15,192 Topics

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Member Avatar for shadwickman

I just started learning Python about 2 days ago, and I threw this program together, just to get the hang of it. The program just creates a file named "PythonTest.txt" in the same directory as the .py file. The user can then enter lines that are written to the .txt …

Member Avatar for katharnakh
Member Avatar for bm1167

Hi, This is my first post so I hope I explain myself well. I just started learning how to program about three weeks ago. I chose python becuase SPSS now can interface with Python. So this may seem like an obvious question. What I am trying to do is set …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for fredzik

Hi, I need to put a time limit on a game, I think it's something like time.sleep() but have forgotten how it works. The game needs two minutes to be able to finish the game, but I have forgotten the formula. Can anybody enlighten me? Thanks for any help.:) fredzik.

Member Avatar for fredzik
Member Avatar for sharma_vivek82

Hi, i am a newbie in python, can any one tell me about synchrinization in python, i have googled about it, but could not get much clear idea.. Thanks in advance..... :)

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for flaerpen

Hi, I wonder what the best way to compare one value in a tuple/list with all other, and not itself. I'm taking my values from a file and thos file can be very big so I also wonder how to optimize this, not to much so you can't see what …

Member Avatar for flaerpen
Member Avatar for sasindagi

hello, can anyone help me how to hide querystring in address bar eg: [url]http://localhost/products/category.aspx?id=c001[/url] & pid =p0045 to [url]http://localhost/products/category.aspx[/url]

Member Avatar for katharnakh
Member Avatar for anyedie

Im pretty much a python and for that matter a programming noob. I will learn and little, then quit, learn some more, and quit again. The past few times i've been working on the same project, and mostly keep giving up on python because I cannot seem to find an …

Member Avatar for katharnakh
Member Avatar for cameyo

I have a delimited text file with some data. I need to revert the data in this way: 1) the last line will be the first, and son on (invert all the lines) 2) each line must have a reverted data (last data item will be the first and so …

Member Avatar for katharnakh
Member Avatar for ThePATRIOT

if somebody can explain it in english Thanks Il sorgente che segue va copiato e salvato in un file con estensione .py ad esempio IO_SMS.py #Importo i moduli import MDM import GPIO import MOD #VARIABILI GSMNUMBER="xxxxxxxxxx" #Numero del destinatario dell'SMS SMSMESSAGE="Il modem Telit con python ti scrive ;)" #Messaggio dell'SMS …

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Member Avatar for sebajo

I'm using Qt Designer to create the GUI for my application and then code the rest in Python, but I need to use the KActionSelector. However I don't know how to use it. When I add to to the form, it won't let me edit the available actions. How do …

Member Avatar for fredzik

G'day, Thanks Mr. Vegaseat, Jeff, Ene, Mawe for all of your great help so far...I'm slowly (very slowly!) getting used to Tkinter. But I'm again puzzled by how Tkinter does things. Some examples of code at the beginning say "from Tkinter import *" and some say "import Tkinter as tk" …

Member Avatar for fredzik
Member Avatar for shanenin

I feel like kind of dumb. I have been reading python docs all day, and feel like I have not absorbed anything. I would like to parse info out of an xml document. here is a url to a sample doc [url]http://freetalklive.com/netcast.xml[/url] lets say I want to parse out the …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for fredzik

G'day, I've been puzzled for some time about how they code in the help section of GUIs those funny looking purple bookie thingies that when you click on them they open up and there are sub-sections with questions marks on pages that open and advice is given about how to …

Member Avatar for fredzik
Member Avatar for erlkz

i'am newbie on using Tkinter, and i need help for my application i make application small calculator, but i can't make it just like standard calculator on MS Windows please Help me i wan't my application calculator like this :

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Alekz_

Hi, i need to develop a simple web app that can listen to a folder in a PC (client) and then write him a response file. Does anyone now if this is possible with python, if not what do you recommend ?... Thanks

Member Avatar for olufunkky

Please I need help with this program. I tried different approach, but doesn't seem to be getting no where. [B]QUESTION:[/B] [B]You've been going to work on a database project at work for sometime now. Your boss encourages you to program the database in Python. You disagree, arguing that Python is …

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Member Avatar for Prahaai

I have a web site. My webhost supports Python scripts. I am pretty good at python. The question is: How can i make a web-page written in python, so that after i upload it on the host server it looks just like a HTML page? (i mean, it is somehow …

Member Avatar for Prahaai
Member Avatar for ThePATRIOT

I need write a program in python, for a divice with GSM modul , which send a sms (using AT commands), to few gsm numbers set in advance , if there is an input signal from external divice , and doing nothing if there is not a signal !!! i'm …

Member Avatar for ThePATRIOT
Member Avatar for ThePATRIOT

I need to write a program in python, for a divice with GSM modul , which send a sms (using AT commands), to few gsm numbers set in advance , if there is an input signal from external divice , and doing nothing if there is not a signal !!! …

Member Avatar for scru

Hey, Is there a way I can import dll files made in C# into python and use their classes?

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for Lardmeister

I would like to reverse a sentence. I have this: [code=python]sentence = "a doctor kills your ills with pills and you with bills" print sentence[::-1] # sllib htiw uoy dna sllip htiw slli ruoy sllik rotcod a [/code]However, I would like the sentence reversed like this: bills with you and …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Matt Tacular

Can someone look at this and tell me if it actually is doing what it's supposed to. [php]from __future__ import division counter = 1 while True: li = [] for i in range(1,(counter+1)): if (counter/i) % 1 == 0: li.append(i) if len(li) <= 2: print counter,"is a prime." counter = …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Zorbie

I read somewhere about somebody importing the sys.py module. I can't find the bugger on my system! I have python 2.5.1 installed on this Waxows XP machine. I did a search for sys.py in the c:\python25 folder and sys.py isn't there! Isn't it supposed to be installed by default? If …

Member Avatar for StrikerX11
Member Avatar for dummies2

this is a program that i have, i dont know why it doesnt work. Could some one help me? thank you very much [code] #!c:\Python24\python.exe # Fig. 35.22: fig35_22.py # A program to illustrate Python's database connectivity. import MySQLdb print "Content-type: text/html" print print """ <html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" …

Member Avatar for BearofNH
Member Avatar for olufunkky

Please I need help with this question. I have been trying to solve it, was able to solve a part, but not completely through with it [B]QUESTION:[/B] [COLOR=green]Write a program that allows you to do the following five Operations:[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]a. [/COLOR][COLOR=green]Prompt the user to input a list of numbers (Hint: …

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Member Avatar for R.S.Chourasia

Hello Everyone, I have to design a [U][B]treeview[/B][/U] like structures in python for a web application. I need a tool which will help me to design GUI on web. Like wxPython which is used for desktop applications, Is there any such tools for web. Or suggest me the way to …

Member Avatar for fredzik
Member Avatar for cucap

Hello everyone, I'm new to DaniWeb and a sort of beginner at Python. I've created a GUI in Python using Glade and GTK and I have two questions. I'm having trouble with comboboxes. Particularly with entering data into a combo box from Python. I've tried the following.... [code] myCombo = …

Member Avatar for fredzik
Member Avatar for iamthwee

I was just wonderin if python was worth learning? I have an option for it in Kbuntu, and was wondering if it was worth learning. I'd say no personally, what do you think?

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for FoX_

Hi all; My question is which IDE do you recommend for editing Python codes on WindowsXP??? I've installed its interpreter(2.5) but I don't have any idea about the IDE.(except ActivePython) Thanks for your helps...

Member Avatar for NetByte
Member Avatar for justmonkey23

I would like to be able to add the day, month and year to the end of the filename. I plan on running a version of this script every day so I would like it to create a new file each day. I would like the file to look like …

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The End.