Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by pyeri @pritaeas Most modern PHP frameworks like Slim make heavy use of OOP which introduces cruft and bloat. As you can see in that example itself, just for printing a simple Hello string, they ended up creating one Factory class and two other classes for request and response. While OOP certainly has its uses, not all use cases need this level of … Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by Dani When I first created the platform that powers DaniWeb, I did so only after many years on phpBB, and learning that framework inside and out, and making lots of phpBB mods, and then many years on vBulletin, and learning *that* framework inside and out, and making lots of vBulletin plug-ins. Despite DaniWeb being my first web development app that I've… Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by Dani > In the case of DaniWeb, there are Post objects, Thread objects, Forum objects, and Member objects, and pretty much all functionality can be accomplished with methods that act upon any combination of those four things. I just want to also add that I rolled my own ORM such that each instance of any of these classes maps directly to a row in a… minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by pyeri …, I want to introduce you to [minimal-mvc](, an extremely tiny micro framework with just two… new app project. I hope you will explore the minimal-mvc framework and I'll be even more glad if you… Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by pritaeas Why would I choose this over a package like [Slim]( Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by pyeri … of core framework code). 2. Bells and Whistles included (Routing, MVC, Database interaction, form building, etc.) 3. Integration with Composer/Packagist… Re: Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by Dani I've posted my story many times before, but here it is again :) I've been programming the majority of my life, first in Apple BASIC, then QBasic, then Visual Basic, then C++. PHP was my first foray into web development, and DaniWeb was my first project. DaniWeb started 22 years ago with phpBB, and then evolved to vBulletin. I knew the phpBB code… Re: Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by pyeri That's a very fascinating journey, Dani. The early era of the Internet was very different, bulletin boards and IRC were phenomenal, especially when it came to quality of interaction. It's a great achievement that you not only used to be a part but also helped build parts of that Internet. As the PHP creator himself once said, CodeIgniter is a … MVC Design Question Programming Web Development by extjac … Hello, I would like to move an web application to MVC Laravel 4 (not sure yet). The challenge is that the… PHP code) So basically the question is: can i use MVC for this type of solution? if so, what would be… Re: Mvc pattern vs Framework Programming Web Development by pritaeas MVC is always a good idea, whether you use a framework, or build it yourself. A framework is just a timesaver as you won't have to reinvent the wheel. Re: mvc Programming Web Development by alok.saxena MVC is comeup with different vesion of framework. Currently 3.0 is going great in the market. BUT before learning; I would say to check out microsoft site; It would be gud if you work around HTML and GET/POST and JQUERY. Re: MVC Programming Computer Science by princysharma90 MVC (Model View Controller) is a kind of user interface. It is made of 3 words: Model- contains application data View- representation of data such as diagrams Controller- directs the input. Re: MVC Programming Software Development by Alberto Bucur MVC is a programming design pattern not a framework. @deceptikon :))))))). MVC in VB.NET Programming Software Development by jlego MVC is something being sugested to us for use in vb .….. for asp it states: You should NOT use ASP.NET MVC if. . . 26 April 2009 •You are not very comfortable with… dont 4) sure is there a real benefit to using MVC in VB .NET ? MVC architecture Programming Web Development by knowill Help realize mvc architecture, please. I need site simple on mvc architecture. Here is example. i don't understand his. i don't understand how realize site. Mvc pattern vs Framework Programming Web Development by dany12 … of view for a php project , a framework or the mvc pattern? I would like to add that I know that… else and has his style applied to it and a mvc pattern you build your own classes and templates and create… it in your own style. My concern regarding the mvc pattern is that a application build from scartch is harder… Re: Mvc pattern vs Framework Programming Web Development by dany12 Yes most frameworks are mvc(Model-View-Controller) based or hmvc(Hierarchical model–view–controller). So does the mvc pattern for a cms should we say ,be a good ideea or using a framework is a better approach? Re: MVC architecture Programming Web Development by veedeoo … me to understand it fully well. They said it is MVC, but for me personally it is CMV or Controller Model… MVC Architecture Programming Web Development by prem2 Dear all, I am new to mvc architecture Programming concepts.I have doubt that why peoples are using MVC Architecture?.What are the core benefits of using this architecture. Thank you, Regards, prem2 Re: Mvc pattern vs Framework Programming Web Development by pritaeas Not necessarily true. You can have a framework that implements the MVC pattern. Most do actually. Re: Mvc pattern vs Framework Programming Web Development by diafol … little return. On the other hand, developing a robust DIY MVC is no mean feat. You'll probably end up producing… Re: Mvc pattern vs Framework Programming Web Development by dany12 Thank you both of you for your feedback I decided that for my project I will use mvc pattern it's a small project so I think will work well Re: MVC Architecture Programming Web Development by blocblue Have you tried looking [here]( yet? Re: MVC Architecture Programming Web Development by faizan11 please anyone suggest me online materials or resources, which is required to understand about MVC , i want to know about this architecture. Re: MVC Architecture Programming Web Development by Azher.f M - Model . Has the Data. For example a database. V - View . Takes care of how the data should be shown. C - Controller . Makes the data available to the view from the model. There are many frameworks that use the MVC architecture. I can give you some examples of javascript frameworks. 1) Backbone.js 2) Ember.js 3) Node.js Re: MVC Architecture Programming Web Development by veedeoo …, using example in layman's terms. Good luck and happy MVC'ing. Re: MVC Architecture Programming Web Development by prem2 Thanks to all.What are coding patterns available like mvc.? MVC : where the user come from .it or .fr or etc Programming Web Development by grafic.web Hi there, ho can i check in MVC if the users of my website are coming from my domain .it , .fr or etc? Thanks Re: MVC and CUSTOM ASP.NET PROGRAM Programming Web Development by androtheos MVC is just as powerful as ASP.NET Web forms. It is simply an alternative pattern for coding against. Personally I prefer it to the event driven, to far abstraced web forms method. Re: MVC Programming Web Development by paulrajj Before start, You need to know what is MVC and how it works in Joomla. I think …through the below links to create our custom component using mvc. [URL="…developer-center/44-component-mvc-ajax/758-joomla-hello-world-mvc-component-tutorial"]joomla-hello-world-mvc-component-tutorial[/URL] …