Race condition cause by "double-checked locking" Programming Software Development by stereomatching … to the text book, this kind of codes may cause race condition, but I don't know why? If t1 thread initialize…'t see why "double-checked locking" would cause race condition? Thank you very much Re: Race condition cause by "double-checked locking" Programming Software Development by vijayan121 …'t see why "double-checked locking" would cause race condition? See: [url]http://drdobbs.com/cpp/184405726[/url] This conclusion… Race condition in multi threaded application Programming Software Development by antony_24 Hi , I developed a multi threaded application for web office automation using Java. I got a bug in transferring multiple files and it seems to be a race condition. . Can anyone help me to solve this bug? how to handle Race Condition in java Programming Software Development by moaz.amin.37 i write a code of multithreading in which arise an race condition code is below class Race1{ public void show(String s){ … is [Hello[Complete[World] ] ] output should be display [Hello] [Complete] [Race] whats the problem?????????????????????????????????/ Race Conditions and Deadlocks Programming Software Development by toraj58 …programs: [B]race conditions and deadlocks[/B]. [B]Race Condition:[/B] A race condition occurs when two threads "race" for …another tries to do the same thing, a race condition can occur. You can’t guarantee which thread…DeadLock:[/B] The opposite of a race condition is a deadlock. Whereas race conditions can cause your programs to do… Re: how to handle Race Condition in java Programming Software Development by vantrendin http://tutorials.jenkov.com/java-concurrency/race-conditions-and-critical-sections.html Re: Race condition cause by "double-checked locking" Programming Software Development by stereomatching Thanks a lot, multi-thread is very complicated, I didn't plan to learn it so early but I have to handle this skill for now because of my job. The text book also suggest we should use std::call_once(my compiler do not support it yet) to initialize those read only resources. What if we choose a thread_safe smart pointer for this kind of situations… Re: Race condition in multi threaded application Programming Software Development by darkagn Hi antony_24 and welcome to Daniweb, What's the application doing when the bug occurs? Especially, what are the various threads doing when the bug occurs? ConcurrentHashMap doesn't protect against race conditions ?? Programming Software Development by daudiam … locking the entire table but it doesn't remove the race conditions like if we query for a key and at… statements in a synchronize block, though [B]this particular[/B] race condition can be avoided using putIfAbsent. But my point is that… Re: how to handle Race Condition in java Programming Software Development by Schol-R-LEA I am no expert at Java threading, but I believe the main issue is that you aren't synchronizing on a single object, but rather you have three separate objects of the same type, which happen to be synchronized, but *not with each other*. You would need a single object which is synchronized in all three threads in order to control the order in which … Re: how to handle Race Condition in java Programming Software Development by moaz.amin.37 i do not understand that what is scnerio and tell me one thing that,is there any difference to create object in main class and create object in Runnable I think there is no difference in creating object I create object in `Checking` class and `synchronized` but you create object in `main class` and send object in constructor as arguments and then… Re: how to handle Race Condition in java Programming Software Development by Schol-R-LEA The difference is that when you were creating `ob` in `Checking`, were were creating an object in each thread, which meant that they weren't shared between the different threads - each thread was synchronizing a different object. You need to have a *shared* object to synchronize on if you are trying to provide mutual exclusion. By constructing … Re: how to handle Race Condition in java Programming Software Development by moaz.amin.37 `Schol-R-LEA` thank you very much now I understand whole working i was very confuse but now there is not any confusion again thank you very much now there is a my question and i am searching its answer but not please help me link is below https://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/threads/485451/find-square-of-a-number-with-two-threads-using… Re: Race Conditions and Deadlocks Programming Software Development by Christopher_22 Beautiful. Windows 7 ThreadpoolWait API design flaw? Programming Software Development by doug65536 …(wait, TRUE); CloseThreadpoolWait(wait); return TRUE; } }; [/CODE] There is a race condition here: 1) The threadpool wait fires and a threadpool thread… have to reschedule the wait every time? It creates the race condition with another thread that is attempting to shutdown the threadpool… problem with threads :( Programming Software Development by itchap … empty conditions. See how long it takes for a fatal race condition to occur. For example you might have the producer print… number every minute because the I/O could affect the race conditions. This is what I managed to do: [CODE] import… Re: Windows 7 ThreadpoolWait API design flaw? Programming Software Development by Klaus_1 …(wait); return TRUE; } My understanding is that there is no race condition between thread CPU2 and CPU1 because `WaitForThreadpoolWaitCallbacks` waits until CPU2… Issue trying to rate limit my API with Redis Programming Web Development by Dani … problem. A google search pointed me to a bunch of race conditions that can cause issues with API rate limiters, but… can't seem to wrap my mind around if a race condition could be at play here? I temporarily increased the limit… Re: Issue trying to rate limit my API with Redis Programming Web Development by cereal … old release of Redis or PHPRedis that could generate a race condition, for example the behaviour of this method changes between PHPRedis… the code, but if an array is submitted, with that condition, then the deletion is skipped. cheeky java program Programming Software Development by mellinda … below program is a Simulation of Producer-Consumer Problem using Race Condition.Please can anyone help me to finish this program in… Re: cheeky java program Programming Software Development by mellinda [QUOTE=Narue]That's C, not Java. And the code is far from complete, can you give more detail?[/QUOTE] hia, i want to write the program in java language.The program is a Simulation of Producer-Consumer Problem using Race Condition, using SLEEP/WAKEUP. chessxx Re: cheeky java program Programming Software Development by Narue …;The program is a Simulation of Producer-Consumer Problem using Race Condition, using SLEEP/WAKEUP. Typically when I ask for more detail… Re: cheeky java program Programming Software Development by mellinda …;The program is a Simulation of Producer-Consumer Problem using Race Condition, using SLEEP/WAKEUP. Typically when I ask for more detail… Logging Stored Procedure from Trigger Programming Databases by Cerin … awkward problem. I'm debugging what I believe is a race condition in a legacy codebase. The issue involves a userID column… Threads sharing varialbes Programming Software Development by Aild … value of the variable. Now I am aware of the race condition and am using synchronized. However, the two threads are of… Threaded Socket Issue Programming Software Development by patrickkonsor … by B. It would seem this is caused by a race condition, but there's no shared data that are written to… calling asp.net mvc ajax call using jquery post method expires the session Programming Web Development by nccsbim071 … hitting the default page or login page and causing a race condition that calls Session.Abandon? (It's happened before!) so i… How to attach or combine two python files? Programming Software Development by sandeepxd …('utf-8') root, ext = os.path.splitext(localpath) i = 1 # race condition, but hey... while (os.path.exists(localpath)): localpath = "%s… Verilog Question About Clocking Programming Computer Science by dansnyderECE … can't figure out how to get rid of this race condition I'm getting in my synthesizable verilog code. Basically, I… Synchronization question Programming Software Development by MoZo1 … setFoo(int f) { foo = f; } [/CODE] Easy code for a race condition. Easy solution: [CODE=JAVA] synchronize(o){ o.setFoo(o.getFoo…