3,842 Topics

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Member Avatar for teh_man

Hi, guys I don’t know if anyone can help or not? I've made a form for a search list using an SQL query which is linked to my form. Basically the user selects a class of a car and the price is shown and then the user inputs what dates …

Member Avatar for teh_man
Member Avatar for clueless101

This is my first exposure to arrays. I need to create a 1-dimensional string-based array with five elements. I need to assign 5 different names to the array. Use a for loop to iterate through each of the array elements, displaying the names in a message box. I would truly …

Member Avatar for clueless101
Member Avatar for Mr.Wobbles

I have a program that creates a SQL statement based upon a treeview list that the user makes. The SQL statement looks like this: [code]CREATE TABLE Test ( Test ID PRIMARY KEY, Check1 CHAR(255), Check2 MEMO, Check3 INTEGER, Check4 DOUBLE, Check5 DATETIME, Check6 BOOLEAN) VALUES (1, 'DefSML', 'DefLRG', 0, 0.0, …

Member Avatar for Kegtapper
Member Avatar for Topina

Hi! I'm a foreigner working in japan and my job has recently put me in a position where I have to use Access for the first time. I've managed to create some tables and establish relationships between them, but I got stuck trying to create a form with subforms. I …

Member Avatar for bjcountry
Member Avatar for Robtyketto

Greetings, I'm using Flash MX connecting to an MS Access database via JET. I've stored dates using Flash/Jet into my database as 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss' into a DATE/TIME field. However I can't update because of the WHERE clause as I am not specifying the date correctly. I believe syntax wise I …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for arpit111

I am to develop a web based application for a telephone company. I am a novice so plz be deliberate and detailed in your solution. The company has a set of exchanges at various places and needs a daily status of their circuits and calls made by the customers at …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for dragon@dragon64

hi i am trying to do a simple access database, with quantities, and a query with a report I have create a table with one of the variables being a numeric value, but i need to have 2 decimal places. when i format with 2 decimals, what ever i type …

Member Avatar for HI2Japan
Member Avatar for plantphoto

Hi, I have imported all my tables from Access and trying to get up to speed with filemaker on my mac but I'm having problems. I want to copy two fields in table view and paste them into 50-100 other records but I can't see how to do this. Firstly …

Member Avatar for Palmap

Hi guys, I'm fairly new to MS Access and I am running Ver.2003. I have a problem with comparing a Excel speadsheet with an Access DB. The result I require is as follows.... If field 'Last' and ID Num in Excel speadsheet matches 'Last' and EmpID in Access DB then …

Member Avatar for Palmap
Member Avatar for tony1977

hi everyone. just had a question. iam trying to link ms access to a sybase database which i was able to do through odbc. but everytime i link the odbc driver keeps prompting for the user name and password to connect to sybase. is there a way to save this …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for fireprooffox

hi, i hv a residential facility reservation database in which the facility can wither be a hotel or a guest house. Now, i hv created these tables(along with many other) ############# Facility Table Facility ID Facility Type Name Number of rooms Address City Phone ############## Table Hotels Facility ID Tieup …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for xrmarcis

I'm looking into creating a Access database for marking my students and so they can get there marks online. The online part is much later mind you but that is my goal. I need help in the structure of my tables, quaries and reports. I've been using access for a …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for pach

Hi, Does anyone know how to make ms access online & shared by different users? Thx...

Member Avatar for pach
Member Avatar for djnzak

Hi i am making a table where i have different currency fields showing the salary of different staff and then a total field where i can calculate each staff's salary on rent, transport etc... now how do i make the total field show the total i.e. addition of rent+transport+education

Member Avatar for djnzak
Member Avatar for Mr.Wobbles

I am writing a program in VB 2005 Express and I am using SQL to insert, delete, etc. I was curious if there was a SQL statement that would allow me to backup the database in Access - I have tried the MySQL syntax for it, but I can't seem …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for nicolamoore

I need to calculate the approximate current age in years of patients at a clinic. We don't have the birthday of all the patients, but we know how old they were when then first registered and we know the date they registered. I am doing a calculation which returns some …

Member Avatar for Bookman
Member Avatar for The Monkey

Hi there, I am finished writing a filemaker pro database ready to be used on the field. Everything is fine in the .fp7 file. Everything works great. However, after compiling to a runtime app, it refuses to export PDF files. When I create a database and want to export some …

Member Avatar for Bookman
Member Avatar for flower88

Hello I need help in microsoft access. I am creating an electronic database so i need 2 events, 2 resources and 2 agents for example event (order) resources (product). and i also want to know how do we link the table with each other i am talking about relationship Thankyou …

Member Avatar for Sulley's Boo
Member Avatar for HI2Japan

I have a list box set to simple multi select option. I want to be able to pass those options to a text box. If I have multi select set to no, the value appears in the textbox fine. Whether I set it to Simple or Extended, it doesnt seem …

Member Avatar for aroojee

First hello to every one in this forum. Well I am using MS Access 2003 for building a database. [B]I am usign 3 tables.[/B] [LIST=1] [*]Students [*]Books [*]Request [/LIST] Both student and books table has one to many relation with request table. I am using MS Access Forum for all …

Member Avatar for fundweb

Does anyone have experience with "Actual Installer" by Softeza Development? I am looking for a product to create installation packages for Access mde runtime distribution.

Member Avatar for Jamesharks

I have 2 forms; one called frmLogin and another called user_info. On frmLogin I have a text box called USERNAME and a command button. When you click the command button the following code is run: [COLOR="Red"]This Code Works (Or atleast It should)[/COLOR] [ICODE]Private Sub Command29_Click() Dim strUSERNAME As String Dim …

Member Avatar for WhitePunk

i just wanna ask if it if possible to make columns n ms access and how... because i am making a personal data sheet thanks in advance more powers and God Bless You all

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for anikgarg85

hi i want to do operation on image...i have extracted the pixels of small window of 15 X15.. now i want to save that matrix in ms access 2003. for the further opeartions.... have the data in 2-d array say a[15,15], and since there is no build in data type …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for saminishad

Am Samitha from U A E,but am an Indian completed M C A.Am married and my husband is a textile engineer. I found this site in google and registered as i have to complete a new project in VB 6.0 for my husband's company. i have a doubt in inserting …

Member Avatar for leo002000
Member Avatar for balls81

I have developed an access database for my company and want this to be available to multiple users remotely from different offices. I have been told that i need to migrate to MS SQL Server. Is this the case?? If so how do i do it? If not what do …

Member Avatar for leo002000
Member Avatar for pablavo

Hi folks This will be my first ask for help here;) I'm working on a database at the moment and have exhausted my resources on this one. I have a report with an underlying muti-table query. The report uses an input box to set the date criteria rather than Parameter …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for knoxbillybob

Howdy All! Here's what I have and what I'm trying to accomplish. I have four reports in access that I run once a month. The reports are designed to hit on a query that pulls the records needed for a specific client based on the previous calendar month. Basically, each …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for pikkas

there a way to get this info about my tables in a text file or anything that can be copy paste . i have many tables so i cant write them one by one? Properties DateCreated: 08/05/2007 11:38:58 PM DefaultView: Datasheet GUID: {guid {A79F9FC7-D630- LastUpdated: 09/05/2007 12:18:31 AM 47FB-A227-EB5202999268}} NameMap: …

Member Avatar for K7AAY
Member Avatar for CAInc

Goodday all, Just tried to install MSDE, no sooner then i click the intall icon, i get this message "A strong SA password is required for security reasons. Please use SAPWD switch to supply the same. Refer to readme for more details. Setup will now exit." Now i took a …

Member Avatar for jazzydancer

The End.