruceraymond … trying to display a large amount of data in a grid (~26,000 cells) under C#/VS2005. I'm looking for… display vehicle. I had been using SourceGrid. However, the basic grid was too slow. I switched to SourceGrid/ArrayGrid which is… that's too slow. I am hoping to find a grid object in VS2005 that is lightweight and fast. I'm… grid Programming Web Development by vankysrox i m using gridview on ma page.aspx and in gridview i m using hyperlink that contain mem_id and open new window and show the record acc. to that mem_id but the problem is that when i close the 2nd window...grid of sender page get invisible and what i want i remain visible to see multiple records just click on that hyperlink Grid & RadioButtons Programming Software Development by slasel …height=3,command=hint) Hint.grid(row=6,column=0) …) Pol1.image=pol1 Pol1.grid(row=5) ############################################################################## global … Re: Grid operations Programming Software Development by vegaseat … of row_lists ... [code=python]# forming a matrix/grid ... class Grid(object): """Grid class with a width, height"""…; def __init__(self, width, height): #self.grid = [] self.width = width self.height = height def new_grid(self): "… Re: Grid operations Programming Software Development by tillaart36 … have this: [code] # Create a Python spatial grid. class Grid(object): """Grid class with a width, height"""…; def __init__(self, width, height): self.grid = [] self.width = width self.height = height def new_grid(self): "… Re: Grid operations Programming Software Development by tillaart36 …, length""" def __init__(self, width, height): self.grid = [] self.width = width self.height = height #self.length = width * … y in range(height): col.append(Cell(x, y, self.grid)) self.grid.append(col) def setItem(self, x, y, val): self… Grid not displaying Programming Web Development by Samyx …quot;text/css" href="./dojox/grid/resources/Grid.css" /> <link rel…type="text/css" href="./dojox/grid/resources/claroGrid.css" /> <script…javascript"> dojo.require("dojox.grid.DataGrid"); dojo.require("… Re: Grid not displaying Programming Web Development by Samyx …type="text/css" href="./dojox/grid/resources/Grid.css" /> <link rel=&…; type="text/css" href="./dojox/grid/resources/claroGrid.css" /> <script>…text/javascript"> dojo.require("dojox.grid.DataGrid"); dojo.require("… Re: Grid not displaying Programming Web Development by Samyx … not the data. I wonder were in the code the grid display get interrupted. Maybe I should had called the resource… files in a different order. Maybe the call to the grid should come after the graph. I am not sure...I… it still displays the same thing (only the graphs and grid header). When I take a look at the code using… Grid operations Programming Software Development by tillaart36 …] import wx import wx.grid class TestTable(wx.grid.PyGridTableBase): def __init__(self): wx.grid.PyGridTableBase.__init__(self) self.…, None, title="Grid Table", size=(500,200)) grid = wx.grid.Grid(self) table = TestTable() grid.SetTable(table, True)… Re: Grid not displaying Programming Web Development by LastMitch …when you run the code? This is the Grid Code: <script type="text/javascript…data.ItemFileReadStore( { data:query99} ); var grid = dijit.byId("query99"); grid.setStore(dataStore); }); </script> …type="text/css" href="./dojox/grid/resources/Grid.css" /> To this: <… Re: Grid operations Programming Software Development by tillaart36 …file that can be seen as another grid. This way the program should be able… to make a new grid ánd to read a grid that is imported (or loaded…still use the old methods of the Grid class like getting a value from this…load = classmethod(load) [/code] ----------------------------------- [code] grid = Grid.load("test.csv") print… Re: Grid not displaying Programming Web Development by Samyx Sorry...Everything works but the part that displays the grid, it displays the headers for the grid but not the data. It is connected to the database.The graph is connected to the database and display with no problems, just the grid doesnt. How to arrange muliple grid in WPF technology Programming by sanjay.vaniya <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinations> <RowDefinations></…<RowDefinations></RowDefinations> </Grid.RowDefinations> <Grid.ColumnDefinations> <ColumnDefinations></ColumdDefinations&…lt;ColumnDefinations></ColumdDefinations> <Grid.ColumnDefinations> <Grid> </Grid> </Grid> Grid maker Programming Software Development by hovestar …alphabetically I have the code that creates the grid, but I have no idea how I… Here is the code that crates the grid: [CODE] def grid(): y = 5 #int(raw_input("How… tall do you want the grid to be?" "(type a to …5 #int(raw_input("How long do you want the grid to be?")) a = ''' _____z | |w |… Re: Grid operations Programming Software Development by Gribouillis … of this class [url][/url], I suppose you can use directly…