What's the most efficient way to implement CI/CD in a microservices ? Programming Software Development by Sajid_21 As we transition from a monolithic architecture to a microservices-based approach one of the main challenges we're facing … go for a single CI/CD pipeline that manages all microservices or to have individual pipelines for each service. The goal… are the best practices for implementing CI/CD in a microservices architecture? Re: What's the most efficient way to implement CI/CD in a microservices ? Programming Software Development by Sajid_21 Switching from monolith to microservices definitely adds a layer of complexity when it comes to … Api Gateway Spring Cloud Gateway vs Kong? Programming Software Development by ok … with API-Gateway(s). Currently im running 5 Microservices written in Java (Spring-Boot) deployed via Docker. …Each Microservices is protected via Keycloak. I want to use a…was intrested in checking out 'Spring Cloud Gateway' because the Microservices are written in 'Spring Boot' and alternatively 'Kong'. … Re: Api Gateway Spring Cloud Gateway vs Kong? Programming Software Development by Dhiraj_4 … the box which is very helpful for spring boot based microservices. Re: which programming language is best to build texting platform? Programming Software Development by Sajid_21 … into WebSocket for that. Scalability is another beast altogether—considering microservices could be a good move. Also, don't underestimate the… Re: Api Gateway Spring Cloud Gateway vs Kong? Programming Software Development by ok im using spring therefore i choose zuul ( https://spring.io/guides/gs/routing-and-filtering/ )