15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for kayoh

Hey guys, I working on an assignment in which I have to write binary/hex to a file. More specifically, I have a variable that holds a memory address that needs to be written to the file big endian but every time I try to write it, python being python treats …

Member Avatar for kayoh
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Here is simple math program to list number whose all factors are in given set of factors. I have included my timing decorator, which uses my timestring function, so I included that and imports for decorator in the decorator function, bit against the rules. Of course I could have used …

Member Avatar for JoshuaBurleson

I'm trying to understand utilizing classes and their methods. I made a simple program to exit or print 'Will continue' given a word. however I keep getting a TypeError for self and through reading my books and searching online I'm still not quite sure why. the code is: [CODE]class OffSwitch(object): …

Member Avatar for Enalicho
Member Avatar for CaptainHook

I have written some code to count the number of upper case letters in a string and the last line will not work? I am trying to print a statement that concatenates a line of text and an integer variable: [CODE]print ("The number of upper case letters are: " + …

Member Avatar for CaptainHook
Member Avatar for CaptainHook

I am trying to write code to count the number of upper case letters in a string using Python. I have written the following but instead of the code returning the number of Upper Case letters it returns []? An help would be gratefully recieved. [CODE]import re while True: strPassword …

Member Avatar for CaptainHook
Member Avatar for Niles64

Hi Please take a look at [CODE=python] class ShortInputException(Exception): #QUESTION: Why do I have to inherit from the "Exception" class? def __init__(self, length, atleast): Exception.__init__(self) #QUESTION: Why do I have to add this? self.length = length self.atleast = atleast try: s = raw_input('Enter something --> ') if len(s) < 3: …

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Member Avatar for clousot

Hello, I know the break or continue statements for the loops... But I have a if stetement that I would like to exit from and I don't know how to do [code] value = -1 if true: print 'hello world' # Some unexpected value is set so I would like …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for kayoh

[CODE]Dim Processors(4) As ProcessorType For j = 1 To 4 Step 1 Put #filenum, WritePos, Processors(j).byte0 WritePos = WritePos + 1[/CODE] I'm in the process of translating this VBA code to python, and essentially what it does is creates 4 Processor Objects but as you can see from the for …

Member Avatar for kayoh
Member Avatar for gge18

hey!! this is my first time to post question in this board. i learn a lots from this place. now , i really got a problem for this programming. anybody can help me!!!! i done "Add" part but i don't konw right or wrong and for "pass" i really need …

Member Avatar for CoscNinja
Member Avatar for fingerpainting

Here's what I'd like to do as an exercise to improve my Python and to play with the idea of genetic programming in basic form. From within a script, I'd like to spawn a number (1000?) of additional scripts with randomly generated but grammatically sane Python related to a very …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Teamo1234

write a piece of code that ask the user to set a password - queries the user for his/her user name - queries the user for his/her password twice, making sure the user enters the same password twice - Allow Only 3 attempts to get a correct password the rules …

Member Avatar for Enalicho
Member Avatar for aragonnette

hi , i want to sort my two merged iterable with heapq. everything is good but in result which starts with Turkish character locate end of all result. exm: Ö,Ş,İ ... locate end of result how can i solve this problem?

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for g_amanu

my excel files have more than a 1000 numbers under the columns that are labeled x, y, z for each excel file. i was trying to print the x, y, and z values for all of the excel files in to a single excel file(Trying_excel.xls)that would have all of the …

Member Avatar for g_amanu
Member Avatar for g_amanu

im trying to calculate the average and std for x, y, and z column for about 50 excel files that i saved in a folder. each excel files has x values in the first column, y in the second, and z in the third column. im using this script, but …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for casper1

I'm new to python ,please tell me the way to write a program using python , to convert any decimal number into octal number(base 8) (using python 2.7)

Member Avatar for casper1
Member Avatar for Tcll

I'm currently working on a 3D model previewer for another program of mine... I've currently gotten it drawing the verticies and zooming... when zooming, it basically redraws the scene... I've currently got it redrawing using a for loop (clearing the scene before it redraws) this method is a bit slow, …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for hughesadam_87

Hi all, I have built a small event handler to zoom in on a graph on pyplot figure, and then I use the builtin pickline event handler to select a line. I plot multiple lines from a large dataset of ordered series, so when I choose one, I need my …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran

Just a simple console blackjack game. The bread and butter code was written with lots of comments, so you can improve on it. Really, the most important part is figuring out when an ace is 11 in value and when it is a 1 in value, so you don't bust.

Member Avatar for s4bb4t
Member Avatar for Tomashqooo

[CODE] from tkinter import * ... program ... frame = Frame(width=640,height=480) frame.pack() ...program... #now to change the frame size frame.configure(width=800) [/CODE] doesn`t work ... I tryed from.config() too but it doesnt work

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for braveahmat

i am beginer in python my problem is : i wont to use dll written by c# in python,(call dll in python) the name of dll is DllUmorpheme. public string LastSegment(string Input) member of AutoSegToMorph.Umorpheme AutoSegToMorph is namespace Umorpheme is a class LastSegment is method of this class how can …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Simplicity.

Dear All, When I call the function "G()" which returns two values: p_T and q_T twice but using the same style, that's, P_T, neg = G(); U, Ign = G() and print sums of P_T and U, I get two different answers! Another thing is that both answers are incorrect! …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Neilzepan

[CODE] Powering the DeLorean You're the proud new owner of a DeLorean sports car. DeLoreans are best known for being able to travel through time. You can't wait to try it out, you've already started listing all the different times you are going to visit. You have written down the …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for sravanthi89

I have to create a list with a menu options for 1. Add, 2. Remove, 3. Check if element exists, 4.Display list, 5. would you like to Continue? 6. Exit I could write the code so far. Pls help me complete it. (ASAP) [CODE]fruits = ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Grapes', 'Peach'] #while …

Member Avatar for sravanthi89
Member Avatar for Simplicity.

Hi All, I want to make the output "u = u + alpha*d_k" at the very end of this code an input, i.e., as an argument of the function "f(u)" at the beginning of the code, in every iteration. Note that I have posted only part of the code which …

Member Avatar for Simplicity.
Member Avatar for FutureDev86

I have to make this program track how much fuel I have used. I have tried and tried, but I can't get it to work... I'm not at all looking for a solution... I just need a nudge/hint into the right direction. [CODE] def main(): choice = 0 ammo = …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for NimmyJoby

Hi All, >I am new to using python > By using the below code am not getting the complete path of the file > > <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> > function getvaluetxt() > { > var str = > document.getElementById('file').value; > alert(str); > } > </script> > <body> > <form action="/" …

Member Avatar for g_amanu
Member Avatar for zachf632

Is it possible to have a python program communicate to a java program over the internet? Like could i send text over sockets from a python program and have a java program receive it.

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Srin

I wanted to install a GUI toolkit for python and pyqt looked good but when I install the complete binary on the pyqt site and run designer, I get this error when I try to go to the code [IMG]http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u154/Final_04/pyqtdesignererror.png[/IMG] Anyone know how to fix it? And if not, can …

Member Avatar for nabla2
Member Avatar for hughesadam_87

Hey everyone, I'm in the process of writing a data analysis program with a full GUI. The program is turning out to be quite useful for the spectral analysis we do in our lab, so I'd like to share it with my colleagues. Perhaps if it catches on, I would …

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Member Avatar for Nachodsk

[B]Hello everyone! I'm really un-patience to get started in creating my own game, mean Text-Based game with python language. But first i want to make it simple to don't use much words for this question.. ¿Which is a really REALLY good book to start learning python? I mean, i know …

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The End.