39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for toad78

I have three dbase tables: Project: Building a set of tables to record customer information, record selected uses of transportation, record the points earned from using certain types of transportation, record the total points in a database table. [CODE]Currently, these are the tables: Code: TEAM teamID teamName LIVE DATA: Live …

Member Avatar for toad78
Member Avatar for jcanaway

hello i am wondering how i can go about making links similar myspace where i can give users a custom link where the do not have to type in my whole dynamic link like [url]www.example.com/index?action=profile&fid=id&token=key[/url] instead i want it to look like this [url]www.example.com/USERS_CUSTOM_URL[/url] that will forward them to the …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for odysea

have this script [CODE]$idhandle = fopen($filename, 'r+') or die("can't open file"); $id = "<?php \$lastid = \"$lastid\"; ?>"; fwrite($idhandle, $id); fclose($idhandle);[/CODE] trying to write "<?php \$lastid = \"$lastid\"; ?>"; in the first line of the file but what is happening is its deleting some of my code in the file. …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for trizzy9

Hi i am doing a project for college, and i choose car rental not knowing its trickier as i thought. Im using xampp and oscommerce, and well..PHP. i have almost everything done apart from the calendar where users can choose the dates of when they want to rent the car. …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for smahamood

i am on my try to develop quiz management system with administrator control(php +mysql). administrator must give no.of questions for the quiz (contestants will have to attempt all the questions in the database). i want to know is it possible to show each question in different pages.can anyone help me …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Studio1023

Hello Gang - First of all thanks for taking time to read this... I need some direction. I have background in HTML and Javascript. I am okay with CSS. BUT I am hoping to design a site similar to Urbanspoon.com and I need to know what programs that would involve. …

Member Avatar for platinum8
Member Avatar for marjan_m

Hi, I need to use mail function to send emails to the user provided e-mail address which he/she gave at the time of registration. Can any one please help me regarding this? Thanks

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for jcanaway

alright im having so problems with my floating divs containers i am using three columns in my html part of my website and i have a wrapper around the three columns known as page and the columns are float left in css so they can be perfect aligned left to …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, Somebody please help me, i am going mad out of my mind, for the past 4 hours or so some silly little problem has ratteled my brain and i cannot fix it. Basically, user registers on site, they get there activation email, click on link and the below script …

Member Avatar for affnetguru
Member Avatar for odysea

so i have a page called addpages with the following [CODE] mysql_query("INSERT INTO pages (name, title, description, keywords, content, updated) VALUES('$name', '$title', '$description', '$keywords', '$content', '$updated' ) ") or die(mysql_error()); // Get Last ID $lastid = mysql_insert_id(); // Start Create php page file $filename = "$name.php"; $template = file_get_contents("templates/default.php"); $filehandle …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for RobotFX

Hi! I have a free script from Scriptol which I use to display feeds content on my site. The script has a form where you can submit a feed url and it will display on the same page the feed rezults. The problems is: - I want to make it …

Member Avatar for welbyobeng

I have a fix code below [code=php] $values=array( "advertisement1" => 34, "advertisement2" => 45, "advertisement3" => 16, ); [/code] I want to take some information from my database and output the same way I have the code above but am getting an error. I am using [code=php]$sql = "SELECT advertisement.adver_name, …

Member Avatar for welbyobeng
Member Avatar for jakesee

Hi, I have tried to find out on this, but I cannot be sure. Anyone knows for certain fopen and file_get_contents (or any similar functions) will generate an entry in the target domain's website traffic stats? I know this could be traffic analyser specific, so for a start, will it …

Member Avatar for jakesee
Member Avatar for coboldeveloper

My static variable got initialized [B]everytime[/B] the function is called. Here's my code(simplied), thanks. - [code]<script> function validate() { return true; } </script> <?php vote(); Function vote () { static $testvar = 1; echo $testvar; if ($testvar == 1) { $testvar++; echo $testvar; } } echo '<td><input type="image" width=50% src="pix/camera.gif" …

Member Avatar for coboldeveloper
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, As i am new in OOP, i just want to ask those who are experts in OOP that can this my example be considered as OOP example? Thanks [code] dbprocess.class.php <?php class DBprocess { private $dbconn; private $db; public function __construct($host, $user, $username, $password, $database) { $this->dbconn=mysql_connect($host, $user, $username, …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for haresh.chugani

[code=php]<? //Database Connection $dbcnx = @mysql_connect('localhost', 'Haresh', 'iwdpwd'); mysql_select_db('iwddb',$dbcnx); $memberidresult = @mysql_query('SELECT * FROM members'); //db hase only 2 fields, memberid & name while ($memberarray = mysql_fetch_array($memberidresult)) { $memberid = $memberarray['memberid']; echo '<p>The member id is ' . $memberid . '</p>'; $namelink = $memberarray['name']; echo '<p> <a href="http://www.xyz.com/x/?x=c&amp;z=s&amp;v=1801659&amp;k=' . $memberid …

Member Avatar for onethirtyone

Hey all this is a pretty simple question, basically I connect to a mysql database, and iterate a list of names like this: [CODE]$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Students"); echo "<table border=\"1\">"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { print " <tr> <td> " . $row['Student'] . " </td> <td> <form name=\"FRMdelete" . …

Member Avatar for humbug
Member Avatar for lonestar23

How would I go about combining two seperate rss feeds to appear as one list in PHP? example: abc.com/horse/rss monty.com/cow/rss === results === 1.) lovely horses 2.) great looking cows 3.) my pony is sick 4.) cows make good steaks etc.... Thanks in Advance!

Member Avatar for madristaa

Hello Friends, I have created a form which has by default 4 rows and 4 columns. Once the user click on More(which as bottom of the table) one more row will be added to the form. When the user click on submit their information will be submitted. Every student will …

Member Avatar for solocky

hello all i would like to know how to parse a page for links,follow a link,parse all occurances of a string whch follows a given tag then move on to the next of the originaly parsed links and do the same any help wwould be highly appreciated ciao

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for liferentsus

This project just got dumped on me. I have a text file that has several lines in it. Like this: [code][COLOR="Green"]<cat:8850> <begad:1279434><logo:><togurl:y><togemail:y><bkgrdtog:n><addr:ATTN:CHARLIE><zip:50613>'05 Pontiac Grand Am SE, 35,200 mi., $9,600 or best reasonable offer. Contact Charlie at 319-266-XXX<endad> <cat:8850> <begad:1278968><logo:><togurl:y><togemail:y><bkgrdtog:n><addr:34304 160TH ST.><zip:50613>'07 GRAND Prix, red, GM certified, 35,000 mi. Leather, sunroof, …

Member Avatar for liferentsus
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, Thanks for looking. I have a contact form and everything else is checked against validation apart from the textarea. For some reason i cannot get textarea validation to work using php. I have tried: [CODE] if (strlen($_POST['query'] == 0 ) ) { echo "<p>You have not entered anything in …

Member Avatar for genieuk
Member Avatar for dmorton

Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\Sites\Single49\questsafety\webroot\login\includes\config.inc.php on line 55 A system error occurred. We apologize for the inconvenience. im not sure what this is tellin me can someone please help me …

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

hey all. i was wondering what some of you think would be a great start for a shopping cart that integrates paypal for a web software. and that after they go through the payment process they will beable to create there account i am just starting to get into ecommerce …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, I have built a newsletter subscription script from scratch but cannot go any further. I will be creating an admin panel but not sure how i go about actually using something such as a WYSIWYG editor to send out the newsletter to subscribers. Can anyone recommend a free editor …

Member Avatar for itisnot_me
Member Avatar for jzimmerman

hello all, I am looking for some help doing multiple queries. I have two tables that are not related that I need to query on on PHP page. The page is for people to register for an event. The first table has a selection of dates for people to arrive …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for shea279

OK, I put together some sample code from Paypal's api, that should complete a payment and notify me with IPN. For some reason it is not working. I tested it with sandbox.paypal.com's IPN tester, and that worked. (if it works, it is supposed to write all post variables to ipn.html) …

Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I cannot find the solution for this example. It is to do with Static declerations. Help please. Error : "Fatal error: Non-static method ExecuteSql::executeSql() cannot be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context " Thanks [code] <?php class DBconnection { private $host="localhost"; private $user="root"; private $username=null; private $password=null; private …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for odysea

is there any way to get the id you are going to insert the data in before you post the data, like get the last id and do a +1 to it or something pleaseee?

Member Avatar for odysea
Member Avatar for Aamit

I have 100 items and 10 vendors. Vendors bid on that items like Vendor1 Bid [B]Item quantity price Total Min-require[/B] Item1 10 10 100 200 Item2 15 20 300 Item3 17 17 289 Item100 10 10 100 Vendor2 Bid [B]Item quantity price Total Min-require[/B] Item1 10 12 120 300 Item2 …


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