32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for imb4uin

Hi can someone who knows html please help me out? I have my webpage, [url]http://users.igl.net/ash/index.html[/url] It has a javascript on it. I am trying to embed my homepage on my league site. so I write the code as follows <embed height="200" name="homepage" hidden="never" width="200" src="http://users.igl.net/ash/index.html" allowscriptaccess="true" /></embed> My homepage loads …

Member Avatar for imb4uin
Member Avatar for jonjonjon

Yes I have this in an array... // Average Grade for(int i = 0; i<10; i++); { System.out.print("Average Grade" + scoreArray[i]/10); } I am wanting to divide by 10 (where the 10 is) I know that it want let me but how would you divide a list of numbers that …

Member Avatar for roul47
Member Avatar for Bobon

Hey guys, my second java problem in 24 hours :) I'm trying to call a method from another class. So basically what i'm trying to do is put the date from the main class through the method "tomorrow" so it adds 1 to the int day and returns the date …

Member Avatar for Bobon
Member Avatar for pateldeep454

My code: [CODE] package big; import java.math.BigInteger; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println (factorial (5)); } public static int factorial (int n) { int f = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { f = f * i; } return f; …

Member Avatar for pateldeep454
Member Avatar for kayba

[code]import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { int userBirthDay = 0; int userBirthMonth =0; int userBirthYear=0; Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter The day of your birth"); userBirthDay = input.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter The month of your birth"); userBirthMonth = input.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter The year of …

Member Avatar for kayba
Member Avatar for kenko

Hallo - trying to set up Frost ptp software but Frost Bat can't access Frost Jar. This program came as a complete package and should not require any 'off piste' tinkering. Something simple must be wrong. Any ideas please ?

Member Avatar for Bobon

Hey lads, I have a small problem re inheritance. The 1st piece of code is the superclass which contains hour and minute. The 2nd piece of code which is the subclass, contains the int second. The 2nd piece inherits the code from the 1st piece. Now when seconds go over …

Member Avatar for Bobon
Member Avatar for the_preface

I have two problems with my code. One being I can't get it to repeat the simple game until the user has no money in his or her bankroll, the game continues even when the bankroll equals 0. The other is I can't get my program to repeat asking the …

Member Avatar for emilo35
Member Avatar for musthafa.aj

hi! i developing chat application ... my client and server communicate at lan but over internet it is not... i came to know that port forwarding for client and server communicate behind router... but Skype is working without any port forwarding.. how can achieve my chat application working like skype …

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for nickoclews

[CODE] else if (e.getSource() ==butRetrieve) for (int i=0;i<Store.count;i++) { [COLOR="Red"] u=new Employee(myStore.elementAt(i));[/COLOR] if(txtName.getText().equals(u.name)) { u=(Employee)myStore.elementAt(0); txtName.setText(u.name); txtPhonenum.setText(u.phoneNo); txtNi.setText(u.natInsceNo); } }[/CODE] Code in red is the problem, "cannot find symbol - constructor Employee(person)". Im a java virgin so please be gentle.

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for JellyTurf

i need a simple way to slow down a for loop using a simple timer-like method. i know for a fact that there is one, because i used it in high school, i just can't remember the code.

Member Avatar for JellyTurf
Member Avatar for Taimoor Rana

hello guys, i have this code written down to print a magic square and i get an error. public void doMagic() { int k = 1; int row = 0; int col = order/2; msArray[row][col] = k; for ( int r = 0; r < msArray.length; r++) { for ( …

Member Avatar for litchi
Member Avatar for musikluver4

[code] import java.io.*; public class SortDoubleArray { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { double[] doubleValue = new double[10]; Input(doubleValue); ascendingSort(doubleValue, doubleValue.length); descendingSort(doubleValue, doubleValue.length); } public static void Input(double[] array) throws IOException { BufferedReader dataIn = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String[] numbers = {"first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth", …

Member Avatar for litchi
Member Avatar for charlieruns

So I have all these methods that I need to run for multiple files through command line arguments. How to I get it to allow more than one file? I know how to get it to work with one file by just using String first = args[0]; The code I …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for achiman

Please can anyone tell me if its possible to save chat between a server and client using java windows to a file. A link to a site where I can find the information will be sufficient. Thanks

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for claudiu_is

Hi, I need to develop a functionality similar with the iTunes one, when you right-click a song -> Get Artwork, the jpg/png is "embeded" into the mp3 file. I have no ideea how this could be done, do you have any hints ? Thanks.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for charlieruns

Alright. So this is just one part of my multiple part project. I need to try and get the frequency of how many times each word of 'X' amount of letters shows up. I am pretty bad at using arrays, but I realize this is the best way to do …

Member Avatar for rue64ja
Member Avatar for the_preface

I'm relatively new to Java and I'm writing a code that implements a simple "Hi-Lo" game using a standard deck of 52 playing cards. I could give you the entire description of the program's requirements, but I won't let you all suffer the same headache I do. :P Anyhow, here's …

Member Avatar for kvass
Member Avatar for kendaop

Can someone please help me? I'm getting an exception: Given final block not properly padded. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Shouldn't Java automatically pad the data for me? [CODE] import java.security.*; import java.io.*; import javax.crypto.*; public class AES { static String fileName = "javaEncrypted.dat"; static File inputFile …

Member Avatar for kendaop
Member Avatar for red_lynx

Hi all, i am not an experienced Java GUI programmer and its the first time i'm asking for help in programming on a forum. I have this simple GUI which allows people to mark text with different categories. I use JTextPane and DefaultStyledDocument. Basically, i took most of the code …

Member Avatar for red_lynx
Member Avatar for C_WHAT_I_DID

How do I make system calls in Java? I could do it in C but I'm not sure how to do it in Java. Thanks!!

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Member Avatar for SasseMan

Hi, I have really weird layout problem. I have a class VerticalGridPanel, which uses GridBagLayout to place components top to bottom, left to right, nothing special. Then I have a List of components, which i want to add a part of to a VerticalGridPanel. I then want to add another …

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Member Avatar for lrolsto1

I habitually compile after every change I make, i had all of 5 minutes to start a project and this will not compile!!: [CODE] public class Battleship{ public static void main(String[] args){ int boardInput = parseInt(args[0]); } }[/CODE] I get this error: Battleship.java:19: cannot find symbol symbol : method parseInt(java.lang.String) …

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Member Avatar for Accendo

This program I thought was working fine. It reads something I type in then it's supposed to break up the words (or random letters) separated by a " " and pop them into array [B]arr[/B]. It works, well sometimes... I don't know what's stopping it and them other times allowing …

Member Avatar for Accendo
Member Avatar for rizzi143

hi i have used three classes to make link list in java lean list as interface, Basic list got the constructor etc , and Demo basic test i need the function to be added in the demo basic list to complete the program. the following code for classes are as …

Member Avatar for rizzi143
Member Avatar for mytime19

i am using a GridBagLayout and it works fine when i take my coordinates to place an asterisk on the frame but if i try to extract the coordinates from an sql table then it just displays one single asterisk and which would be in the center.. and if i …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for lion hunta

I have to create a currency converter for a project and i need help, I have to build it from using my commissionapplet with the directions from the work sheet some one please help

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for David22

Hey guys. Can anybody tell me what is wrong with this line of SQL? I keep getting a syntax error message. Here is the line: [CODE]prepStat = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO WeatherHistory (Date, Location, Overview, Temperature, WindDirection, WindSpeed, Pressure) VALUES ('"+date+"','"+location+"','"+temp+"','"+windDir+"','"+windSpd+"','"+pressure+"')");[/CODE] All the field names and variables exist correctly, so I really …

Member Avatar for csjbot
Member Avatar for unique88

Here I have a program called Connect4Model. Basically what the problem is that I have successfully compiled the program in TextPad. However when I run the program it throws up an Exception in thread "main" error. I fully understand what this error is, and it basically means that I'm missing …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for dat_geezer

Hi i've got a JPanel which contains a JButton. Now, i'm able to drag this JButton anywhere inside the panel fine. Normally, if i were to just click on this button, a new jframe would appear which contains a jtextarea. My question is, that, everytime I click on the Jbutton …

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The End.