39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for trevor_shiggs

Newb here. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /home/litt6041/public_html/listing/wp-content/plugins/great-real-estate/templatefunctions.php on line 1502 Heres the code I have in that doccument. Sorry its so long. For some reason dreamweaver adds a bunch of spaces when viewing. Please help, Thanks! [CODE] <?php /* * public functions provided by the Great Real …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for mehdi.yazdani

hi, i created the page that it contains captcha for submitting my form and insert it inside the data base but in the main page i putted my text fields later i created iframe which is displaying my captcha images with refresh button in the insert page i need to …

Member Avatar for mehdi.yazdani
Member Avatar for nikki05

Hi, I am using PHPBB for my forum. My intention is if someone registers to my website, he/she will be login to forum as well, automatically. That means no need to register twice to use the forum. Is there a way forward to achieve this? Will greatly appreciate your suggestions. …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for omlac
Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for peter20

Hi, I am php developer and I would like to embed a expert system in my site. I have made a form in my site and when I click Ok I would like to run a .clp file via Jess (Java Expert System Shell) But I don't know how ... …

Member Avatar for unikorndesigns

I am currently developing an intranet Search Engine. I have succesfully searched out the files from a collection of small files. I could blend in database information too. The issues is that while searching for a collection of files my algorithm slows down or else it crashes in between. Any …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for pankajjarial

[CODE]<?php include('connection/database.php'); require ('xajax/xajax_core/xajax.inc.php'); $xajax = new xajax(); function autocomplete($val) { if($val!="") { $query=mysql_query("select * from name where name like '".$val."%'"); $rows=mysql_num_rows($query); $out="<table width='100%' bgcolor='#bfbfc3'>"; while($data=mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $out.="<tr><td>".$data['name']."</td></tr>"; } $out.="</table>"; $objResponse=new xajaxResponse(); $objResponse->assign('div1','innerHTML',$out); $objResponse->script("jQuery:$('td').click(function(){ var a=$(this).attr('innerHTML'); $('#name').attr('value',a); $('#div1').attr('innerHTML',''); }); $('td').mouseover(function(){ $(this).css('background-color','gray'); }); $('td').mouseout(function(){ $(this).css('background-color',''); }); "); return $objResponse; } else …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for diestro

Hi, Having some trouble getting it all together. I have a table in which i need to get Distinct names based on latest date. This is what the table looks like; Table Scores; [CODE] --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Name | Date | High Score | Medium Score | Low Score | --------------------------------------------------------------------- …

Member Avatar for diestro
Member Avatar for mohanrajit.88

Hi friends, I dont have clear idea about drupal forms. Please guide me to learn it.

Member Avatar for msk2020ckp
Member Avatar for deraad

I'm trying to simply display some data from my database, but without duplicates, I'm working with the following code: [CODE] $query = mysql_query("SELECT answers FROM users"); $rows = mysql_num_rows($query); for ($j = 0 ; $j <= $rows ; ++$j) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); echo $row[0]."<br>"; } [/CODE] This works perfectly …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for Stefan_Lam88

Hi Guys, [CODE] Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('highlightAC','$.ui.autocomplete.prototype._renderItem = function (ul, item) { return $("<li></li>") .data("item.autocomplete", item) .append("<a><img src=\"'.$Image.'\" border=\"0\" width=\"25px\" height=\"25px\"/> " + item.label + "</a>") .appendTo(ul); [/CODE] BY refering the above code, I wish to attach my image into an autocomplete search bar where each result will have different image depend on …

Member Avatar for Stefan_Lam88
Member Avatar for khialbadshah

Hi I want to know how to insert picture and how to retrieve it from a table in PHP. Please help me.. Thanks in advance.....

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for wolfgangcs

So I learn and write php. Very messy I am sure. I find that MySQL is deprecated and no longer the latest and greatest. I want to take my app offline. Ok, but how can I do that if the remote server is not a option? How do I store …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

Hi guys.. Well, i am an IB student in grade 12 (last year in high school) last friday, the IT technician in my school dared me to make a mail server (send and recieve emails) and he said he can give me all the dns access that i need to …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for freebanana

I would like to automatize this process: Upload in private mode all selected videos on YouTube channel, then embed it on a private blogspot blog with the setting: no related videos, play in HD, custom width of 1500 by 1150 (or just custom width X where X is width and …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for KLMKLMKLM

WHAT in Heaven's name is a "T_STRING?" Nowhere do I see a definition of T_STRING, or why it is called T_something. From what I've been able to piece together, it might be an unquoted string. I have a [CODE]Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/include/mmeetingDate.php on line 10[/CODE] Since …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi,I am new to jquery n using below code for submitting data in database. Its working fine for small data but not working for large data. Need suggestions Php code: [CODE]<?php include('db.php'); if($_POST) { $name=$_POST['name']; $desc=$_POST['desc']; $price=$_POST['price1']; //$type=$_POST['type']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO `pgdetail` (`name`, `desc`, `price`) VALUES ('$name', '$desc', '$price')"); } ?>[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for shujat132

Hello Dear Brothers & Sisters How are you………………….? Well, I am working on a personal project [COLOR="red"]http://www.propertyagentreviews.com/[/COLOR] that is about Property Agent Reviews. But now I am so much confuse because I can not find solution of one problem. And problem is that I want to create a message board …

Member Avatar for shujat132
Member Avatar for asif49

This is for a website search function, I do the following to get several similar results from the mysql database: [CODE] $var = "words words words"; $str = explode(' ', $var); foreach ($str as $i) { $match[] = " e LIKE '%$i%' ";//to search each word within searched phrase separately …

Member Avatar for asif49
Member Avatar for morteza_ipo

Hi. I have this code: [CODE] %D8%AA%D8%B3%D8%AA [/CODE] how to convert this code with php to orginal text? Thanks.

Member Avatar for morteza_ipo
Member Avatar for nick_90

Good Day I've created this edit/update form with assistants of this tutorial [url]http://www.freewebmasterhelp.com/tutorials/phpmysql/7[/url] And when I click the update button I get these two messages Notice: Undefined index: artist_id in C:\wamp\www\Practical_Project\admin_artist_edit.php on line 2 Warning: mysql_numrows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\wamp\www\Practical_Project\admin_artist_edit.php on line 9 I …

Member Avatar for raphie
Member Avatar for WickidGRAFX

I want to deny acess the directory & sub-directories of: mysite.com/uploads/ The uploads directory has sub-directories such as: mysite.com/uploads/35 & mysite.com/uploads/35/83 mysite.com/uploads/35/83_a I need to deny access to all of these. I can use the typical htaccess methods to do this except that new sub-directories get added all the time …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for naveedqadri

Hi All experts, I am new to php, I need your help in follwoing : 1: I want to display documents from my database (its ok ) 2: user select one or multiple 3: this selection should be retrived and downloaded one by one after payment done through paypal(there is …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for TwinsInTow

Hi I have a WordPress Blog that I can no longer access due to a header redirect issue. I have no idea how to fix this. The error message I am getting is this: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/altalake/public_html/twinsintow.com/index.php(1) : eval()'d …

Member Avatar for TwinsInTow
Member Avatar for asif49

How do I do this? I use the following code to get position of the first occurrence (case insensitive) of $search within $space. [CODE] $word = stripos($space, $search); [/CODE] However I would like to totally ignore some characters while matching and get the position of similar substrings within the search …

Member Avatar for raphie
Member Avatar for Chett

Hi. I've been following the Build a CMS in an Afternoon tutorial at [url]http://www.elated.com/articles/cms-in-an-afternoon-php-mysql/[/url] . The CMS works great but the only thing it's lacking is pagination. The article archive displays the list of all of the articles that are in the database, but I want to be able to …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for lobebe

I am trying to input an option into exist code but i get this error: "Undefined variable: options in /home/dealsyno/xxxx/product/category.tpl on line 91" Kindly see below the code. [ICODE]<?php echo $header; ?><?php echo $column_left; ?><?php echo $column_right; ?> <div id="content"><?php echo $content_top; ?> <div class="breadcrumb"> <?php foreach ($breadcrumbs as $breadcrumb) …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for 18engineer

i am learning php... i want to implement ajax with php.. can u tel me a good tutorial of implementing ajax with php? i have visited [url]www.w3schools.com[/url] but it provide a very basic intro about ajax and php... i need some implementation examples... Thanx

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for cskinittest

hai iam new to this domain. iam developing online quiz contest project in php (mysql,javascript,ajax) i need Automatic session timeout/logout and also i need time counter display using php and AJAX. pls refer any website. i searching for last 2 days.. advance thanks..

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Helinxed

Hello everyone,I need a help to back values from php to javascript... Listen: [CODE] __hasInventory = true; _iMatrix = []; $.ajax({ url: 'index.php?acao=test', dataType: 'script', type: 'post', data: {mode: 0}, success: function () {[/CODE] If is all Ok with post method,I'd like it back with results passing PHP results to …

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The End.