15,185 Topics
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Here little debugged version of my calculator posted earlier in GUI calculator thread. I prepared it after listening that their teacher did more limited calculator in around 150 lines of code with their graphics module. This is 115 lines without empty lines and comment lines [CODE]>>> li=[i for i in … | |
hello, I want to compare 2 strings.I want to find if a list with characters contains all the letters in a string. If **all** the letters in the string are in the list. For example: > mystring='abc' > mylist=['a','b','c'] must return True > > mystring='abc' > mylist=['a','c','b'] must return True … | |
ok guys I really need help with this homework assignment that my teacher sent I really dont know where to start a little help will be great. You are to write a program that will compute grades. Its input will be a file containing semester scores in TAB-separated format as … | |
# Heading Here #Hello ## I am reading a book that doesn't do a very good job of explaining things. It is talking about parallel arrays and gives an example of pseudo-code. I am trying to figure out how to access the parallel arrays using python and I wrote this … | |
I'm programming a UI mock-up and need to make the window of fixed size and position. The lines of code for setting the size are as follows : widthOfScreen = mainGUI.winfo_screenwidth() #Get the width of the screen heightOfScreen = mainGUI.winfo_screenheight() #Get the height of the screen mainGUI.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (widthOfScreen, heightOfScreen)) … | |
Hello, my code works fine when I don't have white spaces but I can't make it work when the string has. I am trying sth like: def lengthR(mystring): count=0 if mystring=='': return 0 while (mystring!='') and (' ' not in mystring): mystring=mystring[0:-1] lengthR(mystring) count+=1 return count but it returns 0 … | |
I have an openstack setup with ceilometer (polslter and notifier) installed. I am getting the required metrics like Storaeg_objects_incoming_bytes, storage_objects_size of swift in the metering tab. how ceilometer is getting these metrics.. what are the underlying components of swift which ceilometer api is communicating.. i am writing a python code … | |
# Heading Here # Trying to add a webcam fee to a panel inside of my wxpython GUI. I have buttons on the left currently, and a black panel on the right. I'm confused as to how to add a webcam feed to that panel? here is the code being … | |
It seems like the slotDirChanged is getting executed twice, becuase everything seems to be working fine, import datetime from PyQt4 import QtGui,QtCore from PyQt4.QtCore import pyqtSlot import sys import os class WatchFilesBin(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, lookinpath=None): super(WatchFilesBin, self).__init__() self._filesBinPath = lookinpath createFilesBin(self._filesBinPath) self.filesList = os.listdir(self._filesBinPath) print self.filesList self.fileSysWatcher = QtCore.QFileSystemWatcher() def … | |
Hello everyone i have an issue with this problem, the problem is i need to reset the count after every line in the file, i put a comment so you can see where i want to reset the count. The program is suppose to cut each line after every specified … | |
Hello , I am trying to implement this function: def getGuessedWord(theword, wordlist): for letter in theword: if letter in wordlist: print letter, else: print '_', For example: theword = 'hi' wordlist = ['e', 'i', 'o', 's'] must return : _i but it returns : _iNone I tried : for letter … | |
| In the parent directory O, I have a series of directories Aa, where a varies from 0-1. In each of these I have a series of directories Bb, where b varies from 0-1. In each of these there are the input/output files AaBbCc.dat and AaBbCc.out for some calculations [c also … |
I create reports by means of RML(XML) and parse to PDF (use pyjon.reports). In output pdf polish char not display my xml file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?> <!DOCTYPE document SYSTEM "rml.dtd"> <document filename="encoding-test-utf8.pdf"> <template> <pageTemplate id="main"> <frame id="first" x1="72" y1="72" width="451" height="698"/> </pageTemplate> </template> <stylesheet> </stylesheet> <story> <title>Test of … | |
Hey guys, I need assistance with my program need to write a program that writes a series of random numbers to a file. Each random number should be in the range of 1 through 100. The application should let the user specify how many random numbers the file will hold. … | |
I am trying to extract blogs related to economy using the RSS feeds in python. I have no idea how to get a specific number of blogs and how to get those blogs in a particular domain (like economy). My project requires analysing these blogs using NLP techniques, but I'm … | |
Hello to all! I've made this script the other day, and I need some input from you telling me how could I improve the code / style. There aren't problems with the code (it does the job) but I want it more organized and "simple" so that in 1 week … | |
I am writing a GUI flow using wxPython which has 4 pages (or more). They way I have approached is creating 4 (or more) classes with each class defining its own static (background) and dynamic images / content. In my application I would then programmatically create instances class required and … | |
Hey fellow programmers.Im a new python programmer.Only been learning for about 2 weeks.Below is a code I wrote this weekend.It is a simple text adventure.tell me what you think of it.Feel free to copy and paste it into python and run it yourselves.I'm open to suggestions. #Text adventure v 2.0 … | |
I have already made a post on how to open a JPG file but I now plan to use GIF image files. Can someone show me a sample code example on how to open GIF image files whenever you click buttons on TKinter GUI in Python? Thanks. | |
So I decided to learn Python as my first programming language... So far I kinda like Python(when i say so far, I mean just now i started it just now), I'm using www.codeacademy.com as a tutorial(more on studying the basics first) and so I'm just wondering will I be able … | |
I was wondering if somebody could explain this to me. I am trying to find numbers that are NOT divisible by other numbers. Originally i wrote: if i%3!==0 however it came up with an error and said it was invalid syntax Instead my code now reads if i%3!=0 This works … | |
So my code to test a prime number is as follows: PrimeTest(): test = input ( "What number would you like to test? " ) test = int(test) true = 0 divisor = 0 for divisor in range (2, 10): if ( (isinstance( test/divisor, int )== True) & (test/divisor == … | |
while(Truth): guesschar = input("Guess: ") if(guesschar == Word): break elif(len(guesschar) != 1): print("You can only guess one character at a time or the correct answer") else: Truth = False | |
Having trouble getting pyhon to repeat things for me. What I wanted to test was python's random.sample. So say I have a list myList = range(1, 15) I can for a single time do this import random >>> myList = range(1,15) >>> random.sample(myList, 3) [10, 6, 11] >>> I would … | |
Hi, I am new to writing code and am doing a programming assignment for a class that has to be separated into different functions. I figured most of it out, but can't seem to get the validation part to work at all. could someone with more experience than me please … | |
Hello everybody. I recently started a python temperature conversion program and seem to be stuck. Im fairly new so I tried several things such as a fuction to convert temperature and and if and else statement and both combined. My code lets me input a temperature but then doesn't convert … | |
Hello. I am trying to make a program that involves buttons from GUI and I need help on how to open a JPG image file from a button click. Can someone show me a sample code on what to do and a brief explanation on what to do? Thanks. | |
| I'm trying to make a program that scrambles the order of sentences. The program must take an input file and scramble it into an output file however, when the sentences are scrambled, they should be numbered according to their original order. For example, I love apples --------> 2. I love … |
I am working on INFORMIX 4GL programs. That programs produce output text files.This is an example of the output: Lot No|Purchaser name|Billing|Payment|Deposit|Balance| J1006|JAUHARI BIN HAMIDI|5285.05|4923.25|0.00|361.80| J1007|LEE, CHIA-JUI AKA LEE, ANDREW J. R.|5366.15|5313.70|0.00|52.45| J1008|NAZRIN ANEEZA BINTI NAZARUDDIN|5669.55|5365.30|0.00|304.25| J1009|YAZID LUTFI BIN AHMAD LUTFI|3180.05|3022.30|0.00|157.75| Hi all,now I'm already can convert text files to … | |
Hello , I have the following code: count = 0 phrase = "hello, world" for iteration in range(5): index = 0 while index < len(phrase): count += 1 index += 1 print "index: " +str(index) print "Iteration " + str(iteration) + "; count is: " + str(count) I can't understand … |
The End.