39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for nishit_soni
Member Avatar for yasmena

i have a JS that generates fields on the fly i set a counter so that i can count the no. of fields the user generated now i need to loop through these fields and i dont know how to use that JS variable inside PHP for($i=0;$i< "JS VAR";$i++) i …

Member Avatar for HazardTW
Member Avatar for Weirder_PT

Hello. I don't know if you know what's a PTC site... (it's easily to find out what is it, with a search on google). I was wondering if you would know how can i create bots to click on ads, and make them purchasable to be referrals from who buys …

Member Avatar for jadamus

Newbie here to learn and share. I've learned the basics of html and css and have started the journey into php. I'm using Dreamweaver to write and guide me along the way with coding. Last two weeks have been pretty intense with the "spry" horizontal menu bar. I have a …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for cali_dotcom

hi, i just wrote a program for my website with a search function. everything works fine but i have a problem with the links to the other result pages. this is the code [code=text] <?php $errors = array(); if ($_POST) { $mysql = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die("couldn't connect to …

Member Avatar for cali_dotcom
Member Avatar for Sheridan

I want to create a "browse" button that will upload the NAME of a file (just the name, NOT the file) and pass that name onto another page. I have written the following: [code=PHP] echo '<FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" ACTION="InsertImageFile.php" METHOD=POST>'; echo '<table cellpadding = 5 border = 1> <tr><td>'; echo 'File …

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for vo2corp

Im new on this thing of computers but im really intresting on learning how to creat and understand computers softwares, hardwares and everything about PC. I will like to know if some one can help me on making a keylogger based on Visual Basic Thank you!! for your time and …

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for Gonzo10

Hello everyone, I am trying to put a value into $value['count']; after the value is clicked the count stays at one or it resets itself any help will be awesome Thank you. [code=php] <table width="61%" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="4"> <?php $count = 1; if (isset($_GET['value'])) { $count++; $value[$count] = $_GET['value']; print …

Member Avatar for Gonzo10
Member Avatar for tkmc

Hi all, I have been racking my brain today, trying to get a page to run 2 queries. Basically i have a page that has a form on it and there is a bunch of numbers in one of the drop down lists that comes from a table called cab_eticket_numbers …

Member Avatar for HazardTW
Member Avatar for jencinas69

I have this csv2xml.php file [code] <?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); ini_set("display_errors", true); ini_set('memory_limit', '24M'); function csv2xml($file, $container = 'data') { $r = "<{$container}>\n"; $row = 0; $cols = 0; $titles = array(); $handle = @fopen($file, 'r'); if (!$handle) return $handle; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ',')) !== FALSE) { if …

Member Avatar for jencinas69
Member Avatar for vssp

Hi Friends I am working on symfony project. This is new frame work for me. So Please clarify my doubt. This is looklike community site. user able to create own sub domine. Public site have one login page ex([url]www.sample.com[/url]) individual user have one login page ex ([url]www.vssp.sample.com)[/url]. How to seprate …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi there I just need some clarification on sessions. If I have $_SESSION['name'] = $_POST['name']; in my php will it $_SESSION['name'] be created numerous times on different pc's? For example: Joe submits a form and $_SESSION['name'] is created with Joe being the value. Then Suzy submits a form and $_SESSION['name'] …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for moerpheus

hi guys, i have problems regarding PHP. I cant connect the php page with mysql database. I have installed everything as far as I know. i have changed the conifiguration files. but still i cant access the database via the pages! im creating a recruitment site(job search) and people should …

Member Avatar for BMX322
Member Avatar for arshadshaikh

I have xampp server installed and i want to send mail function with php on localhost (my system). I have done following configuration settings in php.ini SMTP = mail.prs.prod smtp_port = 25 I have also set the following line ;extension=php_smtp.dll by commenting and again uncommenting. But unable to send email …

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for mgn2683

Hi, I have a few questions. First off, I have a recordset where I am selecting the columns name_pre, name_first and name_last. I want to have the name displayed as Mr. John Smith, just combining all 3 columns. The second portion where I am running into problems is displaying the …

Member Avatar for BMX322
Member Avatar for aformoftruth

I have a URL PHP LINKs problem... I'm a newbie and am currently teaching myself php and html...currently using dreamweaver and have been able to be pretty lazy with regards to learing code but now am using php...and got to type it in myslef....its good for me. But i have …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for tiger86

Hi, I am a newbie to php and I am using nusphere php nued standard. I got it because it has a debugger which I need the most and I am having some problems; I wait for 5 hours and it just says waiting for local host. I have tried …

Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav
Member Avatar for timhysniu

Hi there, I've used Zen Cart before since it was an open source. Although the cart is not bad, I think it is a bit outdated and not very flexible when it comes to presentation. Can someone suggest a Shopping cart that is easy to use and is flexible? I …

Member Avatar for mexabet
Member Avatar for Syakoban

I understand how to use the basic include function in a .php page so that repetitive content (like a menu) can be coded in a separate file and then dynamically included in multiple pages. But I don't get how to use it so that a URL in a page can …

Member Avatar for aformoftruth
Member Avatar for OmniX

Hi guys You know when you enter a registration page with a textbox saying enter the characters that corespond to the image. I heard its called COPA or something. Anyone has any tutorials on how to make a page like this? Thankyou, Regards X

Member Avatar for OmniX
Member Avatar for god_1896

hi to all; Please tell me where to find a good example of multi dropdown list. I need a dropdown list menu for state, country and state which are the state country and city are retrieve from the databse. and if state is selected the country well coordinate and together …

Member Avatar for srilakshmitr7
Member Avatar for Gonzo10

I am trying to link the result of a list with href so I can pass this data to a variable $value, I am new to PHP any help will be greatly appreciated it. here is the code; <?php print "<table width=61% border=1 align=center cellpadding=4>"; $data = 10; for ($i=1; …

Member Avatar for Gonzo10
Member Avatar for krauz2

I have tried a few different ways to get two email address to send on a case statement. How do I add to commands on same line? I am just a little off track. Thanks for your help. case 'it': $to_email = "erich.krauz@rgl-e.com"; $to_email = "krauz2@hotmail.com"; break;

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Member Avatar for krauz2

I am trying to have a "Contact us" page with a drop down tab that you can select from 4 people to contact. I am trying to figure out how to link each one to a certin email address. I was only able to get it with one. Thanks for …

Member Avatar for krauz2
Member Avatar for oku

Hello everyone, Well i've just searched the forum to see if my question has been answered prioer to posting, but seem to find the answer. Well basicly i've created a script to help me monitor and maintain the domain names my company owns (1000's) I've virtually finished it but i …

Member Avatar for CademiaX
Member Avatar for OmniX

Hi I posted something about this awhile back and the problem was, I was preforming several queries at once along with some other mysql functions and it always stopped working half way (I think was to do with the interaction of my functions with the header or my use of …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for 65!sesa

Hello pipo Iam pretty new at php.I implemented a log in page as shown below: <?php session_start(); include("./connect.php"); // start the session $errorMessage = ''; if (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST)) { //--------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_POST)) { // if form has been submitted //check out the fields if (isset($_POST) || isset($_POST)) { // …

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Member Avatar for RuneMan

Here's the situation - Im making a website for a game server in which a user can make 1 account. and in 1 account he can make 3 characters. We maintain two tables one for accounts and one for characters. The three characters which can be made is recognized by …

Member Avatar for RuneMan
Member Avatar for Katherine692008

I am trying to do this problem: Create a “hit counter” for your home page i.e., exam1.php. There is a file in the exam folder called COUNTER.TXT that contains the number zero. Your PHP page should do the following steps: 1. Read the counter file 2. Add one to the …

Member Avatar for Katherine692008
Member Avatar for jeffro25

Here is my problem. I built an website for a pizza cafe and I built an application for online ordering. When it came to placing the order, i give them the option to pay using cash of using credit card. If the customer selects cash, then a text box for …

Member Avatar for Will Gresham

The End.