167 Topics
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Hello everybody! Im a new to this site. I wonder how can I get the row dimension of a matrix. For example i have a matrix double[n,m] and i want to get n provided m is unknown. So what property of method should i use??? Thank you | |
I am trying to create an abstract data type for matrices. I have a function matrixInit to dynamically allocate memory for the structure and for the array. matrixCopy copies one matrix into another. there are functions to subtract, add and multiply matrices that return a pointer to memory where the … | |
Frame complete game, only the outer edges of a square drawn on the table is a game played with 2 players. Sequence of a square drawn from the player wants to draw a non-edge. Underline that this edge of the square is not the last edge of the square is … | |
Hello :) I'm from Brazil, so sorry about my english. This is the first code I post here - I'm a begginer in Python. It is a function to calculate determinants of matrices. You can attach it to a class if you wish. Please leave a comment if you wish … | |
Hokay so, i gotta make a program that reads an adjacency matrix from a data file and then outputs which nodes are adjacent to the others. In the data file there are 0's and 1's, 0 means that they are not connected and a 1 means that they are. I … | |
Hi, I'm trying to get this program to read a file which contains a matrix. I am trying to output a text file which has the matrix of the input file but with the average of each row. Every time I enter the name of the inputFile and the outputFile … | |
Hi, How can I print this figure if I have an array like this? It should be a for-loop but don´t know how. [CODE] labyrinth = \ [[0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0], [0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0], [0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0], [0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0], [0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0], [0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0], [0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]] [/CODE] figure: ############. ## ## ##. . . . ## ##. . . ## #### … | |
Hello all, I'm having trouble with making a 2d vector array class. Would anyone have time to help with a couple of questions? I think my problem is with overloading (). I notice that this: [CODE]template <typename T> T& Array2d<T>::operator() ( int x, int y) { if( x >= rows … | |
This is what my program is supposed to do: [LIST=1] [*]Print the vector (m1) [*]Print the matrix (m2) [*]Multiply the vector and matrix together and display results [/LIST] The only thing wrong with my program is that I can't quite get the right results displayed. The correct display of values … | |
my program is made to enter a matix,in which it finds all of the column`s minimum numbers which are[COLOR="Red"] >0[/COLOR] and then put them under the last row.i have sucseded entering the array and puting it out,but i think my IF is wrong somehow.I have tried initialising the last row … | |
I'm currently having an issue with moving the camera around the z-axis (roll). For debugging purposes, I have an object with which I've tested with all 3-axis rotation and movement and it's working as expected; the object in question as well as the camera class superseed a positions class for … | |
hi, I'm creating a game with pygame and i want to create a matrix that will represent the map(where each tile will be). my pygame code is ok, because if i create the map without loading the tilemap (the matrix file) the game runs ok. that would be good but … | |
I'm trying to write a matrix multiplication program that takes in an int N on command line, creates two NxN matrices A & B, randomly populates them with ints, and then computes the result of multiplying A and B. I wanted to avoid malloc, but the first version started segfaulting … | |
Given the matrix representing a relation on a finite set, determine whether the relation is reflexive or irreflexive.. Need your help! | |
Cn somebody give a matrix program which recognizes if it's REFLEXIVE or IRREFLEXIVE? | |
for (i=0, i<imax, i++) { // ... Array< complex<float>, 3 > matrix(x,y,z); // x,y,z are large and vary in each loop // ... // matrix <=== values for each element assigned // ... // now want to write "matrix" in a single binary file. // later, this matrix can be … | |
I used this to write the matrix into a file: int Nx, Ny, Nz; Array <complex<float>, 3> matrix(Nx, Ny, Nz, ColumnMajorArray<3>()); ...get matrix data... fstream outbin(outname.c_str(),ios::out|ios::binary); outbin.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(matrix.data()),sizeof(complex<float>)*Nx*Ny*Nz); outbin.close(); Then, I used this to read this matrix, works fine, values and orders are correct too: Array <complex<float>, 3> matrixb(Nx, Ny, … | |
I am using [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.drawing.drawing2d.matrix.aspx"]matrix class[/URL] to perform image transformations.Problem is that I want to do a perspective transform, which requires a 3x3 matrix. [COLOR="Green"]system.drawing.drawing2d.matrix[/COLOR] behaves like a 3x2 matrix. Here's a short code extract of what I use the matrix for: [CODE] Graphics my_graphics= Graphics.FromImage(my_image); my_graphics.Transform = my_matrix; my_graphics.DrawImage(my_image2, new … | |
I'm trying to do addition of matrices using pointers. But, in 3x3 matrix, only the first row of the matrix gets added, while the rest are zero. Please help me correct this. Thank You! My code is as follows :: [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int a[10][10],b[10][10],c[10][10]={0}; int i=0,j=0,k=0; int r1,c1,r2,c2; void … | |
Hi! I am using the Boost uBlas interface for matrices and I'd like to be able to create matrices with the following syntax (or similar): [CODE] typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> Matrix; //for clarity Matrix mat = {[1,1,1],[2,2,2],[3,3,3]}; [/CODE] The actual matrix should be 3x3 and look like the following - 1,1,1 2,2,2 … | |
Hi everyone, Can someone help me to solve this question? im attaching the question as i cant post the matrix here. Thank you | |
[CODE] for (int i = 1; i <= numberofmatricesrequired; i++) { string number = Convert.ToString(i); Matrix (matrixnumber+number) = new Matrix(matrixsize, matrixsize); } [/CODE] Basically I have x amount of matrices I need to establish of y by y size. I was hoping to name the matrices: matrixnumber[B]1[/B] matrixnumber[B]2[/B]..matrixnumber[B]n[/B] I cannot … | |
Hi, I have the following files and can match but, am having trouble with getting the output to write correctly to a data matrix format that I need and would appreciate any help with getting the code right. File 1 has a list of numbers and Files 2, 3 and … | |
This is as much of a question about algorithm as it is about code. I’m training monkeys to input data into a keyboard in the form of a table. I have created a special keyboard with nothing on it but numbers 0 - 9, a period, tab key and a … | |
I have this 2d array that sorts the rows but i can't sort the column.. i can't figure it out for the life of me. PLEASE HELP Please enter size of row between 1 - 20: 5 Please enter size of column between 1 - 20: 5 Your matrix is … | |
Hi everyone: I have written C++ code for populating a matrix/2D array with calculation results. Each column of the array represents results for a distinct time step. My problem arises because the rows of my results vector do NOT correspond to the rows of the matrix. The matrix includes extra … | |
Hey, Im trying to write a program that using gauss-jordan elimination to solve a set of linear equations.It reads in two files names for matrix A and C. I have to first form an augmentes matrix (A|C) and then do the elimination.Can any one help me by telling how to … | |
![]() | Hi, I am attempting to create a dynamic array using realloc in 2 dimensions. Currently i have managed to get it to work using realloc to dynamically resize the amount of rows but when I attempt to use realloc to dynamically resize the amount of columns per row I keep … ![]() |
Hey. I need a method that creates a matrix from an array, for instance: ({10, 11, 12, 13}, 2) should return {{10, 11, 12}, {13}}. [code]public class Matrix{ public static int[][]toM(int[] array, int a){ int[][]matrix = new int [(array.length)/a][a]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ int value … | |
Hi everybody! Sorry for my bad english! I have a matrix of integers with a maximum length 6 digits. I must to write program, that checks whether a number is found in the section above the main secondary diagonal of this matrix. I'm beginner in C + + and I … |
The End.