Key Insights from Google's Search Algorithm Leak Community Center by Johannes C. … print, fire most or all of the journalistic staff, and replace them with content writers who produce marketing content far off… Comparing Fine-tuned and Default GPT-3.5 Turbo for Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …, as shown in the following script: ``` api_key = "YOUR_OPEN_AI_API_KEY" # replace this with your OpenAI API key" client = OpenAI(api_key… Re: RegEx to wrap words in HTML Programming Software Development by samzz ….getElementById("str").textContent; //Not .innerHTML var res=str.replace(rex,"<u>$1$2</u>… Re: Windows licence Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by tarael1 … who do hardware repairs, in the case where you must replace the motherboard you will no longer have a valid key… 'AI Is Expected to Transform the Role of Controllers & Analysts ' Community Center by Johannes C. … become more capable, there is a risk that they could replace a significant number of jobs in finance and accounting, leading…, especially the more routine tasks, it is less likely to replace the role entirely. Instead, **AI is expected to transform the… Using Natural Language to Query SQL Databases with Python LangChain Module Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …;>/<<database>>" ``` In the above, replace values for `<<password>>`, `<<server… '30% of Activities Performed by Humans Could Be Automated with AI' Community Center by Johannes C. … will multiply our capabilities, instead of ones that could potentially replace us Re: ASUS Laptops - my experience Hardware and Software by toneewa … 60hz. If you are a DIY fixer, you can also [replace the TB4 ports](… Re: ASUS Laptops - my experience Hardware and Software by toneewa … installing a Windows image as GPT, is like going to replace your spare tire and finding out it has a different… Re: 'AI Is Expected to Transform the Role of Controllers & Analysts ' Community Center by Dani Which of the two actually answered the questions? Re: 'AI Is Expected to Transform the Role of Controllers & Analysts ' Community Center by Dani I think it’s much more authentic and useful to have direct quotes. Paraphrasing loses a lot in translation IMHO. Re: Using Natural Language to Query SQL Databases with Python LangChain Module Programming Computer Science by aishamushtaq very helpful Re: replace $v in a string with a random replacement Programming Web Development by tpickett …( 'racer', 'race car driver', 'racing', 'race team' );//array to replace $match with $search = "text"; //keyword to match n = &…quot;3"; //number of times to replace in artcle $str = 'this is example text. it has text… Re: replace part of field with FIND IN SET Programming Web Development by pritaeas Replace `replace1` with `table1`, same for 2. Re: Replace page content jquery - tricky question Programming Web Development by JJenZz Replace your `$('body').ready(` with `$(document).ajaxStop(` Replace all % with %% Programming Software Development by Legend32A … function. Yet, I done this: [CODE]void replace(std::string& target, const std::string oldstr,…(x, newstr); } } string text = "% % %"; replace(text, "%", "2A"); cout << text…loops forever: [CODE]string text = "% % %"; replace(text, "%", "%%"); cout << … Re: Replace all % with %% Programming Software Development by L7Sqr … instance:[code]original: "% % %" find("%") -> 0 replace("%%") -> "%% % %" find("%") -> 0…;%%") -> "%%% % %" find("%") -> 0 replace("%%") -> "%%%% % %"[/code]And so on. My … Re: Replace from... to... Programming Software Development by codeorder …(xiStartIndex, xiEndIndex - xiStartIndex) '// extract content. myEntireCoolString = myEntireCoolString.Replace(myFoundCoolString, "something here to replace with") '// replace content. MsgBox(myEntireCoolString) '// get result.[/CODE] Replace " Programming Web Development by cancer10 Hey Does anyone knows how do I replace a " (double quote) in a string with nothing I … Replace Programming Software Development by nimmyliji Hi, I am new to Python programming... I have a .txt file....... It looks like.. 0,Salary,14000 0,Bonus,5000 0,gift,6000 I want to to replace the first '0' value to '1' in each line. How can I do this? Any one can help me.... With sample code.. Thanks in advance. Nimmyliji replace Programming Software Development by kinyuadave Is is possible to replace the shutdown.exe with another exe developed in that can shutdown the system.? Replace from... to... Programming Software Development by iisniperz How to replace text from (abc) to (cba) in Example: [CODE]here is text (abc)random text here(cba)[/CODE] Replace "\" by "(nothing)" Programming Web Development by Sanchixx How do you Replace "\" by "(nothing)"? Re: Replace "\" by "(nothing)" Programming Web Development by diafol Try: echo stripslashes($str); But that'll only work with certain combos. Using it to replace \n etc won't work as expected. To get around most of these problems, enclose the string in single quotes '...'. $str = 'wkvcw\swfvwnl'; Re: Replace "\" by "(nothing)" Programming Web Development by Sanchixx I dont understand can this replace evrything in a php page. if i put this in a php page? I'm knew to php. Re: Replace "\" by "(nothing)" Programming Web Development by Sanchixx Id like to replace "\" in a php page with this html code … Re: Replace "\" by "(nothing)" Programming Web Development by diafol try: $file = "myfile.php"; $str = stripslashes(file_get_contents($file)); echo $str; May be unpredictable w.r.t results - perhaps a more focussed replace of \' or \" would be better? Replace Programming Software Development by bullet_1 want to replace Figure 1, Figure 2 and so on ........ with <a href="#fig1">Figure 1</a> plz help me thanks in advance REPLACE syntax Programming Databases by magicmarkuk …right syntax to use near 'update posts set post_text = replace(post_text, '[/del]', '')' at line 2 Now from … have tried // i.e. update phpbb_posts set post_text = replace(post_text, '[//del]', '[//i][/b]') but this gives the …question is: I want to run a similar replace query to replace: [quote author="magicmarkuk" date="… replace $v in a string with a random replacement Programming Web Development by tpickett … get array value 3. etc... public function replace_random ($str, $search, $replace, $n) { // Get all occurences of $search and their offsets within… $match) { $str = substr($str, 0, $matches[0][$match][1] + $offset).$replace[$arrayNum].substr($str, $matches[0][$match][1] + $searchLen + $offset); $offset…