39,323 Topics

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Member Avatar for mortyBox

Hey all! I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure out this noodle scratcher. I have a form that takes a users first and last name, then posts that to process.php where it pulls all the info for that person from mySQL database. The DB connection is fine, and I …

Member Avatar for joshmac
Member Avatar for twoclicks

Hello everyone, I've build a web project that could upload and resize image with the following script and i did minor change on it: http://www.webmotionuk.co.uk/php-jquery-image-upload-and-crop/ It works fine on desktop computers and samsung galaxy s froyo. But when i tried on android tablets such as samsung galaxy tab the upload …

Member Avatar for twoclicks
Member Avatar for mortyBox

elbeato Hi all again. I couldn't reply to my last post "Message Field Required"? Anyway props to "elbeato" for helping me out. My textarea is now indented on the first line. Is there any way to align the text in a textarea? <td align="right">Additional Training</td> <td colspan="5"> <textarea name='AdditionalTraining' rows=6 …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sparkles_links

I was working on a script before taking ill. I need urgent help with this. I have login form, and I can use http://phpeasystep.com login tutorial to do a single user login. But I need it for like 4 different users redirecting to diffrent pages after login/ The form code: …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for king24

<?php session_start(); include 'forms.php'; include 'config.php'; include 'lib.php'; ?> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Login</title> <link href="css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#check").click(function(){ var username = ("<?= $username ?>"); $.ajax({ url:"ajax.php", data :'username=' +username, success: function(ajax){ $("#ajax").append(ajax); } }); }) }); </script> </body> </html> <?php …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for laura301019

I have a webpage that allows 3 users to login and vote, at the login page it displays the 3 users however ive to change the following code so that at the login page it will only display the users who haven't voted yet. What do i need to change …

Member Avatar for phoenix_2000
Member Avatar for Jamesiv1

I've got a form with this text field: <input name="address2" type="text" value="%%ADDRESS2%%"> on submit, it displays all the data in a confirmation page, and then when you submit the confirmation page it emails me the data. In the email (maybe in belongs in the confirmation page?), I need it to …

Member Avatar for phoenix_2000
Member Avatar for florin1

Hello guys. I have a form in which i have some dynamically generated input fields like this: <input value="March" name="month[March]" type="hidden"> <input value="April" name="month[April]" type="hidden"> <input value="May" name="month[May]" type="hidden"> . . . How do i add the input data for each month to mysql? Thanks!

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for minitauros

Hello there. I would like to know if there is a way to write files to my server without CHmodding a certain directory. I have an auto-update script that downloads a .ZIP from my main server, and then extracts those file to the corresponding directories on the current server. However, …

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Member Avatar for sammer021486

I am having difficulty getting the php include for my menu to show the active page on my site. When the site is using just plain html to show the active page, it works as expected. But when I switch to the php include the menu is not styling to …

Member Avatar for sammer021486
Member Avatar for Dani

Hi, I'm getting really frustrated with an issue that Ancient Dragon discovered is happening here. Anytime that the combination `% 02` (without the space) is submitted via a textbox, it's recieved by PHP $_POST[] array just as a space. It's like URL decoding is happening on the fly. This happens …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for gabbytheking

Hi I'm doing this for a project so no need to worry about real world worries such as encription etc. I'm trying to put imported Values into the below form via a seperate php form on a different site. ie my website is a client of an online creditcard server(CCS) …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for kilowatt46

I am setting up a secure area of a web site that will be accessible to members only. Members may or may not pay their yearly membership dues online through our web site. The membership year is from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. I want to give the paid members …

Member Avatar for newbie1234
Member Avatar for invoguesoft.com

<?php function my_money_format($num){ $money=explode('.',$num); if(strlen($money[1])==0) $money[1]='00'; if(strlen($money[0])==0) $money[0]='0'; if(strlen($money[0])>2){ $taka=$money[0]; $thousand=substr($taka, -3); $taka=substr($taka,0,strlen($taka)-3); $i=0; while(strlen($taka)>0){ if(strlen($taka)>1){ $pp[$i]=substr($taka, -2); $taka=substr($taka,0,strlen($taka)-2); }else{ $pp[$i]=substr($taka, -1); $taka=substr($taka,0,strlen($taka)-1); } $i++; } for($j=sizeof($pp)-1;$j>=0;$j--) $taka_add .=$pp[$j].','; return $taka_add.$thousand.".".$money[1]; }else return $money[0].".".$money[1]; } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for momonq1990

Code blocks are created by indenting at least 4 spaces ... and can span multiple lines <script> function del(delUrl) { var r=confirm("Are you sure you want to delete?"); if (r==true) { alert("Deleted record!"); document.location = delUrl; } else { alert("Delete cancel!"); } } </script> <a href='delete.php?id=$sysid' class='view' onClick='del()'> <img src='image/vie.png' …

Member Avatar for DavidAntaramian
Member Avatar for Dani

Quick question ... What happens if you use array_slice() and specify a length that is longer than the length of the array? Sorry but I couldn't find the answer on PHP's doc pages or in a quick G search.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for don't give up

hello this my code : <?php $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if(!$con) { die('can not connect'.mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("test", $con ); $others="others"; $sql="SELECT * FROM $others"; $result=mysql_query($sql); $num = mysql_num_rows($result); echo"<thead> <tr> <th>#</th> <th> id </th> <th>topic</th></thead>"; echo"<tbody>"; $i=0; echo"<table border='1' width='100%' id='table1'>"; echo"<thead> <tr> <th>#</th> <th> id </th> <th>topic</th></thead>"; echo"<tbody>"; $i=0; while( $i < …

Member Avatar for don't give up
Member Avatar for uvray90

Hello guys... Iam developing a stock maintenance system for a hotel (PHP-MySQL) in which the client will be updating the consumption everyday. Suppose the items are like Pepsi Buns Sauce Then everyday consumption he needs to keep track. He will login and enter the consumption details for 23rd March then …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for prem2

Dear team, I need to get the information for a particular domain name using the php and some linux commands.So, i have tried a small program in php in Lamp Environment. When the user gives,www.google.com.My program uses the below commands and functions ping,dig,host,get_host_names etc.To retrive the informations. But i need …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for webweaverssss

<?php ob_start(); session_start( ); include 'authenticate.php'; ?> aurheticate.php---------> <?php mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die (mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("pms") or die (mysql_error()); if (!isset( $_SESSION['user_id'])) { if(!isset($_POST['txtuser_name'])) header('location:login(Admin).php'); $value=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user_value']); $user_name = $_POST['txtuser_name']; $pass = $_POST['txtpassword']; //user isentification if($value==1) { $query="select admin_name , admin_id from admin where admin_name='$user_name' AND admin_password='$pass'"; $sql = mysql_query ($query); …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for belber

hey all i have a problem here... i recently download xampp for windows, but when i go to phpmyadmin i got some error message : error #2002 The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server’s socket is not correctly configured). in addition i not using mysql service from …

Member Avatar for belber
Member Avatar for gopi17

okay guys....currently i'm using session for my web application, the problem is evertime i click the browser "back" button, the session expires and the variables are reseted. i want to retain this value until the user quits the browser.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for arihantphp

Hey all , I am working on a website on which the user has to upload images, most of the images are of large size and that takes a lot of time for the image to be uploaded, is there a way by which i can reduce the time taken …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi all, In the section of the order confirmation mail: $get_cart_info, when I include this theres is somehow a syntax error, as I keep getting this error after mail has tried to send: Catchable fatal error: Object of class mysqli_result could not be converted to string in /home/www/ebm-fashion.dk/views/betaling_accepteret.php on line …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for laura301019

Hi, so ive various number of files and database tables including artist, album and tracks. On the webpage user's can choose and artist, an album then songs or the album to buy. However ive to write code so that when the user selects to buy the album all the tracks …

Member Avatar for laura301019
Member Avatar for bavenbabu

I am new to ajax jquey in programming.I had successfully inserted values which i posted via form field(id,name,age) in my xml file.But i am not printing the correct result in my HTML table.I had to insert the datas in xml file and also display the result in an HTML table. …

Member Avatar for bavenbabu
Member Avatar for shahbaz13

I need to convert this code to web.config file. Plz Help.. #Fix Rewrite Options -Multiviews RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d Rewriterule ^(.*)$ $1.php [L,QSA]

Member Avatar for shahbaz13
Member Avatar for Mestika

Hi everyone, I’m currently working on my Master Thesis which in few words concentrates about NoSQL databases and performance and tuning tests of particular MongoDB. I’m trying to create some test dummy data to put in so I can run some initially tests to create a baseline for comparison. I’ve …

Member Avatar for curlissue657
Member Avatar for codemonkey88

A client has an ecommerce site, which is hosted on Magento but could be exported if easier. We are now trying to set up a couple more new branded sites which have independant designs but use the same product and client base. I have done some Googling and found that …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for RickCJ7

I have an application that is writen in PHP and connects to a MS SQL Server 2008 Database. I'm using ADO recordsets. There are cases where specific IDs and years in the table returns nothing. How do I test for when there are no results? I searched and most of …

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The End.