128 Topics

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Not only is there a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story304425.html"]debate [/URL]about the constitutionality of using Global Positioning System units to help fight crime – now there’s concern about using Google Earth as well. The Associated Press [URL="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100814/ap_on_hi_te/us_eyes_in_the_sky"]reported [/URL]a few days ago that government officials in regions ranging from the Riverhead, N.Y., to the country …

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[ATTACH=right]16573[/ATTACH]Just as it seemed one Google Street View debacle in a foreign country came to a resolution today, another was just beginning thousands of miles away. The problems first began for Google in Germany in May, when the company's Street View vehicles collected private data that was sent across unencrypted …

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]16331[/ATTACH]A [URL="http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703467304575383530439838568.html?"]Wall Street Journal report today[/URL] suggests that for Microsoft, customer concerns about privacy came a distant second behind ad revenue when designing browser software Internet Explorer. When Microsoft initially planned the Internet Explorer 8.0 browser, they intended to offer users functionality that would allow them to avoid being tracked …

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]15745[/ATTACH]Recent buzz centers around Facebook and Google interactions ever since [URL="http://www.skepticgeek.com/socialweb/googlers-take-on-social-networking-reveals-chinks-in-facebooks-armor/"]a presentation by Paul Adams, the user research lead of Google’s social team[/URL], revealed some of Google’s plans for social networking. In the presentation, Google sets out how it defines social and demonstrates why that definition showcases Facebook’s biggest weakness. …

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Some industry experts are expressing concern about a [URL="http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/ns_tic.pdf"]proposal [/URL]from the White House to develop a "National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace," now up for public comment, saying it is vague, might no longer allow online anonymity, potentially gives government too much access to personal information, and provides a …

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I've criticized [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story245746.html"]Google's waste of power in several of my blog[/URL]s, and on my [URL="http://www.twitter.com/ry_satterfield"]twitter account.[/URL] Well, thanks to someone who posted a comment and a link on one of my pro ecosia articles I found out about [URL="http://www.google.com/corporate/green/datacenters/"]Google's green movement[/URL]. Google began their green movement in 2007 when they …

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The headline says it all - [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] has rearranged its privacy rules after massive bad feedback from users on multiple social networks. The issue spread as far as news sites including those of international broadcasters and newspapers. There had been plans for members to use 31 May as a mass …

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[URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] appears set to reconsider its privacy policy after colossal backlashes in the online world. The company confirmed to the BBC that it appears to have made things too complicated. Introduced this week was a new button on the privacy settings on a user's page, in which they share their …

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[URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] has been involved in meetings this week talking to employees about their concerns over user privacy. The issue is that people searching the web can now see Facebook members' profiles, unless they have protected them, whether the person doing the search is a Facebook member or not. Previously the …

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It's not clear whether it's an application, a virus, or Facebook itself, but in the past couple of days something is sending out large numbers of friend suggestions that the original friend didn't make. Typically, it works like this. You have a friend, B, and a friend, C, and you …

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It might sound strange to you that something called [URL="http://www.googlesharing.net/"]Google Sharing[/URL] could actually protect your privacy rather than compromise it. But that's exactly what Google Sharing does; protect your privacy. By acting as a proxy service when you communicate with [URL="http://www.google.com"]Google[/URL], you essentially block information from being delivered to Google. …

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In March, Facebook proposed that there should be a number of changes to its privacy policy in order to allow it eventually share personal data with 'pre-approved' third party websites. Such information, should you be logged into Facebook and then connect to a third party website, as your name, gender, …

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A news [URL="http://www.9news.com/news/article.aspx?storyid=135404&provider=top"]article [/URL]was making the Facebook rounds today, warning about a site called [URL="http://www.spokeo.com/"]Spokeo.com [/URL]that aggregates publicly available information. "It can list your address, a picture of your home, how much it cost, how long you have lived there, your approximate age and income, your relationship status and more," …

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It's not exactly news that the relationship between Google and China has soured over the last month or two and it looks as though [URL="http://www.macworld.com/article/147096/2010/03/china_google.html?lsrc=rss_main"]Google may quit China soon[/URL] leaving the vastly lucrative Chinese market to Microsoft and others. What's not clear is what the implications will be for the …

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Google has today launched a new Beta version of the [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/03/22/google-chrome-stands-alone-at-pwn2own/"]Chrome browser[/URL], adding brand new privacy controls into the mix. You have to admit it's great timing, what with Microsoft this week making the 'browser ballot' screen available in European version of Windows giving users the option to [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story253418.html"]switch from …

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It may only have impacted a "small number of users" for a "short period of time" as a Facebook spokesperson put it, but by pushing out buggy code the social networking giant created a potentially huge privacy problem for those whose accounts it did touch upon. Considering that Facebook has …

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[URL="http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/techchron/detail?entry_id=57438&o"]Someone sued Google[/URL] the other day for violating her privacy with the original implementation of Google Buzz. You see, when you first opened Google Buzz last week, Google looked at the people you most frequently email or chat with and used that list of people to seed your followers list. …

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Yesterday ReadWriteWeb reported that Facebook CEO Mark [URL="http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/facebooks_zuckerberg_says_the_age_of_privacy_is_ov.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed:%20readwriteweb%20%28ReadWriteWeb%29"]Zuckerberg told TechCrunch's Michael Arrington[/URL] people are not only OK with publicly exposing certain information on the open web such as their pictures and pages they subscribe to, Zuckerberg believes they are ready to give up privacy. [B]Really Mark?![/B] Amy Pohler and Seth …

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The Electronic Frontier Foundation has [URL="http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/social_network/social_networking_FOIA_complaint_final.pdf"]filed suit[/URL] against a number of government agencies for refusing to disclose their policies for using social networking sites for investigations, data-collection, and surveillance. The EFF is working with the Samuelson Law, Technology, and Public Policy Clinic at the University of California, Berkeley, School of …

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Here's a switch. Instead of newspapers trying to protect the identities of the people posting to their websites, the newspaper is the one outing them. As [URL="http://www.stltoday.com/blogzone/the-editors-desk/the-editors-desk/2009/11/post-a-vulgar-comment-while-youre-at-work-lose-your-job/"]described[/URL] by editor Kurt Greenbaum of the [I]St. Louis Post-Dispatch[/I], someone posted a vulgar word in the paper's online commenting system, and re-posted it …

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[I]"If we went into an “evil room” and had an “evil light” shined on us, and we then behaved in an “evil” way we would be destroyed… there is a fundamental trust between Google and its users.” ~Eric Schmidt, Google CEO [/I] Google released an exciting new product today called …

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Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg, confirmed to the Telegraph UK, that their updates will go live on Bing within two months. She also addresses the privacy concerns for Facebook users, saying that they will only be streaming updates of those members who have set their privacy settings to allow viewing by …

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We all know that Twitter and Facebook allows for some level of privacy in regards to your tweets and updates. Some users just make it very public while others make their updates very private and for the eyes of selected few. Thus, there was a concern that search engines, especially …

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If you've used Facebook for more than, oh, five minutes, you've seen a Facebook quiz. "What Greek dance are you?" "Which NFL coach are you?" "Which Diplomacy country should you play?" and so on. (I forget every quiz I see, and I'm up to more than 250 by now.) But …

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What, you hadn't heard? "A Senate bill would offer President Obama emergency control of the Internet and may give him a "kill switch" to shut down online traffic by seizing private networks -- a move cybersecurity experts worry will choke off industry and civil liberties," [URL="http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/08/28/senate-president-emergency-control-internet/"]FOX News[/URL] said breathlessly. (Nice …

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How transparent is too transparent? In an attempt to make it easier for ordinary people to see what their governments are spending their money on, more entities -- from city to federal -- are putting this information online, noting that it's a public record. But some government workers are uncomfortable …

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It launched in a flurry of controversy over privacy issues, but within weeks of going live the 118800 mobile phone online directory service has been suspended. Although the official reason for the, so far, 3 day unavailability of the website is being given as "undertaking major developments" to the beta …

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In what must go down as one the biggest tech u-turns of the century so far, the ISP that was quite happy to undertake Internet snooping trials without informing those customers being spied upon has changed its mind about Phorm WebWise. BT, the biggest Internet Service Provider in the UK, …

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The privacy invading nonsense that is the controversial UK ID Card Scheme could be scrapped by this time next year. With the chances of the Labour Party being returned to power looking very slim indeed, the chances are that a Conservative Government will be voted in. Which is good news …

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Raising privacy and civil liberties issues, job applicants to the city of Bozeman are not only required to list all their social media accounts, but their passwords as well. “Please list any and all, current personal or business websites, web pages or memberships on any Internet-based chat rooms, social clubs …

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The End.