32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for klackey19

Hello all, I am writing a program that implements a parser for the grammar. One of the methods I created is a boolean method which returns true or false depending on if a character is an expression. The compiler is saying "this method must return a result of type boolean" …

Member Avatar for klackey19
Member Avatar for bruceaj

I have no idea how to fix the compile warning. Y:\Development\Java\Mileage\Mileage\src\my\Mileage\MileageUI.java:296: warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type java.util.Vector dataList.add(doctorData); Appreciate some suggestions. Thanks..

Member Avatar for Mikeyp926
Member Avatar for klackey19

Hello all, I am writing a program for a class that implements a parser for a given grammar. I have already successfully written it in c++ and now I have to also write it in java. The string to be parsed is a string array in my program and when …

Member Avatar for Mikeyp926
Member Avatar for shakunni

Hey, so I need to write an algorithm that will do the following and run in O(n): Search linearly through an array of size n and for each element check whether array[i]>array[i-k] for all k=1,2,...n/5. Its easy to do this with two loops but I cant figure out how to …

Member Avatar for eggmatters
Member Avatar for Fire00f1y

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a suitable thread already so please forgive me if there is one already... but! This was a project due today which I just bit the bullet and left out one part of. Here is my problem: I am building a circular doubly linked list with a …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for ahmedshayan

1. Create a class Account that has following instance variables: a. private account number (string) b. private account holder name (string) c. private balance (floating-point) d. private account opening date (string) e. profitRate (final, floating-point): 5% for all accounts Supply a default constructor, a parameterized constructor, and a clone constructor. …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for popi
Member Avatar for tipalm

Hello all I am trying to get a JButton to toggle the setVisible on a JPanel label with an image on it. Below is my code. Thx in advance! [CODE] import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; public class ButtonExample_Extended implements ActionListener { JPanel titlePanel, buttonPanel, dealerPanel, playerPanel; JLabel dealerLabel, playerLabel, …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for Loved

Hi, I am fairly new to java and have been playing around with scanners and while trying to understand this problem I am running into an error "Non-static variable vacation cannot be referenced from a static context" Obviously this isn't quite a completed program, but I am not sure why …

Member Avatar for Loved
Member Avatar for udayangaS

hi, i,m newbe to hibernate. can any one explains how to do bi- directional associations in hibernate . cheers... udayanga

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Member Avatar for eggmatters

Hello all, I have used this code throughout this application with no troubles. I am creating a datatable, and the data is a result set returned from a sql query to an oracle 11g database. I'm creating a TableModel class that overrides the AbstractTableModel so I can add fetures to …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for anki.gulsvart

Hi. I really need help. I´ve written a program in java that connects to an ftp-server and changes files. as it is now i have a JPanel and i have to press a button and write the name of the file but i want the program to do this automatically …

Member Avatar for eggmatters
Member Avatar for dhanh90

I'm new to java.I write the code and dont know why its wrong.Someone can point out and modify it for me.thanks alot. Here the code[CODE]/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package OOP; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Scanner; /** …

Member Avatar for sneaker
Member Avatar for estefania
Member Avatar for Krishna_vs

Hi, Is it possible that, the Iteration of normal bean (not a Form bean) values contained in a vector into a jsp page.? please help me

Member Avatar for nateuni

Guys.. I am trying to figure out Comparator so I can compare Strings in an object array (the object has other data types as well). I have been hunting around and have come up with this.. but I cant get it to work --> Can anyone point me in the …

Member Avatar for nateuni
Member Avatar for lithuanian

Hello. I'm currently have a task to make but i can't complete it because of my weak knowledge. I need to draw half of sin parabola with straight lines . Like this [url]http://www.mif.vu.lt/matinf/asm/vs/pask/java_pr/uzd/7.jpg[/url] It gives me a headache because i really don't like JAVA (I think it's not for me) …

Member Avatar for lithuanian
Member Avatar for Samyx

I want to create a method equals(Object obj) to test if two objects are equal. But I don't even know how to start. Here is my program [code] class LinkedList { ListItem front = null; ListItem rear = null; int numItems = 0; // Current number of items. // Could …

Member Avatar for Jocamps
Member Avatar for Derice

i am using scanner class, i faced problem when i tried to get a string with space. How can i modify my code to solve the problem. Here is my code: [CODE] import java.util.Scanner; class abc { public void main(String[] args) { Scanner abc = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Name: "); String …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for kilermage

I wrote up a CombatHandler class. Here is what the begining: [CODE]public class CombatHandler extends client {[/CODE] But when I compile I get this error: [CODE]Running Compiler -------------------------------------- CombatHandler.java:3: cannot find symbol symbol : constructor client() location: class client public class CombatHandler extends client { ^ Note: stream.java uses or …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for chengeto

I am trying to get this program to count the number of characters in a string. By number of characters l mean not punctuation or a space.What is wrong with my code because l don't understand why the program won't work? [CODE]import javax.swing.*; publiemc class ExamPractise { public static void …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for ZER09

I need to create a scientific calculator using applet in neat beans 6.1 but i cant do it. if there someone who did it before, can you help me about my problem.its for our project in our school. asking a help.Thanks a lot.

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Member Avatar for nola_Coder

Hello... This is my last assignment from my Data Structures class. I turned it in and got a good grade, but it still has one problem that I am unable to pinpoint. The assignment is as follows: Create an alphabetical linked list from a .txt file containing various names. (1 …

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Member Avatar for bruceaj

I have several classes that I use in almost every one of my projects. [B]What[/B], and [B]How[/B], do I create something so the I can easily access them? I'm use NetBeans for my IDE. Thanks..

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for Chad W

This is my now finished code: [CODE]// ********************************************************** // Count.java // // This program reads in strings (phrases) and counts the // number of blank characters and certain other letters // in the phrase and quits upon the user entering the phrase "quit". // Modified by: Chad Watkins // ********************************************************** …

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for lilspeed500

only scanners, strings, for loops, while loops, and if/else statements are allowed. 1. main method. In the main program declare a Scanner variable that is hooked up to System.in. You need to include the line of code import java.util.*; at the top of your program. Pass the Scanner object you …

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for mayurjadhav

How can i develop my logic to develop any software? i am study well but then also can not did it properly. You have any solution about that. how can develop software using C#,java ,etc other.

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for shakunni
Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for geek_till_itMHZ

I am trying to make a very simple program for a school assignment. I simply need to display 3 random icons of playing cards. All the icons are stored in an image file as 1.png-52.png Is there anyway to do this with out identifying each individual image, adding it to …

Member Avatar for truebot
Member Avatar for Xessa

I want to create a pdf file. And it has a long sentence that it won't fit in 1 line. Which method can I use to continue from the new line when the sentence to be added in the cell to continue from the new line.

Member Avatar for quuba

The End.