32,205 Topics
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I am not able to code this is java. I have to use nested loops. The pattern I need to get is 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 1 | |
What is the code to put up a .png pic? Thanks in advance :cheesy: | |
Hey Guys, I've never used JLabel and JText Area before and this specific project requires it. I'm trying to create something that allows entry of student name, id and 2 grades. Then get the average of the 2 tests and show the letter grade equivalent. I'm getting error messages that … | |
Hi guys I want to write a VB 6.0 program that takes a text file as input and add contents of the file into the database. The file contains information organized like the following : 1 humberger $2.5 2 Dorwot $3.1 3 pasta $4.2 The table in my database called … | |
The program runs but it doesn't calculate the average MPG correctly. It is calculating something, instead of zeroing out like earlier, but it sure isn't MPG! :mad: Any suggestions??? | |
I how another question I ran a program with one client and one server. it works correctly .but when I have a multiClient program ,the serverThread can not read the sentence from client .why it can't do this?is that because of extending thread I know that client class sends the … | |
anyone can tell me how to i made my two clients talk to one other .. the situation is that, i've a game server.. detecting of clients connecting to it. once there're 2 clients.. they will be group in a session and start to play a game. But then, i've … | |
Oo... Can someone tell me the basic variables and keys for JAVAscript? Just a list please. | |
Hi, I am quite a competent c++ console programmer but I need to do some work with loading images and clicking on the images. I want to load a screen full of images, click on an image and be able to retrieve the code, index or some value which uniquely … | |
Hi, I have recently graduated and now a days looking for job. I am very confused about the platform. At which platform should i go. .NEt or Java ... for me both are having good scope, but specially in my country .NET is ruling ... there are almost 7 jobs … | |
Is there any way to view or access javascript portions of a web page from the linux shell? For example, I use curl to pull a web page that has text and javascript. The javascript portion does not show up, just the filename as it is in the source. | |
Hi everyone, I have a question about the java multi-platform print dialog. My question is on collating the output of my print out using the java multi-platform print dialog. The thing is no matter even if i select the collate check box or not the output of the print out … | |
Hi everyone, I seem to have in problem in adding columns and deleting colums in the JTable. When my program initializes there are five columns and six rows. I can append as many rows as i want and the column headers i have left to default which is (A, B, … | |
hi , today i got an error with : Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError : Loop i have gone thru so many links which i found in google but i am unable to solve that problem iam using both eclipse and command prompt. in both i got the same problem … | |
| [B]skinnable apps[/B] How do you create kewl skinnable apps in java. Like say, windows media player or winamp? Please provide a weblink if possible, I'm really stuck here. |
Hi, Is there anyone who know of any website that offer free interactive learning of java? TQ | |
Hi guys, I'm currently taking a summer online intro to Java class (using Jcreator) and its kicking my butt! I might have to re-take it next semester to get a better understanding of how it works. I've been working on the same problem for the last 10 hours and I … | |
hello every one I'm trying to design a program.It 's like a messenger but haven't a chatroom.you can write your sentence and the server should send it for the client that you want?I don't know how server should change the port.I think server's port should be the same as client … | |
is there a way that i can link JAVA with C#?? or that i can write a C# code in a Java code?? THNX | |
Hey all, I have a simple one I hope. I have created an editable combobox and wanted to clear what is currently displayed in the box once the user sets focus on it either through "tab" or a "mouse click". For example, the combobox would say "Enter a phone number … | |
As far as I know 'bout method compareTo, it compare Strings...... It return 0 when if the strings are equal. That one I know..... It return negative number if the string that invokes method less than the strings that pass as an argument...... It return positive number if the string … | |
Hi, i am using swt with java and am having a problem with a message box. when i run my program a login shell appears. when a user clicks the close button (X) in top right hand corner of the login shell they are asked if they really want to … | |
[INDENT]Hi all, I hava to do a small project about Multithreading in Java. The project must relate to Multithreading, realtime, struglle (the project must be a complete program and it returns a result). I have never been studied about Java, so could you give me some projects ? I look … | |
1. Class A (extends JFrame) displays a textfield and a "submit" button 2. user populates the textfield and when "Submit" button is clicked, text from textfield is retrieved and passed to class B (through B's Constructor new B(obtainedTextFromtextField in class A) ) 3. class B also displays a textfield and … | |
How can I create an uneditable date formatted (00/00/0000) textfield in JAVA, which allows user to type only numbers Numbers allowed in the first offset - 0-3 Numbers allowed in the second offset - 0-9 "/" in the third offset should not be deleted Numbers allowed in the fourth offset … | |
[LEFT]hello, i need script for java virtual machine game... please give me the scirpt i realy need it... the cript not the applet :) i have search in internet but i can't find one, so i hope anybody can give it to me :) thx :) [/LEFT] | |
Please could someone advise me on how to get started on Java programming and what version to use? Please supply Hyperlinks Please!:cheesy: :cheesy: | |
I have some questions on StringTokenizer. I used it to break a string that has the format : [inlinecode] "string1,string2,string3;string4,string5,string6" [/inlinecode] first into the two strings: [code] "string1,string2,string3" "string4,string5,string6" [/code] and then: [code] " String a = string1" "String b = string2" "String c = string3" [/code] Where [inlinecode]a = … | |
Ok. I have Jbuilder 8 Personal from Borland Installed, and am wondering how to start off in java. Should I convert the file after i've finished into a windows executable, and if so how would I go about it? Anyone recommend any good tutorials for a computing-experience person, but wants … | |
I am trying to free up space on my hard drive. when I go into add/remove programs I see seemingly redundant entries. are they redundant or are they individually necessary. they are: J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 2 J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 4 Java 2 Runtime Environment SE v1.4.2_04 … |
The End.