32,207 Topics

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Member Avatar for apanimesh061

public static void main(String[] args) { Set<Point> points = new HashSet<Point>(); points.add(); --- how to add point of "Point" type cureAlgor(0.01, 3,points); } Point is a pre-defined class. I want to know what to wrtie in points.add(). Please help!

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Valiantangel

Hi my codes works fine.When i key in ,for example, asdf 546,(f and 5 is separated by space), the programe rightly take it as invalid input ,however it takes asdf and 546 as separate type and return two "Invalid input".See below. I hav no clue why it does that oher …

Member Avatar for Valiantangel
Member Avatar for Valiantangel

Hi i came up with the following code for my Assignment.It works.What i dont understand was the following code, the rest of the code i did myself. if ( value == 1 ) smallest = randomNum; Why do i need to assign value to 1? Rest of my codes System.out.println("How …

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Member Avatar for prnjn

Hi. Sorry for this kind of post in this forum.. But i am in serious trouble and need help. My 6th semester of B.E (computer science) will end on 28th-may-2012 (final exams going on now ) And after that i need to do a major training of 45 days . …

Member Avatar for lokis
Member Avatar for Valiantangel

I hav this code here that prompt me for only 1 randomNum.I know i need a second loop.how can i go about doing it public static void main(String[] args) { int ii=0; int value; int randomNum; System.out.println("How many integers shall we compare? (Enter a positive integer):"); ii = input.nextInt(); randomNum …

Member Avatar for prnjn
Member Avatar for GeekTool

for (int year = 1; year <= 10; year++){ amount = principal * Math.pow(1+rate, year); principal = amount; System.out.printf("%d%20.2f\n",year,amount); for (int year = 1; year <= 10; year++){ amount = principal * Math.pow(1+rate, year); System.out.printf("%d%20.2f\n",year,amount); // what is the difference between these two?

Member Avatar for prnjn
Member Avatar for sid78669

I am working on a project where i need to dynamically count how many buttons need to be added to a certain panel. Each button press has to change a variable in the parent class and then to excute generation of a child panel which also dynamically generates buttons. my …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for DEAD TERMINATOR

I'm working on a guessing game where the object is where the player is given a board of 25 symbols and asked to try and guess the location of 6 hidden symbols. However, I've encountered two bugs whose cause I cannot identify. 1. Regardless of whether the guess is a …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for EPerminas

Hello everyone, for example, I have name.txt file. It contains three lines of text (see below): *Roses are red% Sky is blue% JAVA is cool%* All lines ended with % symbol. I need to count how many every line have characters and which character is repeated max and min times. …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Ronene

Hello , I'm trying to solve a "known problem" in XPath 1.0 . From [msdn](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb341675.aspx) : "***Although the ordering of returned collections is not specified in the XML XPath Language 1.0 Recommendation, this extension method returns nodes in document order. Note that nodes are returned in document order even when …

Member Avatar for kalz

HI I am developing a web service client using netbeans ide . I have used the code completion feature to implement the submit message method : import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import uk.co.csoft.www2.dtd.sendsms5.Message; import uk.co.csoft.www2.dtd.sendsms5.ObjectFactory; import uk.co.csoft.www2.dtd.sendsms5.Recipient; public class Main { public static void main(String args[]) { //Recipient r = new Recipient(); //Message …

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Member Avatar for arathy nair

Hi all, I actually need to use a sorted map.So i tried using Tree Map.But the problem is that This works well with sort key having values upto 9. With more than 10 items I see abrupt results with sort key arranged in the order = 1, 10, 11,12,--------17, 2, …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for socialbutterfli

I need Help Here /* Name: Ashley Powell File Name: Employee */ public class Employee extends Person { private double annualSalary; private int hiredYear; private String ID; public Employee(String initialName, double initialSalary, int joinedYear, String id) { super(initialName); annualSalary = initialSalary; hiredYear = joinedYear; ID = id; } public void …

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Member Avatar for jfox1988

Hi, I am conducting some research for a possible application and need some people to fill in my questionnaire. If you could fill this in for me it would be much appreciated. It will only take 1 minute max. Thanks https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHpUYnE1RWhQcXRQNHhfQzEyZk9zYlE6MQ

Member Avatar for EPerminas

Good evening, How do I need to put string into array characted by character? For example: I have a string "WELCOME". Then I can call command coolarray [ 3 ] and I got a letter L ? Thanks!

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for erms

Hi, I'm using the getRGB function to get the color of a pixel of a BufferedImage. It returned a number like 2001231. What I want to do is use setRGB to set the color of this pixel to something so that getRGB returns 2000000 instead of the original value. How …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Drau1

Hello , So ive been given an assignement in my university of "fixing" XPath and get it to return the nodes in the correct order. Ive been trying to find a way around writing a very long code and breaking each expression into little peaces and putting it back together …

Member Avatar for newbieGirl

Ok, I am totally confused - probably because I've been staring at my computer for hours, but I need some guidance (not for homework, just my own personal knowlegde)... Here's the output I'm trying to achieve: 012343210 001234321 000123432 000012343 000001234 ...And I know I need to use a for …

Member Avatar for SoftEngr
Member Avatar for pavan50

Can anyone tell me the real time scenarios used in projects of using interface and abstract classes in java

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for nandosss

Okay guys. I want to create discussion. Java people we all know of the Streamtokenizer class or as I call it "lexer" class. My questions is how helpful can this class be when we try to create a lexical analyzer? How can we manipulate it in order to tokenize our …

Member Avatar for FALL3N

hello, I made a little game that is similar to "Where's Waldo?", but it has several different people to find in each level. Anyway, each person is found by the user when he/she clicks on them. Sometimes the people are hidden in a crowd, or hidden in a bigger image. …

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for Nicky1224

hi there i cant seem to figure out how to print each name and letter grade of each person once and my program displays a indexStringoutofBound execption please help solve my problem heres my codes. ackage project; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class DoingATest { public static void main(String[] args)throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException { …

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Member Avatar for sciwizeh

Hello all, been a while since I've asked a question. I'm working on a project just to practice and for fun and I've run into a snag. I'm working on a painting type program and I'm trying to get a generic Buffer class for the images so I can use …

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Member Avatar for millroy

hi is there any way in java programming to make a compass which shows directions if please tell me how to get the coordination of lattitude so that the needle of the compass can point to the appropriate direction with respect to these values

Member Avatar for JGorard159
Member Avatar for vinnitro

I new to java's applet programming & there is a problem in my program This is my program: import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; /*<applet code=Rect height=600 width=800></applet>*/ public class Rect extends JApplet implements ActionListener { JLabel jl1,jl2,jl3,jl4; JTextField jt1,jt2,jt3,jt4; JButton jb; int x1,x2,y1,y2; public void init() { Container c=getContentPane(); …

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Member Avatar for vinnitro

I am not getting this program since i beginner to applet programming import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; /*<applet code=Login height=500 width=300></applet>*/ public class Login extends JApplet implements ActionListener { JLabel jl1,jl2,jl3,jl4,jl5; JTextField jt; JPasswordField jp1,jp2; JButton jb; public void init() { Container c=getContentPane(); c.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); jl1=new JLabel("Username : "); …

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Member Avatar for SCass2010

Hi everyone, I'm currently trying to do a bit of java programming after not looking near it for almost a year. Most of what I've been doing has been C/C++, and I was just wondering - in C++ you could have a header file with functions only in it, say …

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Member Avatar for Nicky1224

Hi there im in need of a java project that takes in a memo of string letters and persons name and String letteranswers to 10 multiple choice questions and compare the memo with each students answers and disply the students name and how many letters he/she got correct without using …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for kumaresen

i have a error in this program...i m tryin to write a java GUI program that converts character to corresponding integer and vice versa...tis is my code...can anyone help me solve the error???the error is : 1 error found: File: C:\Users\Kumaresen Nair\Desktop\Conversion.java [line: 58] Error: The local variable word may …

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The End.