10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for yeeitsneo

i have a problem with editing and updating my data on my database. i cant pass or echo the data from the database into text boxes. heres the php script. // this script is for displaying the information oof the logged in member. and contains the link to edit the …

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for Ctechnology24

I know that its very simple to save an image source in a MySQL database but my problem is that how can I save an image source and add it to my project's resources so that I can call it easier even if I transfer my Application to other PC, …

Member Avatar for Ctechnology24
Member Avatar for yeeitsneo

there seems to be a problem with adding records to my database. heres the code. //this redirects the logged in user to the create php whereas the idnum of the user is already //echoed in a textbox. <?php $result1 = mysql_query("select * from info where idnum = ".$_SESSION['valid'],$conn); while($row = …

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for handry.wiranata

i've problem with login, if login always appear error 1.Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in.... 2.Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in.... coding php: <?php include ("config/koneksi.php"); include ("config/library.php"); $pass = md5($_POST['password']); $login = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE id_user='$_POST[username]' AND …

Member Avatar for Bachu
Member Avatar for mrabrar09

Hello Everyone... Am little bit confuse whether this post is come under Jsp or MySQl... but am posting in JSP because am thinking that it jsp..not Mysql query I created one report but the report is not coming perfectly so i need your help My actual report format is like …

Member Avatar for mrabrar09
Member Avatar for showman13

Hi All... I have a simple table with 2 fields in it... mem_id and ref_id For each mem_id in the table, there is an undetermined number of ref_id records... How do I get a listing of the unique mem_ids along with a number that represents the number of records with …

Member Avatar for showman13
Member Avatar for branding4you

Hi I read a text file using PHP, the file gets uplaoded, and what I want to do is read the file take some information out of it and post it to mysql. Problem is that when reading the file it removes the spaces, I cannot count where the data …

Member Avatar for branding4you
Member Avatar for Webville312

Hello, I want to submit multiple records into a mysql database, and I have hit a snag. I am developing a web application that displays student records, and upon displaying student records per class, I want to be able to add marks for beginning of term, mid term and end …

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for izam.lukman

hello, i get problem like this **[04-Oct-2012 09:31:14] PHP Warning: Wrong parameter count for mysql_close() in /home/u333556307/public_html/likes.php on line 44** 44 mysql_close($result,$connection); and this my full code ( likes.php ) <?php require 'facebook.php'; $id = trim($_POST ['postid']); if(empty($id)){ die("Hacking Attempt"); } else{ $token = $_GET["accesstoken"]; include('config.php'); //Create facebook application instance. …

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Member Avatar for scottlpool2003

I need to pull info from 2 tables using LIKE but also paginate the results. Table 1: publication Search by tags Need ID to search table 2 Table 2: publication_issue publication_id = publication.id <?php $query = ("SELECT * FROM publication WHERE tags LIKE '%news%'"); $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while($row …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for shilu2

I have a html code as below through which I give image file as input <input name="photo_file" type="file" /> then anather php file to insert record into database code is as below <?php define('GW_UPLOADPATH', 'images/'); $picture=$_FILES['photo_file']; $target= GW_UPLOADPATH . $picture ; $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: …

Member Avatar for jacob.lemelincarrier
Member Avatar for javalover

Hi frnds!!! Am new to ubuntu .. Am using netbeans7.1 .. I need to connect my java application with mysql server... I dont know how to configure netbeans for that.. I tried to configure mysql server in netbeans itself through (Right Click Databases-> select Register MYSQL Server-> select Admin Properties) …

Member Avatar for Ajinkya Jagtap
Member Avatar for xNZxAssAssiNx

In my code I have a mysql query: "SELECT `username`,`password` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = 'Tyler'" This query doesn't return anything in codeigniter but it does return username and password if I query in phpmyadmin. Does anyone have any idea what is wrong? I'm guessing it has something to do …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kx220

Hi Developers, I'm a beginner on php/mysql and I would like some help on my LOGIN FORM. I created a database called user, table called users, and I inserted two users with two passwords. The passwords have not been encrypted yet. hen I run my login form, If I enter …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for genegavino

Can anyone please help me with this one? i have successfully save data in my form but i can only do it in a single row.. please help me how to add rows automatically, how to auto number the Item No., how to auto-total the Quantity column and the Unit …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi, I want to check query execution time. I used microtime(),time() but not getting accurate result. I also read about mysql slow_query_log but not able to find how to change settings in PHPmyadmin. Need suggestions

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for godzab

I am just trying to submit two input fields, username and password. I am not able to do that because my code won't submit my data to the PHP database. The code is below, also please note I am trying to use ajax: getData.php <?php $db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'wont tell', …

Member Avatar for Clanstrom
Member Avatar for amandafree

I am building a small social network for my department. I have the homepage as a place where you can make comments and your friends can comment on it. I have 4 tables ...allposts_tb, friendship_tb,response_tb and signup_tb.. The allposts_tb collect the updates and post made by people it has the …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for Shodow

![wqe](/attachments/small/3/wqe.jpg "align-left") Select CustomerID,SalesID,CustomerName,Num_Of_Bottles,Price,Status from sales,customer where Date = DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%b %d, %Y') and CustomerID>0 Order by SalesID DESC

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for noahsmith47

I am building a search engine. And when a user types their search into my engine, my script only really checks for words in the statement, and if they match the keywords...the result is returned. But what if iPad is searched and Apple, because is is a higher rank, is …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Riu 2009

Hi everyone, just wanted to know what type should i use in mysql database to store the urls (for linking purposes) of videos(from youtube,vimeo) and slides (from slideshare)...i just want to store the urls not the whole video..for tht i wud use directory/ file functions.. please help... helpful comments will …

Member Avatar for Riu 2009
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hey everyone, I'm just wondering how the read more feature is achieved in PHP. It is like facebook where it displays a couple of lines then if you're interested in reading more about the status or article click 'read more link' which expands the box. Cheers,

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

What is the PHP extension to connect to mysql? I have installed them using wamp sever and they are not connecting because they dont have the extensions, where can I get the extension?

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for mionazraelmiranda

Hi! as you can read in the title. I want to know how to put the website I am making online. I'm pretty clueless and do not know what to do. I use `wampserver (WAMP5)`, apache version is `2.2.4 (Win32)` and MYSQL. What are the things I should need or …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for davy_yg

What's sql syntax to change database name ? I tried this: ALTER DATABASE name RENAME TO new_name It doesn't work.

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for saadi06

Hi, I have a select query. I want to make name of one column from database like this select columnA as (SELECT value from table2 WHERE nr=55) FROM table1 Is this possible in mysql. I have tried to run the query but it is saying that something is wrong with …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for McLaren

Hello, I am interested in getting sql language certification. I have some knowledge and would want to know how much I have to learn more to pass the exam. Also which site to use for passing, so it would be worth spent money, so my resume would look better? I …

Member Avatar for mokong
Member Avatar for ssfox

Hello, I'm designing my own website, I want to create online assignment submission system which allows to students to upload their assignment through this webpage,and receive feedback immediately via the browser.The teacher can recieve student documents and grade the student for his assignment. Since Im working on my localhost(XAMMP), let …

Member Avatar for ssfox
Member Avatar for mionazraelmiranda

hi! I'm pretty new to php and i just want to ask how to update tables in mysql using php? here's my code snippet $product_code = $_POST['pCode']; $submit = $_POST['submit']; $user = $_SESSION['username']; $quantity = $_POST['quantity']; $price = 300.00; $date = date("Y-m-d",mktime()); require('connect.php'); if($submit) { if($product_code) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO `order` …

Member Avatar for mionazraelmiranda
Member Avatar for woodenduck

Hey all, I'm new to MySQL and never took a class in it. I have two questions. 1)) Can anyone suggest a good book to learn MySQL quickly. 2)) Can someone tell me how to set up a database that contains user accounts that can then be linked to other …

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The End.