32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for timtim1

Am currently interested in delivering user experiance web and mobile applications.There are several amazing libraries so far.What are some of the best libraries that I should start with in this journey?

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Hari_11

i want to search with name,email,id based on that suppose if they enter id then i need to serch with name or if they enter email i need to serch with mail or i want to serch with these 3 fields. so pls give a suggesion for best search query …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for cproger

I am trying to create a banking system which can state if the user has selected the SavingJRadioButton or the CheckingJRadioButton. Before using getters and setters, I used public static variables which worked, but my teacher wants getters and setters. So far my code looks like this: public class CreateAccount …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for pihuu

I encountered a problem when trying to use hibernate to save details onto my database. > > SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". > > SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation > > SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details. > > Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.HibernateException: /hibernate.cfg.xml not found …

Member Avatar for Mar. Na.

Hi all,, how can i ignore the comment statements that begin with "/* " and ends with " * / " for example: /* the class is*/ or /* problem is very difficult */ i want to remove these statement when i reading java file line by line package filename1; …

Member Avatar for Mar. Na.
Member Avatar for J_2

So I have to Create a Program where the Code Reads the CSV File (csv file consists of FirstName, lastName, ID,Mark). Then after it should sort it by it self and then print how much it takes to execute the program using hte Seleciton Sort method and the Collection.sort. When …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for omotoyosi

Good day all, Please, I have an asp.net page and i have a java applet which i want to embed in the asp.net page. I have added all necessary files and codes as tought. but The webpage is only showing blank applet page. Please, what's the way out.

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for J_2

So.. I have This program that generates Random Numbers with the User input. Now I Don't know how to find the Maximum and Minimum Value from that Random Numbers. This Code Generates Numbers So Far with No Errors. This Is My Code So Far. package patel.Jainam; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Mar. Na.

Hi ,all in this code ,i read filename in package filename using path ,,now i want to read the file B.java that also exist in package filename and relationship between them is inhretance.. "extends" keyword. in this (public class filename extends B ), but not write B.java in path ,i …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jjones0150

I have cretaed a JSP page that has 4 textboxes that need to be validated. 2 are text and 2 are integers. I have tried using the jQuery validation tool but that didn't work out so well. I will provide my JSP code and my script. Can someone help me …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for MantArray

hello, i am new to link list in java, the output() method isn't displaying the last value entered by the user, can i get some help? also you will see some commented methods that i still need to create, if would be of much help, if you can get me …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for AbhiRanjan

i want to login in application not through login page it shoult be by hitting url it should take windows user name and password and validate that detail in ldap server because windows user name and password store in ldap i am using spring mvc for my application i have …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for chrisschristou

Hello friends i just have one question i want to make my own android OS customized version or even one day make entire own OS, so i wanted to know for the android OS i must learn JAVA ? or c/++ ??

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for givemethemac

So my next problem is what mac is right and reliable for me? I will be using my mac for: - Writing word/pages docs - Programming in C++ , Objective-c , Java and more - Game development - Powerpoint/keynote presentations - A little bit of PhotoShop - Music and personal …

Member Avatar for fallout4player
Member Avatar for vishalonne

I am trying to upload file from postantivirus1.jsp after selecting the file from postantivirus.jsp Here is the code Postantivirus.jsp Anti Virus Software : </td><td><input type=file name="fname"><br/> <input type=submit value="submit"></td><td><input type=submit value="clear"> Postantivirus1.jsp String s=request.getParameter("fname"); System.out.println(s+" s"); FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(s); System.out.println(fis+" fis"); String s1=application.getRealPath("/"); String destFolder = s1 + "images/"; s1= …

Member Avatar for divinity02

hi all Hi i build program. it is a selection. if else. where it ask the user to enter 3 marks for a student. the student pass if their grades is greater than or equal to 50 and they fail if their grades is less than 50, right my problems …

Member Avatar for divinity02
Member Avatar for adikimicky

Hi everyone, I am trying to make a user login page. The user is required to fill username and password in textFields and when he clicks the Submit button, all details are needed to be written in the database. import javax.swing.*; import java.sql.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class register …

Member Avatar for Lakhveer
Member Avatar for divinity02

hi I have been trying to build this array program but the result is hurrendous dont know where i have gone. here is the codes. it is public static int getLargest(int num[]) { int i, largest=0; for(i=1; i<5; i++) { if(i==0) { largest = num[i]; } else if(num[i]> largest) { …

Member Avatar for divinity02
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hello to all! I want to make my netbeans project executable and portable. i write a program which connects to Ms access database and execute an Insert Query. My program is running successfully. Now I want to made executeable of this project and want to run this executable on another …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Adnan_7

Hi guys, I need to create the following program: 1. Declare 2 5-element integer arrays. (a) One should be for the winning lottery number (hard code this as 12-35-34-2-5). (b) The other should be for the user's lottery number input. 2. Declare an integer to count the number of matching …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for anand01

Hi All, I want to generate report in a document format and the same should be converted in to pdf using JAVA. Can you please any one suggest me some libraries for the same. Thanks in advance Regards, Anand

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Member Avatar for Doogledude123

I'm having some issues with my BSP Dungeon Generation and I'm not sure why! I'd greatly appreciate the help :) Occasionally I'll get an IllegalArgumentException in RandomHelper. That may help, but it's not the issue because it only happens rarely. As you can see, [this image](http://puu.sh/nb9Ir/70efbe5e81.png) shows that the Rooms …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for brittney_2

I need to convert the findWithinHorizon method to C#, is there anything equivalent to this?

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for divinity02

hi all this is not a question, this is a message, thank you dani for writing to me, i receive your mail today and it was a pleasure of you to take time out to write to me. and sorry for not being on the site. guess ah got caught …

Member Avatar for Violet_82

HI guys, a while ago I built an application to save strings to file https://www.daniweb.com/programming/software-development/threads/501460/application-to-save-wordsentences-to-file and I was wondering, what if I wanted to have the ability to search those strings, say I can choose a search key, like "bring" and search all the strings (and when I say strings …

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Member Avatar for nithyananthanaiker

Hello guys. I am currently developing an OCR tool using Chain-code algorithm in Java. I was googling and found this code in Matlab. I have no idea on using Matlab. So, I need help from someone who's good in Matlab to convert it into Java. This will be a big …

Member Avatar for Neha_18
Member Avatar for Nation

Where can I download the SMSLib that is complete? I happen to have downloaded [this](http://smslib.org/download ) but it does not have this class: org.smslib.gateway.modem.Modem! Please help.

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

Why is my finally block not firing after projectDCThread.join() is called? This method IS in a class that implements Runnable, however it's not overriding the deprecated stop() method. public synchronized void stop() { if(isRunning || safeCloseRequested) { try { isRunning = false; projectDCThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Logger.append("Exception thrown …

Member Avatar for Doogledude123
Member Avatar for DeanMSands3

Hi, Daniweb, it's been a while. I'm looking to do a mobile ssh-client (well, not quite a full client) that stores sensitive login information encrypted by a pattern-lock. However, I know very little about encryption. Can anyone recommend a good learning path - and by path, I mean Encryption for …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Sheila Mae

My database have this record: timer_id = 1 time = 498 utc = 16:46:21 I'm retrieving the record the time column in the database but it won't retrieve the current record. I have this code for retrieving it: function start(){ div = "<?php $select = mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM …

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The End.