32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Heya all, I'm working on a small 'file browser', where the list of files is printed in a console (for now), but where the user inserts the file's path in a GUI. My gui is rather simple: one frame and one panel containing a JTextField and a JButton. I want …

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Member Avatar for dlmagers

Ran across a blind spot in trying to figure this out. I want to pad a string with n characters to the left (at the beginning) of the String. This is the code I have come up with padRight and padLeft but when I go run the program it doesn't …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

I've noticed when watching videos, usually people import everything. Such as `import javax.swing.*;`. So my question is, is it better to Import everything? Or only the things you need indiviually? I've heard it slows down your program if you import alot of things, is this true?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for arunkishorres

Hello, I am working on a project in Wireless sensor networks. I need to simulation output in Javis using JNS. This is done by creating a trace file in java under JNS then running it on JAVIS...but the thing is I am having the JNS folder downloaded from which i …

Member Avatar for arunkishorres

Hello, I am working on a project in Wireless sensor networks. I need simulation output in Javis using JNS. This is done by creating a trace file in java under JNS then running it on JAVIS...but the thing is I am having the JNS folder downloaded from which i extracted …

Member Avatar for murali2489

Hi Team, This is my first Spring Code . I just followed the code provided in the book and tried to run the class , but it throws the below error. Please throw light on it. package spring.hello; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanFactory; import org.springframework.core.io.FileSystemResource; public class Main{ public static void …

Member Avatar for Arturo32

Hi guys, I need to create a web application in my job using Java, so i started using Netbeans 7.4, and started a new project. Im trying to develop a web application that will be hosted in a server, so i selected Web Application from the Java Web folder. Is …

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Member Avatar for murali2489

Hi All, I have just completed studying Core Java and started to learn Spring Framework. I think its a silly question but still Im confused about this. Can i build a Dyanamic webpage / website using Spring Framework ?

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Member Avatar for Builder_1

i have intalled jdk 7 update 51 and netbeans 7.0 .for the first time it works fine but later IDE netbeans does not start at all and dialogue box comes that JVM creation failed...kindly help

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Member Avatar for cfinhas

Hello Everyone. My application is installed on tomcat it works fine, but after 48 hours it give error below. if we restart the server everything works fine again Can anybody tell me what's wrong here with the bottom error? Thanks a lot........... [code] HTTP Status 500 - type Exception report …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for kishore3055
Member Avatar for james.young.5015

if (cmd[0].equals("sz")) { if (player.isLocked() || player.getControlerManager().getControler() != null) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage("You cannot tele anywhere from here."); return true;} { player.setNextWorldTile(new WorldTile(2667, 10396, 0)); return true;} } } } my error is closing the file. thats my problem i always get the error when i try to end the statement and …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for sciprog22

Hello, Thank you for the time! a) I have a Ball Object which implements the Runnable interface and traces the various positions of a ball. b) I then have a Ball_Bounce JPanel inside a JFrame which creates two instances of the Ball object and then paints them to the JPanel. …

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Member Avatar for dany12

I would like to know what means Java Web UI with html5 knowledge,flex,javascript,css? Do you have to use plain jsp jsf servlet and then use a MVC pattern? If so the views are made with html5 flex? If anyone knows more about this please explain it to me because I …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for ZaneDarklace

If anyone needs any help with the projects in the BluePelicanJava book. I am available to help with coding issues.

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Member Avatar for ZaneDarklace

I have figured out how to do this. All that is needed is the .useDelimeter error. help? `import java.io.*;` `import java.util.*;` `public class AddEmUp `{` `public static void main(String args[]) `{` `Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); `System.out.print("Enter something like 8 + 33 + 1,345 - 137 : "); `String s …

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Member Avatar for munchlaxxx

So I'm trying to figure out why my get method doesn't pass its test. This is my attempt at the get method: public Value get(Object key) { //Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key. for (Pair<Key,Value> …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for cool_zephyr

could anyone please tell me what's the difference between getApplicationContext() and MyActivity.this.."MyActivity" being a class that extends Activity class..somethimes getApplicationContext() doesn't work and I need to use MyActivity.this when the constructur asks for a context... for example, if i use `ProgressDialog p=new ProgressDialog(getApplicationContext());` it gives an error however, if i …

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Member Avatar for murali2489

Dear All, In Java Swing, for all components there is a setSize method which takes int height and width as arguments. And we will pass parameters like 600,500 & 400,300 etc... My doubt is what is the unit of these height and width . I mean on what unit, the …

Member Avatar for murali2489
Member Avatar for sk8ergirl

I've created new JPanel from Swing GUI form called myNewPanel and I have one button in my JFrame it called btnClickMe when the button is clicked I want the panel in the Jframe to be removed and replaced by myNewPanel I've tried my code but it not working for me …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for cleve23

Hi I just started learning on making gui on Java. I watched some youtube videos and i realise one of the them uses DefaultTableModel. At first i thought it was to allow access to the function of the table but i realise i can directly write and get value from …

Member Avatar for cleve23
Member Avatar for obspsalm22

I having major issues trying to make a GUI for this program. How do I connect my program to my GUI? I don't get it?Can someone help me with this? I also can't get result to read on my GUI. ![e23b489d81b74c698e1f29a66ca236f6](/attachments/large/4/e23b489d81b74c698e1f29a66ca236f6.PNG "e23b489d81b74c698e1f29a66ca236f6") /* * To change this license header, choose …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for hodnee

Hi, I have been trying to get my program to run for a few days now. I have gotten it almost completed I think, but keep getting "error: variable checkFee might not have been initialized" on line 37. import java.util.Scanner; // scanner class public class PROB3_CHAL15 { public static void …

Member Avatar for scudzilla
Member Avatar for ifeanyiben
Member Avatar for cool_zephyr

I'm packaging my java program as a jar..it includes mysql-connector.jar..it runs fine when i run it in eclipse..now i need to distriute the jar file..I packaged the jar file and when I run it through command line using java -jar myprogram.jar, it throws ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver could anyone please tell me …

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Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hello, I need to build the following GUI ![b1ec49424775312369c320b6b57981d8](/attachments/large/2/b1ec49424775312369c320b6b57981d8.jpg "b1ec49424775312369c320b6b57981d8") and as usual I was hoping to have some advice before I start building it. In particular, I wonder if you guys think I should have any JPanel at all or if it is better to attach everything to the …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for wallet123

Hello. I want to be able to create a listener for a cell in my JTable. Whenever write a number in a JTable (every key release) I want the value on the other column to decrease something like this: Quantity|Borrow 10 | 0 8 | 2 i use window builder …

Member Avatar for wallet123
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

So I just finished up a way to solve Standard Form Quadratic Equations, Now I want to code a way to automatically Convert a given Standard Form equation to Vertex Form, or Vertex to Standard. Is it possible due to the fact that you have to get a perfect square …

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Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

Hello good afternoon. I have successfully serialized data in the past, however it seems as if I don;t fully understand the process. I have a class called ProgramState which stores a variable (called lastCreated) with custom class LinesProject and an ArrayList variable(called recentProjects) of this custom class. The purpose of …

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Member Avatar for dlmagers

Needing some help with a small problem. I have this program that is not compiling correctly. The instructions are simple which are: The PairTest should prompt the user for the two values, create a Pair object with the values and then print the average, distance, maximum, and minimum of the …

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The End.