39,388 Topics
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Hello there Quick insight of what im trying to achieve here is. User adds data to a database called property in (addproperty.php) Then user can search for specific data in that property database Here is the code addproperty.php [CODE]<?php $dbhandle = sqlite_popen("property", 0666, $err_msg); if(!$dbhandle) die("Could not open the database"); … | |
![]() | Hello Everyone, I am having a very basic problem in PHP MYSQL. My requirement is to add images in MYSQL through PHP along with the username. I have managed to store images in MYSQL but I dont know how to store username along with that image uploading query. Just like … |
Hello, how to create mysql database and grant privileges via php code I need to created a new database with new user and to set privileges for this user within my php script, how can i do this? Regards, TitoSd | |
I am a web developer who has just had PHP thrust upon me. I have created a login-protected site and have put a timeout script on each page which redirects the user back to the login page if they have left the site idle for a certain period of time. … | |
What is the reason for this outputted XML file <?xml version="1.0"?> <table> <order> <id/> <name/> <age/> </order> <order><id>1</id><name>baven</name><age>44</age></order><order><id>1</id><name>baven</name><age>44</age></order></table> this is my database.xml page my full code is: <?php $url='database.xml'; $xml = simplexml_load_file($url); ?> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-latest.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.tablesorter.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#myTable").tablesorter( {sortList: [[0,0], [1,0]]} ); … | |
Hello There, Please Help, I have a form that generates data from database. i have to select value from a combobox so that i can see the value. but i wanted that data from database to be the value of the radio button. is that possible?I haven't started yet? can … | |
Hi All.... Actually I wanted to send mail through mail function in php... The mail is sent successfully and I'm receiving it in the inbox... Problem is I want the mail content in HTML format not plain text. I've tried this code, but it doesn't seem to work... [CODE] <?php … | |
How to use paybox payment method in php application | |
hello, am currently working on a code written by an ex-colleague, which was in asp and now converted to php. I want to add the value held by a dynamic text box to the mail () function of my code: [CODE]"Email: " . $_POST['Email'] . "\n\n"[/CODE] [CODE]mail("email1@email.com, email2@email.com", $subject, $message, … | |
i wants to make a database for my school web site where students can select their class then enter their roll number then the result will show how can it possible like Select Class--->> Class Nursary to Class 10th (Drop down menu) Enter Your Roll number ---> Txt-box Submit then … | |
Hey, i'm trying to connect to databases together in a single php, i follow a guide i searched in google, but there is something wrong with it...no error, juz a blank page... [CODE] <?php //This file is to check for the invoice number whether it exists or the field is … | |
heyy, as the title says, i need help regarding this issue... okay, the thing is i have two databases with the same number of fields. i need a function that runs over time, checking and maintaining the data inside both database A takes data from my company server, database B … | |
I'm a newbie in PHP. I'm trying to figure out a way to pass a second paramter in a URL by clicking a link instead of a submit button. For example, my page has a link that reads: <td><a href="agencydetails.php?id=1">Adams County</a></td> - the id=1 is the first parameter, I need … | |
Hello there i would like someone to have a peek at this code and does it solve the question correctly ?? Are there any mistakes or any improvements i could add ?? Thank you Question: 1. (a)modify the addnames.php script to read in and store two fields of data – … | |
I Have a problem with syntax error on the following code [code] $myregion = $_POST['region'];echo $myregion;$names = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM course_name WHERE Region=$myregion"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($names)) {echo $row['Name_of_Course'], " " , $row['Region'], " " , $row['Price'],"<br>";}$myregion = $_POST['region']; echo $myregion; $names = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM course_name WHERE Region=$myregion"); while($row = … | |
Hello there i would like someone to have a peek at this code and does it solve the question correctly ?? Are there any mistakes or any improvements i could add ?? Also If any one could tell me how to save the data entered by person into one file(XML)so … | |
I want to send mail using php mail() function. but it is not working. tell me the mistake in code?if any correction in php.ini file should be there then also tell that. here is my code:- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; … | |
i'm trying this below but it isn't working, the page is coming up blank .. [CODE]<?php $url = 'http://www.realgm.com'; function get_url_contents($url){ $crl = curl_init(); $timeout = 5; curl_setopt ($crl, CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt ($crl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt ($crl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); $ret = curl_exec($crl); curl_close($crl); return $ret; } ?>[/CODE] | |
I'm looking for help setting up my website. Here is my delima. I have [url]www.site1.com[/url], [url]www.site2.com[/url], [url]www.site3.com[/url], etc... Each site requires a user to register and/or login. What I am wanting to do is have the user only register and/or login to [url]www.site1.com[/url], and automatically be signed in to all … | |
Hello all! I currently have a drop down which consists of a list of names generated from the database. My problem is that when selecting a name from the dropdown I would like to insert the name and the corresponding ID into the database table. I am not sure if … | |
Hi all, can someone tell me why I am unable to concatinate the variable $id to the members.php ? Its driving me mad. . . [code] $id = $row["id"]; $_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID'] = $id; setcookie("id", $id, time()+86400); $securecode = $row["securecode"]; $_SESSION['SESS_SECURE_CODE'] = $securecode; setcookie("securecode", $securecode, time()+86400); $creff = $row["creff"]; $_SESSION['SESS_CREFF'] = $creff; … | |
I am a nood forgive me if all my code is messy, and evrything I know is self taught so my knowledge is not that great. I have an issue, I created an insert record form and in it there is title, price, 8 file upload fields and other fields. … | |
Good Sunday Afternoon... Is there anybody here that knows of a piece of code that would be available to just plug into a script that would allow the selection of a date range for a reporting feature? Just something that would say From this date To this date... And possibly … | |
Okay im doing a project for my FIRST robotics team where we are getting a scouting database going on where we scout out other teams I have gotten the basics down but i am having multiple problems with my php code all i need to do is make my submit … | |
Hello there i would like someone to have a peek at this code and does it solve the question correctly ?? Are there any mistakes or any improvements i could add ?? Also i struggle in this questions as i do not get it fully(in fact i dont get what … | |
I am having problem on this code of mine, I made a short javascript pop-up notice everytime a user logs a incorrect password or a correct pass, and when I typed the correct username and password, it is still invalid but when i delete these codes: [CODE]session_register('myusername'); session_register('mypassword'); $_SESSION['myusername']==$myusername;[/CODE] it … | |
Hello there i would like someone to have a peek at this code and does it solve the question correctly ?? Are there any mistakes or any improvements i could add ?? Question 3. Write a script to search for the properties which match a postcode (call it search.php ). … | |
Hi Guys Im a newbie and a somewhat beginner in PHP Here is my problem I want to insert this date format - DATE_FORMAT(news.updated, '%%M %%e, %%Y') AS formatted FROM news into this already existing sql statement - $sql = "SELECT * FROM authors aut, news new WHERE aut.aurthor_id=new.arthor_id AND … | |
Hi Everyone, Hoping someone here can help me fix this problem I have of setting a cookie variable from a databse $id = $row["id"]; variable. This seems to work fine when using session data, but I am trying to use cookies and I am a bit stuck. . . here … | |
Hi there, friends I have ajmatrix dna(multi level marketing) script written in php and MySQL, I can't able to install it on wampserver or xammp in windows system, can someone please help me for setting the correct configuration to run the script on localhost.and also can it be possible to … |
The End.