3,760 Topics
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When i click hlink in index.jsp , showing null.. and so the output shd be helloworld. i use netbeans 6.9. initservlet.java: public class initservlet extends HttpServlet implements ServletContextListener { public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) { ServletContext con=sce.getServletContext(); try{ System.out.println("Hello world"); con.setAttribute("p",con.getInitParameter("print"));// setting context attribute here... }catch(Exception e) { con.log("Error occured",e);}// throw … | |
Sir I get the following problem in my code that is-- The method getPart(String) is undefined for the type HttpServletRequest my servlet code is: package Servlet; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.annotation.MultipartConfig; import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; … | |
While compiling the error is build failed; I want to access the listofdvd.txt as getInitparameter using servletcontext and to setAttribute dvdlist in initservlet. Meanwhile also i need to getattribute the dvdlist in listdvdservlet.java; # Somebody help me in this case.. # initservlet.java: public class initservlet implements ServletContextListener { ServletContext sc; … | |
Hi I could get my session values in my jsp, now I want to compare the session value whether it matches the textbox, if it matches, it will redirect the user to another page else it will remain the same page, I am not sure how to proceed, please help … | |
hello I am working with the daniwebjsptutorial the first one. I have a src and in it I have the resource.dir. I have the HttpServlet.jar there. I do not know how to get the LoginServlet class to find it using eclipse. Is there a standard entry point for the web … | |
It has been about a year since I have even looked at code. I have written a few db desktop apps and I am beginning to learn the db web app. I am looking for advice. I had a hard time running apps I built in the netbeans environment as … | |
i have a page with this code <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:h="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/html" xmlns:f="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/core"> <h:head> <title>Facelet Title</title> </h:head> <h:body> <h:outputText value="#{pros.handleIpn(request)}"/> </h:body> </html> and althought i can access this page throught internet ip:8084/path to the page when i insert this page … | |
I have an instance of Tomcat 7.0.32 installed. The server.xml is configured to use clientAuth="want" in the Connector. I have a Context that has a docBase set to be a network share. This particular Context I want the user to be authenticated before they can access it, otherwise I want … | |
There is a project i am working on its a social networking between chilldren teacher and parents .I want to restrict typ of user to these three only.Do u guys have any idea how to initiate. | |
hi i want to start developing web page using jsp in netbeans ide | |
Hi everybody! I´ve used jdk to generate my certificate with the following command: keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias certificatekey -keystore keystore.jks -storepass password -validity 360 -keysize 2048 Everything works fine when I want to digitally sign an e-mail using: import javax.mail.* and import javax.mail.internet.* # and MimeMessage and Multipart. #. … | |
Who wrote the code for these "dumb"telepones and were is the fraking keyboard because this is not typing. Anyway I can not remeber the [/code] tags. I could not find the editor toolbar on this phone . Any help please. | |
Hi, I've done my bachelors in Computer Science and was working for the past 2 and a half years in PHP and MySQL. Now I'm planning to change my career path to IBM Websphere Administration. However, changing directly from PHP to Websphere seems quite impossible. So I've planned to take … | |
Hello. please excuse my ignorance It has been 1 year or so since I finished my 2 million line desktop app. An app with extensive use of every thing you can think of as far as multi tabbed desktop with multi profile login. properties. properties xml properties apache db, extensive … | |
I am trying to make a vehicle advertising website like autotrader or ebay. I am using html, css, jsp, java and mysql for the database.Basically I want the user to be able to search for a vehicle (advert) via a form, then they are directed to a results page after … | |
Hi all I wish to start learning Spring 3 mvc how do I get it started with either Gradle/maven in Spring Tool Suite (STS). What is the easiest way to learn Spring 3 mvc. I know that there are many tutorials out there, but I could not find the right … | |
Hello everyone, Can you help me with the following problem. I am working on Eclipse IDE. I created new Dynamic Web Project and when I tried to create a Servlet class though every required package is imported it gives a compiler error. The following is a sample code. import java.io.*; … | |
Hi I am getting a **HTTP Status 500 - An exception occurred processing JSP page /registration.jsp at line 15** error. The page is a registration jsp page that submits the following parametres into the database. However there are no hints in Eclipse as to what caused the error. Can someone … | |
Hello, I have installed glassfish server with netbeans. I have created a new JDBC Connection Pool and when I ping it I get error message "Ping Connection Pool failed for MyDatabae. Class name is wrong or classpath is not set for : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver Please check the server.log for more details." … | |
I have the following field in a jsp page.. <select size="1" name="typ"> <option value="C">Coffe</option> <option value="T">Tea</option> </select> Now when the user selects Coffeand and clicks submit, I want the page to go to Coffe.jsp and when Tea is selected , i want it to go to Tea.jsp I tried … | |
I'm having a problem with making .js files for my javascript project using visual studio2013. Where should i save made file to make it work with my project? | |
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Its a simple example but I need to use structs to dynamically create radio buttons using the data stored in the ArrayList. This is the code from the java file. public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) { setGender(null); setGenderList(null); ArrayList gList = new ArrayList(); gList.add(new LabelValueBean("Male", "Male")); gList.add(new LabelValueBean("Female", "Female")); … | |
Hello Everyone, Already my web project is developed by using jsp and servlets now I would like to do security check on each and every pages. so, is there any software to check whether my all pages are robust and secure before deploying on to the live server. Eg: Like … | |
Hello i am using jsf and i have this form <h:form> <h:inputHidden id="user_id" value="3" /> <h:commandButton action="userprofile.xhtml?faces-redirect=true" value="Profile" /> <h:commandButton action="addappointment.xhtml" value="Appontment" /> </h:form> How i can access at the page userprofile the value user_id=3 ? Thanks | |
I would like to create a folder that has been specified by a user i a JSP. for example, in the jsp page below called index.jsp the user is asked to create a folder.. <form action="CreateFolder.jsp" method="post"> <h3> Create New Folder <h3> <input name="createfolder" type="text"> <input type="submit" value"Create Folder"> </form> … | |
Guys, As my requirement I am storing the image link in database and through that link I need to access the image in the webpage. For this, I am storing images in my workspace. But the problem is, since my workspace is in C drive, I dont want to store … | |
I have a drop down in my form which when not selected gives an alert. However sometimes this alert is skipped, i.e the validation is skipped and the form proceeds without any pop up. Can someone please help? Regards rags | |
I'm trying to make delete row function in primefaces datatable. I'm using this method: package logon; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped; import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory; import javax.persistence.PersistenceUnit; import javax.persistence.Query; @ViewScoped @SessionScoped @javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean(name = "logonTest") public class LogonTest implements Serializable{ @PersistenceUnit(unitName="Webbeans_RESOURCE_LOCAL") private EntityManagerFactory emf; … | |
there is a simple code but i want when i click submit then ther should open google.com(like any web) in another tab and in the same page there should be one another page. How can i do this.. a sample code is.. <%@ page import = "java.sql.*" %> <% String … |
The End.