39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for SunnySideUp

Hi, I have this website which I am developing, but it is having display problems. I have a directory called 'includes' which contains 'header.php', 'login.inc.php' and 'login_form.inc.php' 'header.php' - displays the normal doctype, meta tags, styles, etc. 'login.inc.php' - is the actual process of the login form once the form …

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Member Avatar for viveksraman

<?php $con = mysql_connect('localhost','root',''); <?php $con = mysql_connect('localhost','root',''); $db = mysql_select_db('myuploads',$con);$un = $_GET['usname']; $ps = $_GET['passwd']; $retr = mysql_query("SELECT uname,password FROM user WHERE uname = '$un' "); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($retr)) { if($row['uname'] == $un) { if($row['uname']== $un && $row['password'] == $ps) { echo "Welcome ".strtolower($un); } else echo "Password doesnt …

Member Avatar for cmps
Member Avatar for OsaMasw

Hello buddies and merry christmas I have a string which is a file name with multi parts (my file.part001) I need to remove the (.part001) form the string so only the (my file) still. I've tried function removeFromEnd($string, $Remove) { $RemoveLen = strlen($Remove); $stringLen = strlen($string); $pos = $stringLen - …

Member Avatar for OsaMasw
Member Avatar for vizz

I have links like, #**#/Home**, **#/About** how to remove **#/** using .htaccess I have other RewriteRules and they all work fine URL's are displayed like **localhost/site/#/Home**

Member Avatar for vizz
Member Avatar for GraficRegret

so the page protection code I finally got to work is working properly in all the browsers however with safari after I log out i can click the back button and get into the protected pages and change things, however once the submit button is hit or the page is …

Member Avatar for GraficRegret
Member Avatar for paine_today

Hello Daniweb Univere, I am looking for a good program to use to store several dozen text documents, make them searchable, and ideally, allow me to link to specific lines of the document. I imagine there are programs like this, I have just been unable to find them. Any suggestions …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for amith_ami

hi all.... i dont know how to indicate the gmail status of client is online or offline in a static html page... if client is online then it should be indicate the status in green else it should be red...... any help.... tnx in advnc....

Member Avatar for radow
Member Avatar for GraficRegret

I need to allow my customer to upload a picture and then display the image source tag for the picture so they can copy it and paste it where they want to in the text area I am providing for them. i.e. how facebook notes works

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Member Avatar for jacob21
Member Avatar for pramod19
Member Avatar for zalexy

Please help! i can't connect codeigniter to Oracle I am trying to connect Codeigniter to Oracle 11g, here are my settings Settings in database.php: $active_group = 'default'; $active_record = TRUE; $db['default']['hostname'] = "//localhost/"; $db['default']['username'] = 'xxxxxxx'; $db['default']['password'] = 'xxxxxxx'; $db['default']['database'] = 'orcl'; $db['default']['dbdriver'] = 'oci8'; $db['default']['dbprefix'] = ''; $db['default']['pconnect'] = …

Member Avatar for zalexy
Member Avatar for amith_ami

hi all... pls help me... i have a problem with my code... if there is multiple product id in the table tbl_order_item for an order_id. then it should fetch those product id from that table tbl_order_item. here is my code... echo $s_country; $sql2="SELECT prod_id FROM tbl_order_item WHERE order_id='$order_id'"; $res=mysql_query($sql2) or …

Member Avatar for amith_ami
Member Avatar for brizleciderarmy

**My function for retrieving data from database:** function db_retrieve($query) { // user password etc. require_once('db_info.php'); // Initialise function vars. $q_success = 0; // Query successful? $error_text = ""; // Error text (if any). $db_handle = mysqli_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name); $db_found = mysqli_select_db($db_handle, $db_name); // Database found if($db_found) { // Query …

Member Avatar for brizleciderarmy
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I want to know if there is a way to use the same session throughout my whole website (eg. main domain and sub domain) using PHP? **NOTE:** I'm using a free hosting website so my website is a subdomain of the host website (eg. "http://mywebsite.hostwebsite.com" (I hope you …

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Member Avatar for cristian.stilpeanu.3

Hello, I have a site about a game and i need if there is some code that helps me to anti-flood, please.thanks! if anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate This it's good? <?PHP IF (!ISSET($_SESSION)) { SESSION_START(); } // anti flood protection IF($_SESSION['last_session_request'] > TIME() - 2){ // …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for janzaldo

when im test in my local machine i dont have any error but when im trying to test in web i have this error, the same DB, the same tables, the same data in both structures any idea???? Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in …

Member Avatar for sudhir1234
Member Avatar for Cuchara2

I've been looking into security for PHP and came across MySQLi prepared statements. After doing some research I'm confused about why you would use these instead of normal SQL query. A prepared statement looks something like this: $quer=$db->stmt_init(); if($quer->prepare("INSERT INTO `test` (`first`,`second`,`third`) VALUES (?,?,?)")) { $quer->bind_param('iss',$aa,$bb,$cc); $aa=1; $bb="something"; $cc="testdata"; $quer->execute(); …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for cssweb

hello guys how are you sorry i have another question i want to display images on left side and right side on my website for example in this code i have 9 images and i want to spread them 4 on the left side and 4 on the right side …

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Member Avatar for Clanstrom

Hi, I am chaging from mysql_* to PDO and I found this tutorial in [Here](http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/php-database-access-are-you-doing-it-correctly/) And, so far let's say I chose this query to update a database. $id = 5; $name = "Joe the Plumber"; try { $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=someDatabase', $username, $password); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $stmt = $pdo->prepare('UPDATE someTable …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for Navlag

Hello, I am using the tutorial from Oracle's site on how to connect to a database in PHP using code similar to the one shown below. <?php // Create connection to Oracle $conn = oci_connect("phphol", "welcome", "//localhost/orcl"); $query = 'select * from departments'; $stid = oci_parse($conn, $query); $r = oci_execute($stid); …

Member Avatar for Navlag
Member Avatar for RLS0812

What is the Python (2.7) equivalent of the PHP $_POST, $_GET, $_SESSION and $_COOKIE, and how are they used ? After almost 2 years of trying I have finally gotten Python to work on my WAMP server - only to find that it is severely lacking in web page functionality.

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for apanimesh061

Are the crawled URLs stored in the database then they are traversed in BFS/DFS manner .... or is it something else ? Please Help!

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for mantapgan

Hi everyone, im trying to print getAktiva() but it return an error: "Fatal error: Call to protected method indukPerusahaanABC::getAktiva() from context '' in C:\xampp\htdocs\sad.php on line 41" Thanks in advance <?php class indukPerusahaanABC{ protected $nama; protected $jenis; protected $alamat; private $aktivaLancar; private $aktivaTetap; public function __construct($nama, $jenis, $alamat){ $this->nama = …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for guilherme.carvalho.9250

Hello to everyone, im having trouble in inserting a date like "2012-12-06" into a database mysql, Im using phpmyadmin+wamp and adobe dreamweaver!I want to use 3 textfields, one for the year, other for the month and a last one for the day, but I always get an error by using …

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Member Avatar for Wailintun

Please help me.I'll really thank for you help! How to write code for country, state and city drop down list menu? change automatically for state and city when country is selected.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for neha05

hiii i want to share a video link from youtube in textarea and show on the div ,when im share embeded code from youtube it showed on the div but when im share the link ,it only show the link so how i ll i share link in same way …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mmmosias

What is the way to write a SELECT statement to retrieve data from several tables with the same name pattern. I'd like to select data from these tables: table_2012, table_2013, table_2014... I only want the tables that have the prefix (e.g. table_) and exactly the four characters for the year. …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for LONGWAY

I need a very big help and is urgent. I have a big "permission" problem when i run this module and I get ths errors: Warning: fopen(tmp/::name.hsh) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Invalid argument in ... Warning: fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in... Warning: fclose() expects …

Member Avatar for LONGWAY
Member Avatar for piyush.dwivedi.5

Hello Everyone, I have a log.txt file in the format: ================================================ [Jan 25 2012 11:26:03] - ID2PDF v.2.6 (ID2PDF.jsx) General options: [default] (ID2PDF_options.xml) ================================================ Loaded options from XML file: '/the/path/to/file/ID2PDF_options.xml extendedPrintPDF started Postfix '4.4' was append from file 'FNM040112ArtichokeHandbook_lo-metadata.xml' for file: /the/path/to/file/FNM040112ArtichokeHandbook_lo.indd printPDF started PDF Export Preset: Hearst PDF 1.6_1_16_08 …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for selasedaniweb

Hi Good friends, I have an index page for my blog that pulls up all posts to the page. I have a group of posts i have assigned to a category named 'Diary'. I want to prevent posts in the 'Diary' category from showing up on the index(home) page. The …

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Member Avatar for persianprez

So here is my current code that doesn't work for what I'm trying to do: <?php $urlp1 = "members/"; $urlp2 = 0; $urlp3 = ".html"; $url = $urlp1.$urlp2.$urlp3; $data = file_get_contents($url); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var url = "<?php echo $url; ?>"; var temp = getElementsByClassName('daniweb'); document.write(temp); </script> <p style="margin-bottom: 50px;"></p> …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro

The End.