39,388 Topics
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I am currently using iframe to boost my youtube video views, EXAMPLE: <IFRAME SRC='http://youtube.com/VIDEO' SCROLLING='no' WIDTH='1' HEIGHT='1' FRAMEBORDER='no'></IFRAME> I would like to know how to do the same thing in PHP? Can someone please send me an example of an almost invisible iframe as above but only in PHP. Sorry … ![]() | |
Hi all, I want to perform cash transactions such as cash deposits and cash withdrawals in my project.Here i have created a page called [B]transaction.php[/B] to fulfill those requirements.But there were few error which i need your help to sought it out.. [B]account[/B] (account_number, account_type, fd_period, account_balance, account_interest ) [B]transacion … | |
Hi, I was thinking to put people business contact information in my site with their email, phone, address(like list of doctors, lawyers, accounts, ...) in my site. I will collect those information from different news papers. Am i allowed to put those information in my site or i have to … | |
Hey guys, I'm having some trouble setting up a form to delete a specific row in my database table. Here is the idea: I have one page that makes looping calls to MySQL for a query result, at the same time I print out the html as I need to … | |
Hello, My problem stems from reading an image from the local disk and displaying it. There's a middle step of storing it in a database, but I simplified the problem into this test script that replicates the error: The image "http://example.com/test.php" cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. test.php looks … | |
From last few days I am struggling to achieve this. For some reason, we need to change the Foreground (display) color of animated gif images without losing their animation. I am sure there should be some ways to do thing but i couldn't able to find that. A website ajaxload[dot]info … | |
inside my database, there is a table name january such as: id | code | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 2 | 0000 | X | X | O | O when i access the data using PHP and parse it into an array e.g. $array1, It became: … | |
Hi I have a problem with the mysql query that uses both order by and limit.Following is the sql query i'm using, select * from temp where venue <> '' and cat1 = 'sports' and id < 74528 order by id desc limit 10; in this temp table 'id' is … | |
Dear all, I need your help :) i have array like this--> $myarray([0]=>a,1 [1]=>b,2 [2]=>a,2 ) i want to split each of the array element, i want to retrieve the part a and b of each array elemet and (maybe) store it in different array like this: $myarray1([0]=>a [1]=>b ) … | |
I'm hosting on NetworkSolutions (which has PHP 5.2.17) and every time I make a prepared statement it returns the error "Incorrect arguments to mysql_stmt_execute" D: Can you help me spot the error in my code please? D: [code] <?php $mysqli=new mysqli(host, username, password, db); $query="INSERT INTO `Variables` VALUES (?, ?)"; … | |
Hi, I am fetching data from database & using pagination(showing 10 records per page).What i am trying if i want to print records between 20-30,I can print only these records(20-30). or by using search if i get 4 result ,can print only 4 records. Need suggestion | |
hi, i have some variable defined in a php file. for example: DEFINE( '_clientass', 'Cliente' ); so when i do a echo of _clientass they return Cliente now i want call _clientass from a mysql row and return Cliente If i do this: $row['variable'] he return _clientass but i want … | |
here is my code for image upload. after upload successfully i want to go my mainpage.php page . i am using iframe to display upload form. how to go mainpage. please anyone help me for this problem . [CODE] <?php include("connect.php"); $_SESSION['MM_Username'] ; $username=$_SESSION['MM_Username']; if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { //get file attributes $name=$_FILES['myfile']['name']; … | |
can you help me , please i want read a file pdf or word -> swf , use php code . it's look like "http://d3.violet.vn/uploads/previews/598/665006/preview.swf" | |
Ive used date() before but I do not remember how to store it in mysql. VARCHAR, TEXT, TIMESTAMP? | |
I have a foreach loop, within which I would like to create x number of unique variables. E.g. Upon each iteration I'd like to create a new variable like: $strDisk1 = ... $strDisk2 = ... $strDisk3 = ... I have tried the following but this does not work: [CODE] <?php … | |
Hello! I've come across a little problem with Regex, I was hoping someone might see the problem off hand. Here is some sample content I am searching through, It's the gameshark codes for PEC: [code] #Ace Combat 3 Electrosphere#SLPS-02021#SLPS-02020 §N Joker Command D00BF32E ???? "Infinite Time for battle D0054332 2442 … | |
I want to insert wp-survey-and-quiz-tool code in wordpress page using href tag, so that the quiz only comes up only when link is clicked. But the problem is whenever i use this shortcode, it automatically starts the quiz.Please provide the possible solutions. [CODE]<a href='[wpsqt_quiz name=Memory]'>Memory Allocation</a>[/CODE] | |
how to set avatar to my profile page .anyone help me for set my avatar image path in my profile page. [CODE] <?php require 'connect.php'; $userg = mysql_query("SELECT avatar FROM members") or die("Failed to fetch your details."); if (isset($_SESSION['MM_Username'])) { echo "Welcome ".$_SESSION['MM_Username']; echo "<img src=".mysql_result($userg,0,"avatar" )." width=200 height=200>"; } … | |
I have just finished my php basics from "complete reference" but it also has a section of Ajax.I want to know what is the relevance of ajax in php web pages.Also I want to know where can I learn advanced php from so as to build dynamic web applications? ![]() | |
Below code is what i found from a search in daniweb forum. ([URL="http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/253997"]Link[/URL]) Suppose i have a taxonomy called [B]Color[/B] and terms are [B]Blue[/B], [B]Green[/B], [B]Red[/B], [B]Yellow[/B], [B]White[/B]. I want when i select Blue, Green and Red and click submit button, i want to get ALL posts those have Blue … | |
hello... i want ot select multiple vakues from dropdown and insert into database. but it is not working. any one plz help. and one thing when ever i retrive values from database selected values come in top of the dropdown and remaing values are come in bottom of the dropdown. … ![]() | |
Uhh... well I'm not really expert into SQL Injections Prevention so I had an Idea of putting the Admin accounts in a PHP file... for example [CODE="PHP"] <?php $_ADMIN[1244]["username"] = "root"; $_ADMIN[1244]["password"] = "345dfgAFKgfmsdfS"; ?> [/CODE] I think that in doing this it will prevent Hacking of Admin accounts... what … ![]() | |
Hi All, I have a page with a PHP insert form that posts relevant info to the SQL database. At the same time the key value "reg_id" is auto incremented by the DB. How do I get new auto incremented value that has been posted so that I can use … | |
hi everyone l see this code in user script and i don't know why he use this ~ symbol the code is [CODE]if( ~$user->premission & USER::create_Forum){ ................... }[/CODE] is this symbol for negative or what i still wait any idea about it | |
[CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> function Logout(){ document.location.href="index.php" } </script> <?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="root"; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="*******"; // Database name $tbl_name="*******"; // Table name // Connect … | |
Hello, I have a page where i can upload images. Now i need to copy the uploaded images to a third party server. I have the details of that page. so can anyone help me. Thank You. ![]() | |
can it is possible when i upload my avatar successfully in upload.php page then auto refresh my mainpage.php after uploading. ![]() | |
Hi, I need help with PHP/javascript/mysql I am fairly new to this so excuse me for my bad programming skills. I have PHP page which has to update mysql table and HTML table onclick. It updates HTML table ok but as soon as I refresh page it updates all data … |
The End.