15,185 Topics
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I downloaded daily build and did python3 setup.py build and then python3 setup.py install So far so good! I tried import wx and no errors I tried to run the program [here](http://wiki.wxpython.org/Getting%20Started#Getting_started_with_wxPython) and all I got was the error below. Have anyone got wxPython working with Py3 especially on Linux … | |
Hi!, i need to convert the string of a function in binary. In this case, i need to convert the return of the function swap() into binary to compare it in Mensaje_codificado() but it doesn't work. This is my script: - Thanks! Binary function: def numero_binario(x): i = 0 b … | |
We have date "30-DEC-99" in oracle database but when our code reads that date is reading like "datetime.datetime(1899, 12, 30, 0, 0)", why the year 99 is reading like 1899 rather 1999? how do I fix this issue? please suggest. | |
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Hi, I have this def update_labelain0_val(self): val=get_ain0() self.labelain0_val.set(val) self.labelain0.config(bg="#32CD32") #0-12.9v -> 0-6000N valain0=float(val) valain0_calc=valain0*6000/12.9 valain0_calc=int(valain0_calc) self.labelain0_calc.set(valain0_calc) self.labelain0calc.config(bg="#FF8C00") threading.Timer(0.1, self.update_labelain0_val).start() return This is part of a class which update a label in a window. It is working fine. My problem is : how can i give a variable name o this … | |
well .. i found out that python is easy language prog. for beginner like me .. but at 1rst am looking for some advices from proff. programers and i found some videos by Dr.Andrew N.Harrington from chicago on http://anh.cs.luc.edu/python/hands-on/ .. | |
Hello guys, I really need help with this one. Can you please help me create a program in Python that displays information about a rectangle of any size. Input: two mouse clicks for the opposite corners of a rectangle Output: Draw the rectangle. Print the perimeter and area of the … | |
What's wrong with: def project_to_distance(point_x, point_y, distance): dist_to_origin = math.square_root(point_x ** 2 + point_y ** 2) scale = distance / dist_to_origin temp1= point_x * scale temp2= point_y * scale print temp1, temp2 print project_to_distance(2, 7, 4) | |
Right now I'm trying to create an oppish translator. That is, after a consonant or several consonants in a row, you add 'op' to those letters. As an example, cow would become copowop or street which would become stropeetop. This is what I have so far: def oppish(phrase): #with this … | |
I'm trying to add /home/garrett/bin/libpy/ to my python path so I can import my own libraries, I would also prefer not to overwrite the default python path but rather append my own path to the default. When I try to `echo $PYTHONPATH` or `$PYTHONHOME` I get nothing and even if … | |
I have a problem with concatenate strings in pyhton. I need to concatenate the string clave and cadena_aleatoria(x) while cadena_inicio is minor than 256. This is my script: Any help? .Thanks! import sys import random x = random.randint(0,9) def cadena_aleatoria(x): cadena = [] cadena.append(x) while len(cadena)<10: x = random.randint(0,9) cadena.append(x) … | |
Hi, What is the meaning of the code lines in python. How a single variable like "argv" can be assigned to multiple variables "script and filename". Python Code: **from sys import argv script, filename = argv** | |
Hi, I wrote a small app which have some different pages but now i have a problem with update dynamically a label text from one of the pages. I would highly appreciate if anyone can have a look and maybe help me... I want to update self.label1 from pag01 class … | |
Hello all, My question is hopefully particular enough to not relate to any of the other ones that I've read. I'm wanting to use subprocess and multiprocessing to spawn a bunch of jobs serially and return the return code to me. The problem is that I don't want to wait() … | |
I am taking my very first programming class ad kind of stump on the problem mention in this post.. In coding I only got so far as what shows here.... 2. Write Python statements corresponding to the following: a. Assign to variable flowers a list containing strings 'rose', 'bougainvillea', 'yucca', … | |
This snippet defines a function `printat()` which adds line and file information to the normal `print()` function output. The intended use is a quick and dirty debugging information for everyday's use. A more complete solution is to use a logging/debugging/tracing framework. | |
Hi All, Is GitHub the "gold standard" for finding open source scripts online for people to use in their own development? Where else do people look? Thanks, Tubs | |
I'm trying to use this code for a fibonocci sequence where I'm setting the starting numbers as b= and c=. What I'd like to do though is have it stop after so many numbers are added together, in this case it would be 53rd (a=53). I've tried a 'for i … | |
Hi, I am really stuck on this problem. I am supposed to write a function that takes in the number of rows of the mountain range as a parameter. The function will then draw a number mountain range on screen using the print function. There are X number of rows, … | |
Hi, If I have a sentence like this: "I now have a total of % yellow bananas!" but I need it to change the number 2 to a 3, print, then a 4, print, etc until it reaches a set number like 10, how can I go about that? sentence … | |
On line 21 of this code where I have self.greetWelcome() . I'll love for that function to be called after the GUI is loaded. What event do I have to listen for and on what object to call it after the GUI is loaded. As of now, it works before … | |
Similiar to the snippet posted at: http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/python/code/449036/display-an-image-from-the-web-tkinter but this time we use PIL to resize the image from the internet keeping its aspect ratio to fit a specific display area/box. | |
The Pyside GUI toolkit (public PyQt) lets you bring up an interactive web page with its QWebView widget. Here is a simple example. | |
Hello, in which senario do we normaly use this (*args,**kwargs)type of arguments in python. | |
| [CODE]from Tkinter import * root = Tk() tipwindow = None # Creates a tooptip box for a widget. def createToolTip( widget, text ): def enter( event ): global tipwindow x = y = 0 if tipwindow or not text: return x, y, cx, cy = widget.bbox( "insert" ) x += … |
I have made a simple game that I want to add sound effects to. I have the short clips and can get them to work with the following command: import os os.startfile("filename") It plays fine, but the problem is that it plays the file(s) with windows media player: effectively taking … | |
The idea is to have an HTML page that looks like this: PROJECT1 Send what goes into the web form below to a python script! _________________________________________________ ____ | Input some text! | | GO | |_________________________________________________| |____| When the user hits "GO", the text somehow goes into script.py that does … | |
Help! UnboundLocalError: local variable 'B' referenced before assignment. Thanks! if a >= 3: A = (3 ^(int(log((a/3), 2)* 3))) if b >= 3: B = (3 ^(int(log((b/3), 2)* 3))) if c >= 3: C = (3 ^(int(log((c/3), 2)* 3))) if d >= 3: D = (3 ^(int(log((d/3), 2)* 3))) if … | |
Hi all, I'm working on my python script as I'm pulling the data from the sqlite3 database. I'm trying to convert the string object to datetime object, but I have got a problem with the code as I get the error when I'm trying convert from the string object to … |
The End.