32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for acunlai

hi guys, i need to write a program about slide show in java, please help me with these wrong code : import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; class myframe extends JWindow { myframe() { setLocation(200,200); setSize(250,150); addKeyListener(new Listen()); show(); } class Listen extends KeyAdapter { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){ if …

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for anbuhikaru

My JRadioButtons dont add, and i dont understand why i have 1. declared buttons 2. declared button group 3. added to actionlistener 4. added to buttongroup since i'm using a null layout 5. set size 6. set location 7. added JButtons help would be greatly appreciated! <code snipped and replace …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for NycNessyness

Hello guys. I'm having a bit of difficulty with adding totals. I know how it's suppose to work but I'm not seeing what I'm doing wrong. If I want to add my total each time I hit the total button how can I do it. When I try to add …

Member Avatar for NycNessyness
Member Avatar for nsuleiman

Hi all Can anybody help me how to set time in SuperWaba so that an action is done after some millisecond or sometime. Thank you.

Member Avatar for TheWhite

I'm trying to add a KeyListener to my JFrame, but it doesn't seem to work when I have a JButton floating around [code=Java]import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; public class Testing extends JFrame implements KeyListener{ public static void main(String[] args){ SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run(){ new Testing(); …

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Member Avatar for tactfulsaint

Please everyone i need some help here, why do i keep getting this error . i want the informations submited to the database. C:\RMI\Client>javac *.java CustomerInformation.java:121: ';' expected String insertDetails(cid, name, dob, cms, address, city, state , zcode , cnum, nod); ^

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for D boss

hi guys, i have created a class which has a couple of buttons and each button calls a public class, class B4 is a button and it calls up the Printdata class, the Printdata class, then gets data from the database carpark and stores it into a file.txt as B4 …

Member Avatar for D boss
Member Avatar for regent_royal

Hi, friends I want to disable copy (Ctrl + C) in JEditorPane in Java.. I used text/html as our requirment so that right click of mouse is disable but it can't effect on Ctrl+c. So, Help me.

Member Avatar for keshari

Hey All Me getting a frustating problem while making the webservice using Eclipse, jdk1.6.0_03,and Tomcat-5.0. The overall scenario is like this.There is a class “WsEpp” of which I have to make webservice.”WsEpp” class is using the object of another class “EppService”, and if certain conditions will be fullfill then “EppService” …

Member Avatar for cbalu

Hi folks, Today i noticed two strange behaviour in swing. [B][I]Case 1:[/I][/B] Normally for every key events we used to get one keyPress and one keyRelease events.But this is not of the case with [B][COLOR="Red"]PrintScreen[/COLOR][/B] key. I tested this behaviour on the JNLP file used in java tutorial at this …

Member Avatar for alpe gulay

..I just want to have some answers about it.. -is posible that we can put a windows media player in our java program?? if yes, can anyone give some info on how could I do it.. or even the bets site tutorial on how to do it... -tnx

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for BiNO

Hi I have Borland Jbuilder 2006 Enterprise installed on a Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium OS. I was trying to make the font bigger (in the preferences menu) but something happened and now the font is very small, too small to even click on a button. (I'm not talking about …

Member Avatar for BiNO
Member Avatar for NycNessyness

Hello once again everyone. I would like to know if anyone could assist me on how to insert text from a JFormattedTextField and an item from a JComboBox and place them into a JTextPane. If the user enters an item name like Shoe in the JFormattedTextField and then selects an …

Member Avatar for NycNessyness
Member Avatar for Ajuddy
Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for dophine

Hi all, there is a JTable and the cell in one column is set to button by set a customize cell render. However, the size of the button occupies the whole cell region that is not what I want. How can I set fix size to it? Thanks

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for shobha1335

Im developing a Issue Tracker Application in struts,I have one link 'view issue' which displays all the issues as a report, for each record one update link will be there, if we click on update link it has to go to that particular record page with details from the database. …

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Member Avatar for LevelSix

Question: Write a program that draws a clock face with a time that the user enters in two text fields (one for the hours, one for the minutes). I have Followed my example code, and come up with 3 classes. Clock, which sets the outines for drawing clock objects, ClockViewerFrame …

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Member Avatar for coderboy

I was wondering if I can get some guidance on the following questions. ___________________________________________________________________________ Write a text menu-based program to allow a user to continually select from the following options: a. Store up to a maximum of 20 integers in an array. Enter numbers until the sentinel value - 99 …

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for NycNessyness

Hello. I asked last week about how to allow the user to only enter in letters. I tried the mask formatter but that's too limited. How can I go about letting the user to enter in any kind of letters they want but restricted to only 25 letters for their …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for quickfingers

Hi, in many sites i see scroller in flash, it scrolls without pressing a button or mouseover to any button. It scrolls inside in a box.With mouse movement it scrolls to left or right. It will scroll any div content.I searched all of internet but result is empty :(..Anybody have …

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Member Avatar for mandar2886
Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for 9107you

[code] public class IamCanadian { public static void main (String[] args) { // create an object, and IamCanadian canEng = new IamCanadian (); // while the user does not enter "quit" as a sentence: // get a string from the user System.out.println ("enter a American English"); String ameEng = ReadLib.readString …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for slayman89

We are having an issue with Host-On-Demand crashing on certain computers, what will happen is you launch the program and it goes through all the load up but then just shuts itself off. I have run the program on other computers using the same windows image with SP3 and on …

Member Avatar for hezfast2

I'm writing a program that takes an input string and gets the length and/or gets the number of vowels and consonants in the string. I've gotten it working except for consideration of spaces (which are allowed) and error checking for input other than letters. Here is what I've got so …

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Member Avatar for roadrage75

Hello all, im rather confused about what's wrong with my code.... it says non-static method add(E) cannot be referenced from a static context, yet i can't see any reference to a static context.... here is my code; thanks in advance! import java.util.*; public class person { public String name[]; public …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for EngSara

hello .... I need a java code that convert from eqn ( or bench ) format to verilog format.... Does anyone has an idea?! Thanks in advance....

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for programmer321

[code] Hello, I am writing a small java code which read from a text file line by line and parses each read line(hash seperated). Here is the code snippet: in =new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("file.txt"))); while((linedata =in.readLine())!=null) { System.out.println("Linedata: "+linedata); strparse = linedata.split("#"); line = strparse[1]; System.out.println("Line Number:"+strparse[1]); } the data …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for cheesy_mel

Hi.. I'm creating a media player using JMF. I want to play several songs in a sequence one after another. How to detect when a song has finished playing? Regards, Mel

Member Avatar for BBaller1211

I'm trying to make a level that can be edited in game for a pong-like game. So far, this is what I have: [code] import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class LevelEditor extends Board { public static final String row1 = "::::gggggggggggggggggg"; public static String row2 = "::::g::::::::::::::::g"; public static String …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for redrum_ub

Hello, I have this problem with slider (jQuery) which contains scrool bar. In Firefox when slider is clicked, it slides to the left, but leaving trace of a picture over the video. The link for the page is [URL="http://gewiss2.digid.tv/"]HERE [/URL] Click on any of the videos at the botom of …


The End.