39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for coolmind259

Hi guys, I have worked in .htaccess file in local server, everything was working fine. When I uploaded the .htaccess file on the main server by the name htaccess, so I got the following error The requested URL /home.fliq was not found on this server. what will be the problem …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for ahmksssv

hi frnds... i want to know something about php.ini.. what r the regular changes in this file..and functions regarding that changes..plz provide interview tips regarding [B].htacess file and php.ini [/B]file thanks...

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for sureronald

I'm working on a php application and when setting it up for the first time it writes a file (system_info.php) to the server that stores several details of the system it is being installed in. If the server is not writable I would like to print this configuration on a …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for mohan7690

hi i need to change the url from [code] www.domainname.com/page.php?i=1&sid=7[/code] to [code]www.domainname.com/page/i=1&sid=7[/code]

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for coolmind259

Hi Guys! I have a url like [url]www.mysite.com/index.php?req=login[/url] I want it like that [url]www.mysite.com/login[/url] I want to hide php extension from that. Please reply. Thank you Take care.

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for websurfer

Hello, all: Hoping somebody can help me with this... I have this "double-dynamic-select-menus" borrowed script which uses a bit of Javascript to switch menu-options based on selection made on main related menu (main category and subcategory option-menus). It works great when I am just simply adding a new item; but …

Member Avatar for moonie9

I'm fairly new at PHP but up to this point I've been able to fix problems I've come across. My problem is I get this warning at the bottom of my members page after logging in. If you refresh that page it disappears. Here's the warning: [B]Warning: Unknown: Your script …

Member Avatar for moonie9
Member Avatar for hotsmusic

hi there im new here and sorry my english is not pretty well. i have problem with fetch using curl in mysite when visitor use ie6 . sometimes in ie6 the result not show and loading without fetching the result. i dont know what the problem its is . [URL="http://www.hotsmusic.com/video/index.php?search=muse&source=all"]http://www.hotsmusic.com/video/index.php?search=muse&source=all[/URL]

Member Avatar for itisnot_me

first off let me explain what is going on. i am creating a site that uses a shared DB and every customer that we have will have there own table. they can have other login's which will within there company table (employee logins). How would you go about and check …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for redcoder07

Anyone know how to read the second line from a csv file using PHP? I need the read the second line from the csv file and import into mysql

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for maloken
Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for jyotiu

Hi all I am writing a curl script for collecting information about some sex offenders, i have developed the script that is picking up links like given below:: [url]http://criminaljustice.state.ny.us/cgi/internet/nsor/fortecgi?serviceName=WebNSOR&templateName=detail.htm&requestingHandler=WebNSORDetailHandler&ID=368343543[/url] now when we go on this link i want to get information under all the fields on this page like Offender …

Member Avatar for chetanrakesh
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

[CODE] else { ##User isn't registering, check verify code and change activation code to null, status to activated on success mysql_connect("localhost", sssssss, passs) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("sssss") or die(mysql_error()); $queryString = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $query = "SELECT * FROM users"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); /* Your script is always falling into this …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for Besherek

Hi guys, I think I may have complicated matters for myself with this one. I'm making an image gallery, which is built based on a hierarchy. I have no problem outputting the images directly in their specific category. The problem I'm having is I'm trying to call 1 thumbnail from …

Member Avatar for Besherek
Member Avatar for candidz

I am new in php. i need sample projects+Adminside with full source…..projects like [url]http://demo.tsmarketinggroup.com/southcoastme/admin[/url] User name: admin Password: admin Please help me,

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for baudday

I was wondering if anyone had any good places I could look at to learn how to write a comments script. I need to allow comments on content if people are signed in. Thanks

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for angelic_devil

ok i m trying to delete folder with all contents ... the contents r all files..its not working...plz help [CODE] <? $mydir = "d:/lucky"; $d = dir($mydir); while($entry = $d->readfile()) { if ($entry!= "." && $entry!= "..") { unlink($entry); } } $d->close(); rmdir($mydir); ?> [/CODE]

Member Avatar for angelic_devil
Member Avatar for jcanaway

alright im trying to make my content containers drag and drop / sortable on my users pages so they can move there content containers around with using javascript and then they can save it in to the users pages Database so every time they come to that page the site …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for chandradyani

dear all, I want to make a digital library goverment regulation which related to export import activity in my aoffice. The problem is: I dont know how to upload the .pdf file to local server and provide the link to acess it automatically, Please help me..:(

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for ni30rocks

I have 5 lines data in my database. I want each line of it in different variable. How can it be done? Plz help me with some code.

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for Wallk

Hi, I want to limit the characters in the textarea to 400... i found this script but i dont know how to implement in my script... [B]this is the script:[/B] <html><head> <title>(Type a title for your page here)</title> <script language=JavaScript> <!-- function check_length(my_form) { maxLen = 50; // max number …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for zunaidius

hi, here I has data on my localhost it's update from user and hosting data with thensame structure of data. how do I to make sync my update data in my localhost to hosting data with schedule time's??? some advice please.!! thank's :idea:

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for ruwanaru

this is my xml file its using in flash image viewer [QUOTE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <gallery> <image url="Flower Photo 1.jpg" /> <image url="Flower Photo 2.jpg" /> <image url="Flower Photo 3.jpg" /> <image url="Flower Photo 4.jpg" /> <image url="Flower Photo 5.jpg" /> <image url="Flower Photo 6.jpg" /> <image url="Flower Photo 7.jpg" /> …

Member Avatar for ruwanaru
Member Avatar for love72817

How does Dani doe the pop up image? I am using Yahoo Sitebuilder and would love to add that to my site. Andy

Member Avatar for realmfilms
Member Avatar for odysea

i have this code [CODE]<body> <?php include 'cms/core/config.php'; include 'cms/core/opendb.php'; $query = "SELECT id, language, updated ". "FROM meta ". "WHERE id = '5'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error : ' . mysql_error()); list($id, $language, $updated) = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM); include 'cms/core/closedb.php'; ?> <form method="post" action="default.php?s=editmeta"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="5"> <table …

Member Avatar for odysea
Member Avatar for realestninja

Hello I wanted to compete with myspace.com because they are monopolizing the computing industry, and I am indeed jealous. I wanted to know if anyone here knows a lot about database programming, and can help me learn how to program something that has the looks and feels of myspace in …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for qwzxlk

I am in the PHP development with basic development skill. I want to enhance my skill to master level and also want to start learning .NET to become good .NET developer too. What are the good ways, available resources, good books and other thing that you can suggest me to …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for davewylie

Hi, Can anyone help me with this problem? I have written some PHP code to send emails to a distribution list. The emails do get sent, but the subject box and to box are blank. However, To: and Subject appear at the top of the message, which just looks messy. …

Member Avatar for nanoop13

Hello friends, I have made an application which I think would be help full if I give others the opportunity to include it in their website.But I want to give to them in CNAME way.In which a person will edit the CNAME record of their domain or sub domain and …

Member Avatar for prawin@123

Hi can any one fix my problem, I created a login page with jquery and ajax. ie the functionality of th page is when i clicked a Login text the login page should slide down. i Created the sliding login page an dit works good. What i need is to …


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