899 Topics
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**BUTTON SAVE** Private Sub Button12_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button12.Click get_kon() Dim simpan As SqlClient.SqlTransaction = kon.BeginTransaction Dim command As SqlClient.SqlCommand = kon.CreateCommand bersih() Try With command .CommandText = "InputAnalis5C" .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure .Connection = kon .Transaction = simpan .Parameters.Add("@NONAS", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 12).Value = TextBox1.Text .Parameters.Add("@NAMA", SqlDbType.NVarChar, … | |
Hi, guys this is phpmyadmin search page, for example i want to search keyword1 in few tables that already selected http://freakimage.com/images/525phpmyadmin_search_page.jpg then its go to the result page http://freakimage.com/images/248phpmyadmin_result_page.jpg now how to get back to search page again, that already have the few tables selected? i try push Back button … | |
Hello. There is a button in the page when i click it, a div will appear or disappear by toggling to the left and right. I want when the page loaded, user can only see the button and have to click to appear the dive. But the problem is that … | |
Hello, could you help me to make the submit button work! Thank you so much! <?php class XooWooCommerce { /** * Edited by HTC */ function show_my_schedule() { global $wpdb, $current_user, $xoouserultra; $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $sql = 'SELECT `id`, `member` FROM ab_staff WHERE `wp_user_id` = "' . (int)$user_id. '"'; $msgs … | |
I have a tkinter app that has 2 frames. The frame on the left has a bunch of buttons and the frame on the right has a text widget. I use the create_buttons function below to make the buttons. Is there a way to have the button stay sunken when … | |
i have a tool strip button for bookmarks like the one in Mozilla fire fox or google chrome, i can add button and i can click it but i cant remove it , because that i added context menu to the tool strip with remove, so i want the code … | |
A THOUSAND apologies if this question has been asked time and time again. Google gave no results and Jeeves is retired so I come looking for help in the best programming forum around. [code=csharp]private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { pictureBox1.ImageLocation=??????????? }[/code] My question is fairly simple, what do I … | |
I have Button A and Button B. How to make Button A, same with action like Button B ? For example , if I click Button A , it will do calculation x = 1 + 1 . Button B also will do that if I click at somewhere else. … | |
Hello,I've a gridview control and inside a cell, i've put 3 radiobuttons under a same group. I'm not able to get which radio button is selected through checked property. As checked property is giving false always, when i check it with breakpoint. How can i get a the selected value … | |
I'm trying to make a program that removes all occurences of a specified string from a text file. I'm having trouble with tying in everything to make it work, so that the user is prompted to enter a string. This is what I've got: import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; … | |
In my project i have a problem is: Without clicking browse button we have to get name using <input type="file"> any body help me to clear this one <img src="<?php echo $image; ?>" style="width:190px; height:150px;" /> <input type="file" name="userfile" id="userfile" value="<?php echo "Penguins.jpg"; ?>"> i am not getting the userfile | |
Hello. This is probably something very simple that I am missing (Or something that I have done wrong), but upon filling in and validating all fields of the form and pressing the "Register" button nothing happens; Usually the page would reload as if the form had been submitted. The code … | |
Hello there. Currently, I am trying to develop a graphical number guessing game in JAVA. This is my first project in java. Here is an insight in the application: When the application is first opened, a random number (1-100) is assigned to a variable. When the user enters their guess … | |
Hello everyone, Have a code that works well but I need it to open to the right on hover. Right now its going below the element and making my page look bad. Here is the code i have: <style type="text/css"> .hide_img3 { display: none; } .hide_img3 { background: none repeat … | |
I'm currently using this code to restart app with admin rights. // If application can not write to path, alert user. if (!pathiswritable) { if (MessageBox.Show("The application cannot use the current location\nRestart as administrator?", "Need elevation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes) { Exit(ExitError.NOT_WRITABLE_USER); } ProcessStartInfo SelfProc = new ProcessStartInfo { UseShellExecute = … | |
Hello, I am experimenting with implementing jQuery to validate my form (I hired a programmer one year ago to do this but it seems she made a mess of it so I am attempting to rebuild it.) I have multiple fields in my form and I wish many of them … | |
--Hi Daniweb. 1st of all I apologize if I'm asking this Qn. in a wrong place,but as I came across this subject while I'm doying PhP code and so I thought I'd share it here as I hope someone may be came across the same scenario as I have. The … | |
How does a person go about adding an item to a queue within a gui? I have a textarea and a textfield. | |
Hi Dan, i am looking for something where i click on the button and the excel sheet opens. i have created buttons on the VB excel but i am looking for the coding about how should i link the excel sheet with the command button? please can you help? regards, … | |
Hi, I wonder if it is possible to put a "Twitter Follow Button" on a windows form application? Usually I have this code on a ASP.net webform. <a href="https://twitter.com/_TwitterName" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false" data-show-screen-name="false"></a><script> !function (d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (!d.getElementById(id)) { js = d.createElement(s); js.id = … | |
Any body help me But i am not getting values when clicking button "getValue" my code is <html> <head> <title>jQuery add / remove textbox example</title> <script src="jquery.min.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> div{ padding:8px; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>jQuery add / remove textbox example</h1> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var max_fields = 10; //maximum … | |
Hello everyone im working on like button which im a little confuzed with my problem i have this sql and im only able to like the tickets which are in my account $sql = "UPDATE `kladilnica` SET Liked = Liked+1 WHERE ticket_id = '".$like."' AND Username = '".$user."'"; but without … | |
hi guys i've written an bare OS and now im trying to go a little furthur and create a very simple GUI for it . but i have no idea how to create such a thing . my os is running in text_mode though i can change to some other … | |
I have a few picture in My.Resources in Vb.Net and I need a next and previous button to change the image . someone help me :) | |
Hi, I build a login form and want when user click on submit button then other form show. I also add new form by file->add->new project I use the name of 2nd form which is (welcom.vb) in the coding of submit. the coding of submit button is Public Class Form1 … | |
Hi Guys! I have the following code: <?php session_start(); include_once("config.php"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>View shopping cart</title> <link href="style/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></head> <body> <br> <div id="books-wrapper"> <!-- #content to center the menu --> <div id="content"> <!-- This is the actual menu --> <ul id="darkmenu"> <li><a … | |
Hi guys, good day! I have a question here pertaining to Visual C++ graphics based. I recently started out incorporating GUI into my C++ programs, in this case, a calculator. I have a textbox named TextBox1, the user enters the numbers and operators inside it, and when the button is … | |
I recently posted a code sample to rosettacode on the "8th" section there, for the '24 game'. The code is also present as well as some discussion on the 8th forum, here: http://8th-dev.com/forum/index.php/topic,294.0.html It shows some interesting techniques that are 8th-specific, like restricting the user's access to the underlying interpreter … | |
hi guys, i have start working with C#, i m making a simple application for my office, i m using mysql database. my question is i want to make a record navigation button like: Next, Previous ..... kindly guide me how to make this. i m using mysql database with … | |
hi guys, i have start working with C#, i m making a simple application for my office, i m using mysql database. my question is i want to make a record navigation button like: Next, Previous ..... kindly guide me how to make this. i m using mysql database with … |
The End.