prototype.js: updater onsuccess getting data??? Programming Web Development by ppetree …result', 'getdata.php', { method: 'post', parameters: $('myform').serialize(), onSuccess: [COLOR="Red"]function( transport ) { $('elFirst').value = …Updater( 'result', 'getdata.php', { method: 'post', parameters: $('myform').serialize(), onSuccess: function ( transport ){ fill_in(transport); } } ); } [/CODE] I cant… JQuery onSuccess? Programming Web Development by feoperro Hey there, Anyone know how to use an "onSuccess" method or something similar for "rules" in … Re: JQuery onSuccess? Programming Web Development by stewpot60 hi i am sorry i have used this its seems like a relative to HTML CODE for business link on website Internal server error Programming Web Development by erum …=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: OnSuccess, error: OnError }); } function OnSuccess(data, status) { $("#lblResult").removeClass("loading"… Passing js function as parameter??? Programming Web Development by ppetree …( 'result', 'getdata.php', { method: 'post', parameters: $('myform').serialize(), onSuccess: [COLOR="Red"]function( transport ) { $('elFirst').value = transport.responseXML…Updater( 'result', 'getdata.php', { method: 'post', parameters: $('myform').serialize(), onSuccess: [B]fillin[/B] } ); } [/CODE] I have also tried:[CODE]… GWT connect to a database(mysql) and modify it Programming Web Development by Melow … AsyncCallback<ArrayList<String>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(ArrayList<String> result) { Iterator<String> it….alert("Error saving the Database! "); } @Override public void onSuccess(Object result) { Window.confirm("Succes saving to Database! "… Highlight selected TELERIK MVC GRID row text in BOLD Programming Web Development by ashes22 …Add", "AddLegend", "PaymentSchedule", new AjaxOptions { OnSuccess = "updateTarget", UpdateTargetId = "addlegend", HttpMethod = …;PaymentSchedule", new { Id = "{0}" }, new AjaxOptions { OnSuccess = "updateTarget", UpdateTargetId = "AddPaymentSchedule", HttpMethod = "… Page only works in FF Programming Web Development by sugarbabee ….php', { method: 'get', parameters: { newsId: $('chooseNews').value }, onSuccess: function(xhr) { eval(xhr.responseText); }, onFailure: function(xhr) {…{ new Ajax.Request(url+'profile_release_handler.php', { method: 'post', onSuccess: function(xhr) { $('releaseSwitch['+id+']').innerHTML = xhr.responseText.replace(/&… Re: Weird Ajax Javascript Abnormality Programming Web Development by ablitz … has time to repond, and hence fire the "onsuccess" function, populating the textarea2 variable with its response…; code. This is precisely why you have an "onsuccess" handler (and typically an onFailure handler as well).…I wait for the function to complete? and what about onSuccess function , how come that isnt working, isnt it … Having Difficulty Parsing Through a Nested JSON Object Using Prototype Framework Programming Web Development by Chad Gary …var request = new Ajax.Request('dropDownMenu_ajax.php', { onSuccess: function(request) { var players = request.responseJSON;… request = new Ajax.Request('dropDownMenu_ajax.php', { onSuccess: function(request) { var players = request.responseJSON… harvest plugin for cruisecontrol Programming Software Development by miraj0072004 …* a build completes --> <!--publishers--> <!-- <onsuccess> <artifactspublisher dest="artifacts/${}" file…projects/${}/target/${}.jar"/> </onsuccess> --> <!--email mailhost="smtp.corpnet.… [Prototype] Validating a form before sending it via Ajax Programming Web Development by alexjewell …lt;/a>.</p></fieldset>') }, onSuccess: function(oXHR) { $('ctitleholler').update('you sent me a…); } }; var oRequest = new Ajax.Updater({success: oOptions.onSuccess.bindAsEventListener(oOptions)}, "forms.php", oOptions); } Event.… Re: [Prototype] Validating a form before sending it via Ajax Programming Web Development by alexjewell …</a>.</p></fieldset>') }, onSuccess: function(oXHR) { $('ctitleholler').update('you sent me a…responseText); } }; var oRequest = new Ajax.Updater({success: oOptions.onSuccess.bindAsEventListener(oOptions)}, "forms.php", oOptions); } Event.… Re: [Prototype] Validating a form before sending it via Ajax Programming Web Development by alexjewell …</a>.</p></fieldset>') }, onSuccess: function(oXHR) { $('ctitleholler').update('you sent me a…responseText); } }; var oRequest = new Ajax.Updater({success: oOptions.onSuccess.bindAsEventListener(oOptions)}, "forms.php", oOptions); } Event.… Error while calling a C# Webservice using AJAX / JQuery Programming Software Development by paulnamroud …dataType: "xml", success: OnSuccess, error: OnError }); } // function OnSuccess(data) { ShowXMLData(data); } // function OnError… InvalidStateError: DOM IDBDatabase Exception 11 Programming Web Development by scarcella … request =; request.onerror = request.onsuccess = function(e) { VULY_DB.onerror(request.error); }; request.onsuccess = function(e) { VULY_DB.db =… Buttons not functioning Programming Web Development by Bestpractice …Create Media object from src my_media = new Media(src, onSuccess, onError); // Play audio; $('#playBtn').hide….stop(); } clearInterval(mediaTimer); mediaTimer = null; } function onSuccess() { console.log("playAudio():Audio Success"); } function… Re: Weird Ajax Javascript Abnormality Programming Web Development by Airshow ….php has time to repond, and hence fire the "onsuccess" function, populating the textarea2 variable with its response.[/LIST…" code. This is precisely why you have an "onsuccess" handler (and typically an onFailure handler as well). So… Re: Weird Ajax Javascript Abnormality Programming Web Development by Airshow … way. Your code establishes a 'listener' with the code [ICODE]onSuccess : function(resp) {textarea2=resp.responseText;}[/ICODE]. This function fires automatically… successfully returns a response. [QUOTE=ablitz;914902]... and what about onSuccess function , how come that isnt working, isnt it suppose to… Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater (Prototype) not working with IE Programming Web Development by shthap3ns …() { new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater('comment_slider', 'comment_slider_ajax.php', { method: 'post', frequency: 2, onSuccess: function(){ new Effect.Fade('comment_div', { duration:0.3 }) }, insertion: 'top… Form Problem Programming Web Development by Computersaurus …; var url = 'indexreport.cfm'; new Ajax.Request(url, { parameters:post_body, onSuccess:hospital_handlerFunc, onFailure:errFunc}) } var hospital_handlerFunc = function(t) { document.getElementById('hospital_select… Weird Ajax Javascript Abnormality Programming Web Development by ablitz … : "divid=1&catid=14&subcatid=31", onSuccess : function(resp) { textarea2=resp.responseText; } , onFailure : function(resp) { alert("… Re: Weird Ajax Javascript Abnormality Programming Web Development by ablitz … way. Your code establishes a 'listener' with the code [ICODE]onSuccess : function(resp) {textarea2=resp.responseText;}[/ICODE]. This function fires automatically… Re: Weird Ajax Javascript Abnormality Programming Web Development by ablitz … : "divid=1&catid=14&subcatid=31", onSuccess : function(resp) { document.getElementById("_editor").innerHTML… Re: Weird Ajax Javascript Abnormality Programming Web Development by alexhernandez … : "divid=1&catid=14&subcatid=31", onSuccess : function(resp) { textarea2=resp.responseText; } , onFailure : function(resp) { alert("… How do you return a multi-demensional array using Prototype Hash Programming Web Development by Chad Gary … of array: [CODE]var request = new Ajax.Request('jsonEncode.php', { onSuccess: function(request) { var emptyAssociativeArray = request.responseJSON; emptyAssociativeArray= (Object.isArray(emptyAssociativeArray… Re: How do you return a multi-demensional array using Prototype Hash Programming Web Development by Airshow … two levels deep so you ned nested loop in your onsuccess handler to access it. It will be something like: [CODE… Javascript shows an error when no error was returned Programming Web Development by emurf59 …; alert(e.description); alert(e.number); } [/CODE] These are my onSuccess & onFailure functions [CODE] function afterSave(result) { //the web service… how is jsp session object related to ajax callback response Programming Web Development by leena_patra i am trying to make ajax call to a jsp and setting up a few variables using(retrieved from the session) # delimiter using out.println and then use this variable in the response object of onSuccess call back function. and then i have to remove that from the session. But if i do that i am not able to find that in the ajax response object Passing Multiple vaules in ajax post Programming Web Development by anishp83 …/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: OnSuccess, failure: function(response) { alert(response); } }); }