578 Topics

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In response to the moaning and groaning of book publishers, the world’s favorite search engine announced it won’t be scanning copyrighted books for a while. Last October, Google announced that it had launched its “Google Print" program. The program entails scanning books, and making their content searchable. For publishers, Google …

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Blink and you will see them appear in a Console window. This is a translation to C# of a Modula-2 implementation by N.Wirth, the inventor of Pascal. The tested integers are obtained by incrementing alternatively by 2 and 4, thereby avoiding multiples of 2 and 3 in the first place. …

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Member Avatar for ddanbe

A bunch of basic statistical functions. I could have made a class here and I could have used more features of C#. But just to keep it simple I left it as a console application. So the modifications you have to make if you're into C, C++, Java etc. should …

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[TEX]Solve an equation of the form Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0.[/TEX] The class is commented, but if you have any questions don't be affraid to ask. You may exercise this class in a console application with the following snippet : [CODE]QuadraticEquation z = new QuadraticEquation(1, 3, 3); z.Solve(); …

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Most of the time there are many ways to implement an algorithm. Here are two ways to implement the greatest common divisor algoritm, one of the oldest algorithms ever.

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If you have to convert an angle from degrees to radians and way back, here are some utility functions in C#, along with a program to test them. I made use of the "out" keyword here, which allows a function to return more than one value. An alternative would be …

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Hey....hello all i am writing a very simple function of calculating a square of a number entered by the user and then displaying it. While writing the function in c# i am getting n number of errors regarding conversion type....plz help me out of this .....here is the function... [code] …

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Hi All, I'm trying to implement the NORMSDIST function of MS excel in the C#. I found its implementation from the following link. [url]http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052091941033.aspx[/url] and I've written the following code for this i.e. [code] static double NORMSDIST(double z_score) { double z_ = - ( (z_score * z_score) / 2 ); …

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The End.