39,326 Topics
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I am new to PHP and I am trying to create an application for a friend with a good sense of humor, the app takes quotes and randimly loads one when the page is loaded. I had no idea how to do it so I took some coading for a … | |
Hello friends,I have some problem regarding dropdown list.I have 3(Pair of two dropdown list,1st showing categories & 2nd showing subcategories of selected categories)dropdown list having same functionality.When i select a category from 1st dropdownlist,then it showing all the related subcategories of selected category. the problem is when i am selecting … | |
[CODE]<?php // Using hooks is absolutely the smartest, most bulletproof way to implement things like plugins, // custom design elements, and ads. You can add your hook calls below, and they should take the // following form: // add_action('thesis_hook_name', 'function_name'); // The function you name above will run at the … | |
Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to fetch all items in a form in one go in PHP rather than using $_POST[] or $_GET[] for each individual element in the form. I often deal with forms having more than 30-35 elements and it get really tedious (not to … | |
I need to update multiple records in a single form but am not sure how to proceed. The following is the code I am using to insert the fields into the database originally. [CODE]$case = date(ymdHis); //register into database if (!empty($p1_firstname)) mysql_query ("INSERT INTO cases VALUES ('$case','$date_booked','$p1_firstname','$p1_lastname ''$city’)"); if (!empty($p2_firstname)) … | |
Hi, I'm trying to select from 3 tables but I can't seem to get it right. Here is the code: [CODE]$query_Recordset1 = sprintf("SELECT * , image.user_id, image.name, page.user_id, page.urlcode FROM users JOIN mystuff.page JOIN mystuff.image ON page.user_id = image.user_id = users.user_id WHERE users.last_name = %s AND users.first_name = %s", GetSQLValueString($colname_Recordset1, … | |
does it's possible to retrieve data from a javascript ?? coz js is a client side script and php is a server side how can i get value of my js??[CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script type="text/javascript"> … | |
I'm a total newbie (major) at php. I don't know what an argument is. I have a joomla module that can parse out code and it takes the code like this {jumi [stored_code_source] [arg1] [arg2] ... [argN]} I presume I could do something like <?php If this condition exists do … | |
i am a starter and this has been giving me some head ache.. i have been working on something....and not really getting good results its like an admin page where the contents of a form submitted on the site can be reviewed before the contents are actually posted on the … | |
Hi All, I have a problem and I dont understand what's happening, because my method usually works. I am querying a bunch of records from a database given a foreign key id. See code as follows [CODE] $castQuery = "SELECT * FROM cast WHERE production_id = '$newID' "; $cresult = … | |
Hi guys, I need to pass a variable from a php page to another php page. There are two methods GET POST both involve user action like submitting by clicking a button or clicking a link How to send a variable without such user actions? | |
Hello Hope you guys can help me. I have created a system that stores information using php and my dbase is MS Access.Currently im on the debugging phase since i finished all major development a while ago.Now im stuck because i need an incrementing 4 digit number.Can anyone assist me … | |
Friends, I am trying to display data with limits from my MYSQL Records. It Shows the data, but it does not work with Next or Previous Page. Here is the code: [code] <?php // Connects to your Database mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("shipments") or die(mysql_error()); //This checks to see … | |
Hi everyone, i'm newbie here just want to catch some knowledge here, i just wondering to know how to make link like mediafire download link, such as [QUOTE][url]http://www.mediafire.com/?eml6e0uxl3e[/url][/QUOTE] is that using .htaccess editing? thanks | |
| I'm a noob developer. Trying to develop a simple php-mysql based chat script. I'm stroing all of my chat message's in a table. So to retrive em, im running a mysql query. Here is no problem but im concerned that it may create some performance & speed issues when a … |
Hello fellow programmers, I've built an upload script that, as usual, verifies if a file extension is allowed. However, the comparison seems to not be working, as it gives me an unhauthorized file trying to be uploaded (when in fact the file has an authorized extension). If i comment the … | |
This is a (very) basic PHP form for use with a database. - Not sure of all the technical stuff I probably should be adding to this post, and I am not sure that it is safe to use either. - Spent hours (literally) looking at ways of securing the … | |
Hi there, This may or may not be a dumb question, but I've never come across it before. Can you point to a javascript 'onsubmit="return validation()"' on a form, but WITHIN PHP tags? Such as the below. [CODE]function validation(){ var reply = document.getElementById('comreply'); var div = document.getElementById('errormsg'); if((reply.value == '') … | |
i need a script that data's fetch from mysql and display in text scroller using javascript. i' uses it is a news update. please somebody helpp me. | |
Hello friends,i need your help in PHP.Currently i am doing a module named compare items,in which i have to compare different phones of different brands. Working of this module: firstly user check the associated checkbox of the phone.At a time user can Select 3 phones.A list is maintained which keep … | |
Hi, i am new to this and was wondering the following question 'Is PHP a good way to implement a database driven Web site? Thanks | |
Hello, I have been working on a php/xml/ajax chat program which requires no database for the last few days and was wondering if anyone could test it out for me. It has a few bugs that I would love to have someone help me fix (I am running out of … | |
Hi.. I got to query that i want to execute here..It is again like facebook wall system,where the first query is for executing all the "wall post",while the other query is for executing the comment for the post. So basically,i need two query for that,which I've written them down like … | |
[CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function buttonPress(str) { var str; alert(str); } </script> </head> <?php session_start(); error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); include "dbconfig.php"; $id=$_SESSION["valid_user"]; ?> <body> <form name="Item Search" method="post" action="search.php"> Item Search:<br> <label> <input name="swords" type="text" … | |
I am developing a form(PHP) that will accept some data. The data will be displayed on a web page. However, before it is displayed, a moderator of the site has to grant permission to display the data. The way it works 1) A user logins to the site and enters … | |
I have table named 'user' that has 3 fields 'name' ,'id' and 'profile'. table is filled and 'id' field is filled with 1 to 18 (that is 18 rows).when i run this script it shows the result :: 18 17 16 15 14 Pages4) [1] 2 3 4 >> Last … | |
Hello friends,i need your help in PHP.Currently i am doing a module named compare items,in which i have to compare different phones of different brands. Working of this module: firstly user check the associated checkbox of the phone.At a time user can Select 3 phones.A list is maintained which keep … | |
Hey guys, I don't know where to post this but I hope this is the right place. I just wanted to know if anybody's using Joomla if you are, do you know how delicious works? the site where you keep your bookmarks and can be seen by your friends and … | |
Hi .. I'm not so experienced with php .. I'm getting this error on the bolded line .. Can neone help me figure it out .. Regards, Dinesh Ramchandani [CODE] <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","username","password"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } $db_selected = mysql_select_db('lasagnia_user', $con); if (!$db_selected) … | |
Hi, I am new to PHP. I have installed apache, PHP 5.2 and MySql. Plz tell me How I run PHP programs?? Thanks & Regards, Revathi |
The End.