3,760 Topics
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Hey, I'm having a problem with an if statement. I want to check if variable key and id are the same. They are both strings and when I print them to screen they certainly look the same. However when using them within an if statement it always returns false. Here … | |
Hi, My project requires, autosuggest textbox in jsp/servlets/javascript where we retrieve data from database(oracle). Thank u, Sridhar. | |
i need to write a program which gets the entire data when i click a link in aweb page into exel sheet or into an another web page eg: i have a link ,when i click that link i get a list of names having address ,i need to get … | |
Hi, Im trying to modify user information on my site.for this im using java and jsp.when the user enters id,his info stored in db is to be retrieved and displayed in corresponding textboxes. I know how to access db but dont know how to put the value retrieved into textboxes … | |
Hi, I'm quite new to Jsp. The web server is Tomcat 6 and I have a Jsp page that uses a servlet as following code shows. [ICODE]<form name='uploadSO' method='post' encType='multipart/form-data' action='UploadUnConfirmedSOServlet' > <table width .....[/ICODE] The Jsp page is located under a folder called "Shipper" under my application's root directory: … | |
hi i got a problem while running a jsp file from one pc in another pc,that jsp file contains hyper link to another file when i gave [url]http://pc55/index.jsp[/url] in pc say 56 lan connection is there index page is displying but the hyper link in that page not executing please … | |
Hi I am not much experienced in JSP. I am facing one problem while printing a XML String on the screen. Code snippet -> String result = ab.returnResult(); result is returning a XML String..Suppose <A>123</A><B>SIR</B><C>21</C> I am printing -> <tr><td><%= result %></td></tr> I am getting 123SIR21 as output in the … | |
Sir/Madam My website has three pages. The first page is a Login Page in which all the validation takes place and if the user is a valid one it directs it to the second page. In the second page i have given a link to the third page where onload … | |
Hi, I am tryin to insert values entered by user into oracle db.I am using jsp and java beans for this.request.getParameter() works fine for string parameters but what should i use for fields such as date?..thx | |
Hey, I have a primary JSP which inlcudes a secondary JSP which is dynamic. How do I pass parameters FROM the secondary JSP back the PRIMARY JSP not the other way around? For example I have a page which displays the output from a database. The first page is just … | |
Can anyone tell me the code to refresh a JSP page onload...? <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1"> I have used this code and this keeps on refreshing the page every second. But i just want it once...Pls help me...? | |
Hi! [QUOTE] Date now = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() ); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss" ); String snow=sdf.format( now ); out.println( snow );[/QUOTE] prints [QUOTE]07/02/2008 03:22:32[/QUOTE] but when I'm trying to send a query involving 'now' string that contains the datetime, I get this on the sql database [QUOTE] … | |
![]() | Hi. I have a little problem. i tries to connect to a datasource defined in Tomcat context. But when i run the jsp page i got an error telling that the driver i not found. I'm using the mysql jar 5.0.x whitch i have placed under Catalina common lib folder … ![]() |
Hi I have built a web site using Struts/Tiles... in one of the tiles i got iframe in which I load a XML file from the server like this <iframe name="showXml" frameborder="no" src="filename.xml" width="100%" height="100%" ></iframe> the problem is that after I'm updating the file in other Tile (and the … | |
I'm having problems performing math in JSP. I have a line: double percentage = (useful / nonuseful) * 100; which is giving me an error, how do I fix this? Thanks | |
Hello everyone...i am new to this community, and also a first time user of jsp... I have to complete, and make some modifications in a particular project (made by someone else), which has been made in JSP. I have to add a textbox, followed by a button (with the label … | |
hello I am a BE computer student and needed information for my BE project. The project is as follows We are developing a web application for a company. This involves setting up a wi-fi hotpot for the company. So whenever a user enters the wi-fi area , he should be … ![]() | |
Hi i know hw to read the textfile using filereader and stringtokenizer used to split the data into token,now i want to know hw to assign the readed value into vector and display it in to the jsp. anybody can help me. thankyou [code=JAVA]import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import … ![]() | |
i don't know how to discuss it clearly but i'll try.. my problem is when my index page loads, the current value of my variable year is null.. so it displays the word null.. ahm, only if i click the submit button that's the time that a value is inserted … ![]() | |
Hi, I am using a simple code to retrieve values from database. but i am getting error while i retreive an Integer value on line number 3 , 4 5. [CODE] <% line1 while(rs.next()){ line2 String productname = rs.getString(1); line3 int productprice = rs.getInteger(2); line4 int cartid =rs.getInteger(3); line5 int … | |
hi, im making login page using jsp.user names and password entered are matched wit the db. have placed db connection code in a java classlogin.java...The directory path is webapps->myfolder->all jsp and html files webapps->myfolder->WEB-INF->classes->test->login.java I entered the url in browser also perfectly fine..[url]http://localhost:8085/myfolder/mainpage.jsp[/url] i set the PATH and CLASSPATH variables … | |
I am doing the following process using forms and javabeans: 1. User enter data using a HTML form 2. The form is submiited to form handler for validation using Java bean. 3. If validation is ok data will be inserted into the appropriate table. When tested data entry and validation … | |
How can hide the menu bar ,address bar with javascript in ie7.i have the code and used in ie6 but it doesn't work in ie7 | |
I've got this code which seems right but I keep getting: An error occurred at line: 19 in the jsp file: /viewFAQ.jsp Syntax error, insert "AssignmentOperator Expression" to complete Assignment where the lines involved are: [code] 16: String key = request.getParameter("edit"); 17: ResultSet columns1 = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Questions WHERE … | |
hello friends,I want to use simple Java Beans in Struts Architecture..can we use simple beans with struts? | |
Please take a lot at this. Tomcat is reporting the variable editQuestion cannot be resolved. [code] <% String key = request.getParameter("edit"); ResultSet columns1 = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Questions WHERE ID ="+ key +""); while(columns1.next()) { String editid = columns1.getString("ID"); String editQuestion = columns1.getString("Question"); String editAnswer = columns1.getString("Answer"); String editUpdated = … | |
hi friends, I want to create a chart (pie,linear) and bar diagrams for my project in struts.Anyone knows about this,please help me.Thanks in advance | |
Hi Friends, I want a dummy JSP/Servlet project for Study. Please help me out for this. Thanks and regards, Shrish | |
For whatever reason my jsp won't open in excel, it just keeps rendering in the browser. have a look, seems straightforward enough, any thoughts would be appreciated. thx Mike [CODE]<%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" %> <%@ page import="com.****.*****.bsc.bo.*"%> <%@ page contentType="application/vnd.ms-excel" %> <% response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"bsc.xls\""); %> <%ArrayList al = (ArrayList)request.getAttribute("METRICVALUES");%> … |
The End.