10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for aceriker

Hi guys, I'm fairly new to PHP and mySQL, using a book to help me learn. I want to create a small site to help me improve my skills, but I'm a bit stuck on the database design part. I want to be able to list various public companies and …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for harry88

Hi, I can't seem to work around the problem. If someone could please point me in the right direction for why the login.php page reloads when I enter the correct empid and password from the database. here is my code: [CODE] <?php require_once("nocache.php"); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $id = $_POST["empid"]; $pword …

Member Avatar for qualitybrains
Member Avatar for bubblellicious

Hi everyone, that's my first post in these MySQL forums :) In college they gave us a E/R in order to make it on MySQL Workbench and I'm not sure if it is OK. If you could help me it'd be great :D Because I started with MySQL just a …

Member Avatar for qualitybrains
Member Avatar for cutedipti

Hello, Anybody knows about Relational Database Primer. Is there any difference between Relational Database Primer & Relational database? What is the concept of Relational Database Primer?

Member Avatar for qualitybrains
Member Avatar for sahirak

1)CREATETABLEProject( ProjectNovarchar2(5)notnull,ProjectNamevarchar2(20), StartDatedate, FinishDatedate,PRIMARYKEY(ProjectNo)); 2)CREATETABLEAssignment( StaffNonumber(3)notnull, ProgramNovarchar2(4)notnull,PRIMARYKEY(StaffNo,ProgramNo), FOREIGNKEY(StaffNo)REFERENCESStaff(StaffNo), FOREIGNKEY(ProgramNo)REFERENCESProgram(ProgramNo)); 3)CREATETABLEStaff( StaffNonumber(3)notnull, StaffNamevarchar2(10), SalGradenumber(2)CHECK(SalGradebetween1and12), YearsExpnumber(2), ProjectNovarchar2(5),PRIMARYKEY(StaffNo), FOREIGNKEY(ProjectNo)REFERENCESProject(ProjectNo)); 4)CREATETABLEProgram( ProgramNovarchar2(4)notnull, Titlevarchar2(20), Languagevarchar2(20),PRIMARYKEY(ProgramNo), CHECK(Languagein('VB','JAVA','ORACLE','C','XML'))); for the code above, what type of integrity constraints will be on them? (how many do u think?) also; i've created this code (below) but there seems to be …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Ambislm

am new to php. my question is: i have 5 items in adrop down list box . i have items related to that list in mysql database. i want to list those items in textbox from database when user selects an item from drop down list box. example; i have …

Member Avatar for Ambislm
Member Avatar for becdudek

hey guys, im doing a databases project and im a little stuck this statement wont work(its part of a jdbc) and i get the following error messahe, any suggestions as to why? [CODE]stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE LOCATION (" + "serial VARCHAR(10)," + "notice TINYINT(10),"+ "intransit ENUM('T','D')," + "dtnoticeissued DATETIME," + "lat NUMERIC(8,4)," …

Member Avatar for becdudek
Member Avatar for GigsD4X

Hello there, I've been having problems creating a part of my mail system that makes messages look red when they haven't been read, and white when they have been read. This is what I'm using right now [code=php]mysql_query("UPDATE Mail SET Read=1 WHERE ID={$messageID}");[/code] The SQL ID Field is a smallint …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for kesh1000

hi everyone i had been working on a project using random files (.dat) and now i want to change it to use a database instead. the thing is my project is quite long and it would be a hassle to go and change code. i had used hash tables to …

Member Avatar for kesh1000
Member Avatar for Onisutra

I'm having this issue displaying the results I need. The issue is that I cannot condense my results and end up with extra. The code I currently have is below. [CODE] SELECT category.*, content.* FROM `category` LEFT JOIN `content` ON category.categoryid = content.parentid WHERE category.parentid = 1 ORDER BY category.title …

Member Avatar for Onisutra
Member Avatar for sachin.quadros

Hi Friends, Kindly help i am using list menu i.e day month year i can get the data using the echo, and how do i insert the data into MySQL in DAY-MONTH-YEAR for example: i want to insert 10-MAY-2010 Regards Sachin

Member Avatar for sachin.quadros
Member Avatar for anthony07

I have this very weird project that my boss gave me. Given my cws.sql file inside "C:/", i need to create a batch file wherein it will automatically create database cws; and use cws; in MySQL Server. Hope Someone can help me. :'(

Member Avatar for qualitybrains
Member Avatar for umandajayo

Hi all... I am a developing a website using a joomla. I need to display a content but the should filter according to the date. I need only display content which are in between current date and before 30 days. my current mysql quary is SELECT * FROM events WHERE …

Member Avatar for qualitybrains
Member Avatar for KBL

Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in C:\xampp\htdocs\phplogin_v2.3\register.php on line 108 Insertion Failed: The Code [CODE]include 'dbc.php'; $err = array(); if($_POST['doRegister'] == 'Register') { /******************* Filtering/Sanitizing Input ***************************** This code filters harmful script code and escapes data of all POST data from the user submitted form. …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for BlueCharge

Hello everyone! Okay so i am quite far into my website and suffering a annoying problem. What i want the code to do is to get all the achievements from the table 'achievementsList' and then match the ones that are in there with the ones that the user has. The …

Member Avatar for BlueCharge
Member Avatar for Virangya

Hello.. i have this problem.. im doing some kind of late static binding. im really a new to this and don't know how to solve this problem. please help me to solve it... What i want to do is instead of using `static:: $arr[0].",".static:: $arr[1]` i want to iterate though …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for f.damati

I am developing a web page which retrieve data from a seperate mysql server on the same network musql_connect('', 'root', '123'); but ana error shows Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (13) in /var/www/html/index.php on line 3 the 2 servers are on 2 different virtual network …

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Member Avatar for fcuritiba

create download area with login Does anyone have any examples of how to create download area using jstl or jsp with mysql? hugs ..

Member Avatar for fcuritiba
Member Avatar for shekar.bdn

hi, i have one problem ,table values are not displaying.i wana which used in the table.

Member Avatar for qualitybrains
Member Avatar for ad1das

I have read other threads on this topic, but I haven't found anything that works for me. I have a table that stores comments for orders. There are many notes for each order and I want to select the newest comment for each order so I can have a list …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for jjpennett

No matter what I try, I keep getting Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in ___ I tried array also, but here's the code for the login page. About 23 lines down. Also, I'm new to PHP, as in, today new. [ICODE] /* Start session …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for slamdunk

Guys, I can run an update query from command line and it updates records but if I'm running same query from a procedure it returns empty set. Any idea why? The update query is below. 1. Create function Age 2. Update table set column1 = Age(column2) 3. CREATE DEFINER = …

Member Avatar for osoerland

Hi, I've set up a secure connection between unixODBC driver manager / MySql ODBC driver on solaris (where we run informatica) and mySql on Windows. It works, but the problem is, that whereas getting informatica to pull data (select) from MySql is reasonably fast, uploading data (inserts) are painfully slow. …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for Emmnauel

i am a new to php, am trying to get the code below to work - i am getting it is returning resource id#14 Please bail me out file 1 [code] <table> <tr> <td width="245" class="style8"><?php echo "<b>".$database->getLastPoems()."</b>"; // Echoes: string echo $result; ?></td> </tr> </table> [/code] file 2 [code] …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for shekar.bdn
Member Avatar for Prakash_8111

Hi gusy, Can any one suggest , how to install DBD::mysql on windows mechine. (Its eating my head). I tried all the possible ways , but its not installing. 1) I tried to install directly from cpan , failed 2) manually downloaded, and tried to install, still failing : showing …

Member Avatar for dseeland
Member Avatar for fskreuz

i have a regular expression that's supposed to match any string containing certain words in no particular order. the pattern is in PHP: [CODE]var $pattern = /^(?=.*\bword1\b)(?=.*\bword2\b)(?=.*\bword3\b).*$/gmi[/CODE] this pattern works well both in javascript and php but in SQL, it does not work. I searched and found out that some …

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Member Avatar for daryll1

Hi I'm writing a piece of code to update a users password when they have forgotten it, but, for some reason I cannot seem to get it to work. It is always echoing out that the secret answer is wrong. It's probably something stupid that I have looked over, if …

Member Avatar for shekar.bdn

hi, please help this problem , iwill used query after while condition this will not run the program.

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for amantlerankala

How do I integrate a database developed using HTML and javascript and a database developed using MySQL?

Member Avatar for tyson.crouch

The End.