35,617 Topics

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Member Avatar for OurNation

I want to program a game using java a perferably an rpg WHERE DO I START Any books sites cd ect. that anyone has read and recomonds

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for niamul

I am a new programmer in Java and now I am facing the following problem. If u please answer my queries it will be very much helpful to me. Can I use the following code : (a == 2) ? return 4 : return 5; instead of the following code …

Member Avatar for niamul
Member Avatar for nakulmadaan

i am trying to interrogate root DNS servers, using " TRACERT " but after going to first hop i am getting " Request timed out " please help. code is as follows import java.net.*; import java.io.*; class Whois extends Thread { public String traceCmdUnix = "tracert -h 10 ; private …

Member Avatar for nakulmadaan

IS THERE ANY PARALLEL FUNTCION FOR DIG IN JAVA. "RouteThrough", "RT", TYPE_RT:: I tried this in java but i am getting this error at run time "ERROR - DNS Error: Unknown resource record type 'RT' " It performs DNS lookups and displays the answers that are returned from the name …

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Member Avatar for Darkfoxx

I am making a program that allows the user to enter the year he/she would like a calendar for, then the program computes the day January 1st will fall on. Then it is able to print out the calendar (see 1st attached image). I am having a problem getting the …

Member Avatar for Darkfoxx
Member Avatar for indranil

Will you help me to give some good link where I will get the meterial to learn jsp,ejb with projects,code. my email is [email]indranilray@yahoo.com[/email]

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for indranil

:) How I will install jakarta tomcat 4 in mycomputer though all the setting are being donerelating autoexec,please help me,Apache is running perfectly, can you help me?plesae mail me [email]indranilray@yahoo.comM[/email]y jvm is 1.4

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for smartdetect

i want to know if there is a way to access the bios of the client from the server in java or in any other language so that the boot failures in LAN clients could be found out

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Diod

Im reading a book on java, and im on the lesson OOP and java. This is my code: [CODE]class Motorcycle { String make; String color; boolean engineState; void startEngine() { if (engineState == true) System.out.println("The engine is already on."); else { engineState = true; System.out.println("The engine is now on."); } …

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Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, I have an embedded icon in a JTextPane and i am trying to print the contents of the JTextPane. I am getting the root view of the JTextPane and i am able to print the embedded icon from the the printer but here's the kicker in that it …

Member Avatar for kane

Hey all, I were wondering if someone could tell me what 'Chungaroo' means? Iv tried looking all over to find out what it means; i need to find out as part of a job assessment. Cheers for info [email]email edited by moderator[/email] :cheesy:

Member Avatar for chungaroo
Member Avatar for server_crash

I have a method that counts the number of words in a JTextArea. It works pretty good, except for the fact it counts characters that's not letters as words(such as "!@#$" would be a word)... Here is the code that I have got so far(no erros, compiles and runs fine, …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for mr_bemar

Hi, I want to load a simpel image into a JPanel. I use the following way: public class MyClass{ private Icon Bild = new ImageIcon("http://today.java.net/jag/old/green/duke/T4.gif"); JLabel jLabel2 = new JLabel(Bild); private void init (){ jLabel2.setBackground(Color.white); jLabel2.setForeground(Color.white); jLabel2.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()); jLabel2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 70)); jLabel2.setIconTextGap(0); jLabel2.setLabelFor(contentPane); jLabel2.setIcon(Bild); } } I think the code is …

Member Avatar for DaveSW

The background to this question is that I have discovered a virus on one of my computers that adds a block of encrypted activex code to html and php pages. Unfortunately all the virus cleanup tools delete the infected files... being a webdeveloper this means a lot of my 'working …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, I am currently trying to create a tool that jars all my classes into an executable jar. What i mean is that when i click on the particular jar file in windows explorer the program is run. I managed to create the jar file but the problem is …

Member Avatar for grussell

I have a JTable displaying the results of user-defined searches which are sent back across the Client Server network. First off everything displays fine, but when I specify search criteria, nothing is displayed. I have printed out the vector containing the information at the client end and all the data …

Member Avatar for George2

Hello everyone, I have a very important thread in my application and I do not want it to be terminated accidently, or in other words, if it is terminated for some reason (for example, be terminated by some unhandled Runtime exceptions), I want it to restart automatically. I am wondering …

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Member Avatar for George2

Hello everyone, I want to load the binary content of a .class file in a dynamic approach. In more detail, I want it to work in the following approach. When given the name of a class, I can retrieve the binary content of the .class file. I have written the …

Member Avatar for paradox814

I have a library of my own stuff written in Java, and I use the JavaDoc feature to help me keep it organized. My question is how do I get JavaDoc to print my little blurb of the package? For instance, [URL]http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/overview-summary.html[/URL] you can see what i'm talking about in …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for tigerxx

I need to open a word doc template from a java application and i also need to dynamically update the fields in the template with some values from the java application.. Can anybody help me????...... Thanks in advance..........

Member Avatar for tigerxx
Member Avatar for bsunkel

Hi It is difficult to explain my problem. I have 2 classes. 1 is called System and the other Phonebook. There is a button called phonebookButton on a frame which a have created in the System class. When you press the button, I create an Object of the Phonebook class(Phonebook …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, I have a rather silly question but please bear with me for a while. If lets say i have a string which has the contents [code] "C:\\p\\kol\\pki.txt" [/code] the thing with the above string is that if i use as an argument in a fileinputstream it will only …

Member Avatar for tigerxx
Member Avatar for grussell

I have a CardLayout within which I have panels constituting each 'card'. However, the panels refuse, seemingly, to respond to my sizing requirements. doublePane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, comboPanel, lowerPanel); comboPanel.setSize(new Dimension(100, 600)); // totally ineffective lowerPanel.setSize(new Dimension(1100, 600)); JPanel displayPanel = new JPanel(); displayPanel.add(doublePane); displayPanel.setSize(1200, 600); mainPanel.setLayout(new CardLayout()); mainPanel.add("Main", displayPanel); …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for ShannonD

I brought some of my work home with me, but when I try to run the program here, I get the following errors: "SDClass.java": cannot find symbol; symbol : class JDOMException, location: package org.jdom at line 22, column 17 "SDClass.java": package org.jdom.input does not exist at line 23, column 23 …

Member Avatar for atul_manaskar
Member Avatar for Darkfoxx

Ok, I am working on a program that lets a user enter a year which they want a calender for. The program figures out if the year is a leap year (completed), what day January 1st falls on so that the calender has a starting point (completed, see new code …

Member Avatar for Darkfoxx
Member Avatar for Lord Felix

Im not very sure on how to store the (x,y) coordinates of the Point2D.Double object into an ArrayList so that I could access them later. I have looked through the Java classes on Point2D.Double, but have only found its constructors and methods and not on how the coordinates can be …

Member Avatar for BrownSuga

This is the error message I am getting and the driver and class is below it. Thank You if you can help me :) C:\My Documents\CS151\CircleSolutionDriver.java:18: cannot resolve symbol symbol : constructor Circle () location: class Circle Circle circle = new Circle(); ^ 1 error Tool completed with exit code …

Member Avatar for jerbo
Member Avatar for Trixie

Hello all, I have the following exception: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.io.FilePermission blahblah.. myfile.gif read etc... my code: JButton myButton = new JButton(new ImageIcon("myfile.gif")); I added the ff to my java.policy file grant codeBase "my domain-" { permission java.security.AllPermission; permission java.io.FilePermission "<<ALL FILES>>", "read, write"; }; No go :( Did I …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for jerbo

Here is a good tutorial link: [url]http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-05-2002/jw-0503-java101_p.html[/url] As a matter of fact: [url]http://www.javaworld.com/[/url] Has some excellent articals.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for jdl44lfhs

I am new to programming and I am trying to learn, I got a book and it has some problems in it, Here is one of the problems that I would like some help with if anyone could help me through it of if you have any code that is …

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The End.