35,617 Topics

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Member Avatar for ultimate_fusion

as above im am getting pretting good at java now and have make a few 2d games. i want to get into 3d now. i have tried google but it is really hard to find normal java 3d tutorials. i keep finding the applet ones which i dont want to …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for JavaDeveloper

How is it to pass `int [] rank` to main method? public class Card { private int [] rank= new int [13]; private String [] suit={"Spades","Hearts","Diamonds","Clubs"}; private static void rankMaker (int []rank) { for (int i=1;i<=13;i++) rank[i]=i; } public static void main (String []args) { System.out.println("Jack ="+rank[11]); } } Ignoring …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, I have a rather silly question but please bear for with me for a while. Does anyone have the Java Sun api for this class sun.net.[url]www.http.HttpClient[/url] I tried googling, went to sun's site but also could not find the api for this class. I would appreciate it if …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for v2_vehooi

someone can teach me about the random genrated? let say i would like to generate a random number between 100 to 200 and store it into one integer variable, what is the code??????

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for mgdz

Is it possible to start thread in paintComponent() method ? I would like that thread to invoke the drawLine() method and count new parameters (points) for this method, and to draw a chart of function in this way. Here's the code,hoply describe better my purposes: [CODE] public class generator2 extends …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, If i were to set the http proxy for a particular url i did this [code] Properties systemProperties = System.getProperties(); systemProperties.setProperty("http.proxyHost", proxy); systemProperties.setProperty("http.proxyPort", port); [/code] Is the way that i did the best way to do it?? Richard West

Member Avatar for server_crash

I'm trying to create a calculator using the gridbag layout, but I can't even get started. This layout managers keeps starting stuff in the direct center of the frame and wont put anything anywhere else. I tried this: c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTH; I just can't seem to get this thing working. …

Member Avatar for SERIAL THRILLA
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, I really need some advice and guidance on the following code [code] import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; public class PopupAuthenticator extends Authenticator { public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { String username, password; String result = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter 'username,password'"); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(result, ","); username = st.nextToken(); password = st.nextToken(); return …

Member Avatar for Kate Albany
Member Avatar for mmiikkee12

I just got a JSP hosting account and I'm wondering how I can connect to the PostgreSQL DB and execute queries. According to the host's FAQ, the database URL is: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/username,username,password .

Member Avatar for mmiikkee12
Member Avatar for Kate Albany

Hi, I am running a system which consists of eight concurrent Java processes. All these processes run on the same box and are backend daemon processes which means they are designed to be started and then run continuously, as they are backend processes they have no user interface. Thus the …

Member Avatar for Kate Albany
Member Avatar for NewAtJava

hi, i'm fairly new at java, and i'm expected to make a plotting program soon, and i am stuck as to what to do. i haven't found any good tutorials online (most of them just confused me or they made a plotting program that i didn't exactly have in mind)... …

Member Avatar for techy
Member Avatar for George2

Hello everyone, I am looking for education materials of developing C++ application with Eclipse. Could anyone recommend some good education materials? Thanks in advance, George

Member Avatar for George2
Member Avatar for nccliang

Hi guys , i actually have a eclipse jface listbox in my application and the problem goes like this : I know if i want to add some items to the list box i can simple just setItems or addItems but the thing is that i have this listener in …

Member Avatar for RobRet

I have this code that I am using in C# calling a Response.Write to call another aspx page within a frame. [B]Response.Write("<script language=javascript>parent.Frame.location.href('detail_search.aspx?NameOrCat=1&strFor="+strName+"&catDesc="+strCategory+"&clickedButton=0&Where="+this.WhereSelect.SelectedValue+"&searchOption="+this.rbtnStartsContains.SelectedValue.ToString()+"&section_id="+this.ddwnSection.SelectedValue.ToString()+"');</script>");[/B] This logic works on explore 6.0 but I can not figure out why it does not work on explore 5.0 and explore mac. Does anyone know how …

Member Avatar for RobRet
Member Avatar for yulka2

Hi, My jsp form has a table that has 7 columns, one of them is a "Comments" textarea field. Is it possible to display Comments field beneath/under first 6 columns, that it will look like a separate row and display it ONLY when radio button on the row has been …

Member Avatar for nccliang

Sorry , one simple question how do i get the current time ? In the sense of mm/dd/yy . My java is weak I know must make use of the calendar class but im not too sure how it works

Member Avatar for Easter Bunny
Member Avatar for JOskydive

I'm glad I found this forum. Just doing seraches has helped me already. However, I am having a problem with my assigment. I want to open data.txt file, read the file line by line. Each line has four items, int, string, int, and double. Then put the items into an …

Member Avatar for JOskydive
Member Avatar for cheenu78

hi all, I am trying to connect to Oracle database from a black berry device. I am not sure how to go about starting this assignment. I am open to suggessions. Thanks Srinivas

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for elimera

I wrote a JSP page that connects to a Oracle database. I did a SELECT statement to find out procedures and I printed the procedure into a form. In this form I can modify the procedure and save it. Then I created a sql statement to modify the procedure and …

Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, I am trying to read emails in from a stmp server without javamail api's and i so far have only managed to read the e-mail messages but i can't seem to read any attachments that come with it. I am not very sure as to how i should …

Member Avatar for bigriggers

Hi folks, I have to answer the following question: "Write an applet which contains a panel whose background colour varies as the elevators of three Scrollbar objects are varied. Each Scrollbar object affects one colour constituent." I think I'm pretty close, but I can't figure out why only one of …

Member Avatar for bigriggers
Member Avatar for yarlini

HI ive been trying to do some java program and when ive tried to run this program which, ive had 3 errors saying cannot resolve symbol for 'DrawFrame/DrawPanel' im not sure wat the issue here is, the program is as follows: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Drawing …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for harish1980

hello, i'm harish from chennai. i'm in my final year M.Tech (I.T.). i'm planning to do my final year project in java. I would want some suggestions for the title for my projects. i would appreciate your early response. My mail id is [email]venugopal.harish@gmail.com[/email]

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for kokliong

hi all, i want to create an on screen keyboard that running on linux. can anyone give me some idea or sample application on that. thanx.

Member Avatar for techy
Member Avatar for nishanth

allright here is my question!!! if i have a login page with user name and password and i have a situation where in two users are logging in with the same id with a little time gap though (assuming that the other user is still logged in) how will u …

Member Avatar for techy
Member Avatar for Kuldeept

Hi All, I am working in jsp,and there is an image on my webpage.The image is created dynamically based on the data on the webpage.The scenario is like this. 1.I make some changes in my web page data and press recalculate buuton on the page. 2.this resubmits the page and …

Member Avatar for techy
Member Avatar for Ghost

Is there a way to send a command to CP (like run an exe file)? In C++ you can use the system() function, but i think in java you use Runtime. Thanx in advanced!

Member Avatar for cheenu78
Member Avatar for numerouno

I have some coding on my home page, [url]http://www.progressenterprise.com[/url] for a Bravenet hit counter and the Google Page Ranking tool. When I run my search engine optimisation tool it always picks this code up as an alert, with no explanation. Can anyone advise whether having these items on my page …

Member Avatar for cman

Ok I have done this program where there are 2 buttons, one to enter price and one to calc average, so the user enters an randome amount and click the enter price button then user can keep entering more and then click calc average button to get average, but problem …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for server_crash

I've created an html form that allows the user to login, or register. Here is what I've thought about(just for the registration page, not login): HTML FORM --> servlet ---> servlet calls java class that verifys the data, and shoves it into the database... ----> Makes a few tests --- …

Member Avatar for server_crash

The End.