15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for valestrom

print ("The scope of this program is to multiply two matrices together\ and print the result") while True: matrix1_rows = input("How many rows does matrix one have? ") matrix1_columns = input("How many columns does matrix one have? ") print ("Matrix one is a", matrix1_rows, "x", matrix1_columns, "matrix") print() matrix2_rows = …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Myronz

For class, I had to write a simple program that would calculate the surface area and volume of a torus. I did that, but my answers are long decimal numbers. How do I get the answer to round off? Thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for isla.rose.3
Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Screwby

Hello, sorry for the rudeness for asking for help on the first post but I'm still a beginner in programming. I am trying to create a GUI for plotting function using Tkinter and Python. In the top a label will show the current position of the mouse in the canvas …

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I downloaded daily build and did python3 setup.py build and then python3 setup.py install So far so good! I tried import wx and no errors I tried to run the program [here](http://wiki.wxpython.org/Getting%20Started#Getting_started_with_wxPython) and all I got was the error below. Have anyone got wxPython working with Py3 especially on Linux …

Member Avatar for Werner F.
Member Avatar for psichoman5

Hi!, i need to convert the string of a function in binary. In this case, i need to convert the return of the function swap() into binary to compare it in Mensaje_codificado() but it doesn't work. This is my script: - Thanks! Binary function: def numero_binario(x): i = 0 b …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for kuchi

We have date "30-DEC-99" in oracle database but when our code reads that date is reading like "datetime.datetime(1899, 12, 30, 0, 0)", why the year 99 is reading like 1899 rather 1999? how do I fix this issue? please suggest.

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for DragonMastur
Member Avatar for davidbr

Hi, I have this def update_labelain0_val(self): val=get_ain0() self.labelain0_val.set(val) self.labelain0.config(bg="#32CD32") #0-12.9v -> 0-6000N valain0=float(val) valain0_calc=valain0*6000/12.9 valain0_calc=int(valain0_calc) self.labelain0_calc.set(valain0_calc) self.labelain0calc.config(bg="#FF8C00") threading.Timer(0.1, self.update_labelain0_val).start() return This is part of a class which update a label in a window. It is working fine. My problem is : how can i give a variable name o this …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for rose_2

well .. i found out that python is easy language prog. for beginner like me .. but at 1rst am looking for some advices from proff. programers and i found some videos by Dr.Andrew N.Harrington from chicago on http://anh.cs.luc.edu/python/hands-on/ ..

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Fo.katia

Hello guys, I really need help with this one. Can you please help me create a program in Python that displays information about a rectangle of any size. Input: two mouse clicks for the opposite corners of a rectangle Output: Draw the rectangle. Print the perimeter and area of the …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for OnEaglesWingsjf

What's wrong with: def project_to_distance(point_x, point_y, distance): dist_to_origin = math.square_root(point_x ** 2 + point_y ** 2) scale = distance / dist_to_origin temp1= point_x * scale temp2= point_y * scale print temp1, temp2 print project_to_distance(2, 7, 4)

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for shammi.khan.73

Right now I'm trying to create an oppish translator. That is, after a consonant or several consonants in a row, you add 'op' to those letters. As an example, cow would become copowop or street which would become stropeetop. This is what I have so far: def oppish(phrase): #with this …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for lewashby

I'm trying to add /home/garrett/bin/libpy/ to my python path so I can import my own libraries, I would also prefer not to overwrite the default python path but rather append my own path to the default. When I try to `echo $PYTHONPATH` or `$PYTHONHOME` I get nothing and even if …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for psichoman5

I have a problem with concatenate strings in pyhton. I need to concatenate the string clave and cadena_aleatoria(x) while cadena_inicio is minor than 256. This is my script: Any help? .Thanks! import sys import random x = random.randint(0,9) def cadena_aleatoria(x): cadena = [] cadena.append(x) while len(cadena)<10: x = random.randint(0,9) cadena.append(x) …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for sritechprasad

Hi, What is the meaning of the code lines in python. How a single variable like "argv" can be assigned to multiple variables "script and filename". Python Code: **from sys import argv script, filename = argv**

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for davidbr

Hi, I wrote a small app which have some different pages but now i have a problem with update dynamically a label text from one of the pages. I would highly appreciate if anyone can have a look and maybe help me... I want to update self.label1 from pag01 class …

Member Avatar for davidbr
Member Avatar for NITHIN171
Member Avatar for fatalaccidents

Hello all, My question is hopefully particular enough to not relate to any of the other ones that I've read. I'm wanting to use subprocess and multiprocessing to spawn a bunch of jobs serially and return the return code to me. The problem is that I don't want to wait() …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for saimasiddiqui

I am taking my very first programming class ad kind of stump on the problem mention in this post.. In coding I only got so far as what shows here.... 2. Write Python statements corresponding to the following: a. Assign to variable flowers a list containing strings 'rose', 'bougainvillea', 'yucca', …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Gribouillis

This snippet defines a function `printat()` which adds line and file information to the normal `print()` function output. The intended use is a quick and dirty debugging information for everyday's use. A more complete solution is to use a logging/debugging/tracing framework.

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for tubs1

Hi All, Is GitHub the "gold standard" for finding open source scripts online for people to use in their own development? Where else do people look? Thanks, Tubs

Member Avatar for chriswelborn
Member Avatar for kiddo39

I'm trying to use this code for a fibonocci sequence where I'm setting the starting numbers as b= and c=. What I'd like to do though is have it stop after so many numbers are added together, in this case it would be 53rd (a=53). I've tried a 'for i …

Member Avatar for HiHe
Member Avatar for ibrahim.sawaneh.16

Hi, I am really stuck on this problem. I am supposed to write a function that takes in the number of rows of the mountain range as a parameter. The function will then draw a number mountain range on screen using the print function. There are X number of rows, …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for kiddo39

Hi, If I have a sentence like this: "I now have a total of % yellow bananas!" but I need it to change the number 2 to a 3, print, then a 4, print, etc until it reaches a set number like 10, how can I go about that? sentence …

Member Avatar for kiddo39
Member Avatar for silverdust

On line 21 of this code where I have self.greetWelcome() . I'll love for that function to be called after the GUI is loaded. What event do I have to listen for and on what object to call it after the GUI is loaded. As of now, it works before …

Member Avatar for silverdust
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Similiar to the snippet posted at: http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/python/code/449036/display-an-image-from-the-web-tkinter but this time we use PIL to resize the image from the internet keeping its aspect ratio to fit a specific display area/box.

Member Avatar for HiHe
Member Avatar for vegaseat

The Pyside GUI toolkit (public PyQt) lets you bring up an interactive web page with its QWebView widget. Here is a simple example.

Member Avatar for EDWIN_4

Hello, in which senario do we normaly use this (*args,**kwargs)type of arguments in python.

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The End.