15,190 Topics
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hey all..if I have a 5 files in PDF named PDF1, PDF2, PDF3, PDF4, PDF5 I want to create a program that renames them to project 1, project 2, project 3, project 4, project 5 import os,sys namelist=['jon', 'leon', 'david', 'nombre',] for filename in os.listdir("C://YOUR/PATH/HERE/"): os.rename(filename, namelist.pop()) print "succesfuly renamed" … | |
Hello again everyone. I am creating a math game sort of...I dont know if they call it a case or switch statement but I want one in both my Menus. Also I am wondering if you can create an if statement or case statement that will support two variables...for example: … | |
I am reading from a file and creating two lists, then sorting them after sorting I am trying to compare each elements number of occurances in a list but printing them with that number for example if a list is something like {1,2,3,3,3,5,5,5,6} then I want to print a report … | |
Hello I try to get py output (s_subject) to a web bage table using html code. Thing is that result is in one line. I'd like to have it for each subject one line. Pls can you show me how to make it? Example: Predmet: maths fyzics history here is … | |
I want to design: 1. address class ->using dictionary data structure where items are; state, city and street for individual person 2. name class -> person's first and last name 3. display class -> searches for the given name and displays the address of that particular name my questions are: … | |
Hi I'm trying to build two seperate dictionaries with a file thats arranged in this format. I need to take the name's reverse it so first name then last name, for the first dictionary I need to take the first name as the key and the other names in the … | |
Hi I found this script from http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/189858 it uses getopt module for managing cmd arguments, but I need it to work on mobile phones. I want to make a Mobile app using this script but I cant figure out how to change the comand Args to simple raw_inputs. can somebody … | |
Hi, I have a dictionary with the key as a tuple. x = { ('AA',1,3):0.56, ('BB',0,3):0.70, ('AA',1,3):0.10, ('CC',1,3):0.60 } I would like to get all the values where the key is equal to... ('AA',1,3) However, when I use it only returns the last value where ('AA',1,3) is found. x.get( ('AA',1,3) … | |
Im trying to solve a question of python Data Structures and Sorting, and i meet a question about mergesort, this question ask me make two mergesort and i just finished one mergesort. so i really need some help for this question. thank you !!!!!! # This is alternate mergesort # … | |
Hi all, I have list of pubchem Compound names and want to retreive pubchem Ids from NCBI Pubchem database using NCBI eutilities to acheive that i wrote biopython script as follows ~~~ from Bio import Entrez Entrez.email = "ni@gmail.com" #Input names infile = open("file1", "r") out_put = open("file2.csv","w") for line … | |
I need some help with programming python. I need to have what it would normally state in the terminal (Linux Mint 12) to be stated in something for example the search bar. Thanks for your help. | |
I'm trying to have HTML generate random background colors using Python. What I have so far is: `print "<body bgcolor='%s'>" % choice` what python code should follow? | |
I ask the DaniWeb Community for guidance in resolving the following NameError. I have attached the import (OpenOPC for Python Library Module), but basically my code: import OpenOPC opc = OpenOPC.client() produces this NameError: >>> import OpenOPC >>> >>> opc = OpenOPC.client() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#4>", line … | |
ile problem 2. Write a function named countTriWords() that opens a file for reading, reads each line in the file, and returns the number of three letter words in the file. For simplicity, you may ignore the fact that some characters are punctuation and treat them as part of the … | |
I have been working on this for a while. I'm new to python programming. I've been designing a user interface. I origionally created a python file for each interface. Such as the two below. mainmenu.py from Tkinter import * class mainMenu: def __init__(self, master): frame = Frame(master, width=500, height=400, bd=1) … | |
File problem 1. Write a function named stringsToFile() that opens a file for writing and writes a list of strings to the file, with each element of the list written to a line. Hint: use a for loop to iterate over the list of strings and write them to the … | |
Hello, long time lurker first time poster. I was looking for some help on a problem I came across on a python site. I am supposed to count the number of times 'code' apears in my string. But any letter can be in the place of the 'd' in 'code'; … | |
So I'm just learning python still, and I've got this assignment to make a maze program (no graphics or any of that, just a text based one) and I'm trying to get it working, but the function I've written to find the legal moves keeps throwing errors. The most recent … | |
Write a program that accepts a filename as a command-line parameter. The program will search the given file for each letter in the alphabet and print statistics on the number of occurrences. I was wondering if i could have some help with this as i dont understand how to do … | |
I am running into some issue with scraping data. If I hardcode value for key "lbo race" in the code below it is able to scrape the data but if I try to set key "lbo race" to a variable which is being read in it doesn't seem to scrape … | |
Hey everyone, Last semester my buddy and I made a tutorial on application programming in Python. This video uses the Enthought Tool Suite (ETS), a free powerful Python development toolkit, to build quick, easy and powerful GUI's. I see many posts on this site about Tk, wx, qt but haven't … | |
I am having trouble trying to figure out how to write code so the room number increases by 1 each time it asks for length and width. Here's what the assignment is about.. In this program, you are going to calculate the total square footage of a five room apartment. … | |
**So i am having trouble with printing as you have noticed with the title** **i need to have 2 things print after the 2 menu choices. it is a smiley face creator** `Inline Code Example Here import time def eyes_menu(): print "These are your choices for eyes:" time.sleep(1) print " … | |
Hi to all, i'm writing a little interface in python with Tkinter on linux debian, with this interface i need to execute some program like rdesktop and vnc. but i've a little problem: i use a fullscreen window without decorator (read buttons for iconify and close) where i've putted some … | |
I want some help to generate a report in PDF/Doc(MS Word) format . I’m not able to find any module to generated report in doc, except “docx” which I’m not able to comprehend. Actually my actual task is to generate the report in Doc only, but as I’m not able … | |
I want to call 'n' which is the input number followed by a string. I've been putting it like this: (n 'string') but it is wrong. How do I write it? | |
Hi I'm new to python and this forum and I am trying to work on a program that splits the html text file into its components: The HTML file looks something like this: " Hello World #title Today is a Friday. The weekend is coming. Lets have fun. #summary 1923 … | |
Hi there again, I'm still a newby in Python, so I'm taking the Google Python Class. They talk about `ls -l` and `rm -rf` (with the last command the class started laughing) But I don't understand it. I googled it and a hint came to me, that is is a … | |
Hi all, I apologise in advance if this is too simple, but I've been searching around for a good hour or two now, and I can't quite get my head around this. Basically, I'm looking to teach myself Python (3), and one of the things I'm trying to do is … | |
The End.