Sendkeys Problem (Newbie) Programming Software Development by rgr …send text to an external running program using sendkeys. The code I have works, but …code, it freezes. It freezes at "SendKeys.Send("^s")". Could someone …Form1.TextBoxExt1.Text SetActiveWindow(targetWnd) SendKeys.Send("^s") SendKeys.Send(chatText) SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}") End… Re: SendKeys - Help needed please Programming Software Development by MagicBytes …the shell command, I have toyed withe the SendKeys command trying different things with out any luck,…and captures that windows title bar caption and then SendKeys to this window, for example Untitled - notepad.…Private Sub Button1_click() AppActivate "Untitled - Notepad" SendKeys "This is a Test !", True End Sub… Re: Sendkeys in excel vba Programming Software Development by cguan_77 ….. check below for the syntax of sendkeys but sendkeys may not work anymore in vista.. [icode] SendKeys Statement Sends one or more keystrokes… the active window as if typed at the keyboard. Syntax SendKeys string[, wait] Wait : Optional. Boolean value specifying the wait mode… Re: SendKeys in Programming Software Development by bhagawatshinde …proc.WaitForInputIdle() Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000) System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("^a") 'use keys System.Windows.Forms….SendKeys.Send("^c") rtxtnarration.Focus() 'SendKeys("^v", True) rtxtnarration.Paste() '… SendKeys - Help needed please Programming Software Development by MagicBytes Hello there, how can I [COLOR="red"]SendKeys[/COLOR] to the same window with out having to run …"]Private Sub [/COLOR]Command1_Click() Shell "notepad", vbNormalFocus SendKeys "This is a test string" [COLOR="green… SendKeys in Programming Software Development by bhagawatshinde …="red"][COLOR="Red"] System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("^A") 'use keys System.Windows.Forms… Re: SendKeys in Programming Software Development by ÜnLoCo ….Start() proc.WaitForInputIdle() Threading.Thread.Sleep(500) System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("^q") 'use keys System.Windows.Forms….SendKeys.Send("^c") proc.CloseMainWindow() proc.Dispose() [/CODE] what … Re: SendKeys in Programming Software Development by bhagawatshinde ….Start() proc.WaitForInputIdle() Threading.Thread.Sleep(500) System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("^q") 'use keys System.Windows.Forms….SendKeys.Send("^c") proc.CloseMainWindow() proc.Dispose() Threading.Thread.… Re: SendKeys in Programming Software Development by lolafuertes ….Start() proc.WaitForInputIdle() Threading.Thread.Sleep(500) System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("^q") 'use keys Threading.Thread.Sleep(1…) System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("^c") Threading.Thread.Sleep(1) Richtextbox1.Paste… SendKeys question Programming Software Development by lion8420 Can an application refuse the Sendkeys function? I am trying to write an app that will paste text into an application called Cerner which runs via a secure vpn. My code works fine going into notepad or word. I doesn't seem to do anything with the Cerner program. I thought that the sendkeys command basically mimiced the keyboard. SendKeys.Send problem GTA San Andreas Programming Software Development by samsylvestertty … Friends, I have created a small C# program to "SendKeys" to the active application. I use it to automate… cheats to some keys in the keyboard. Problem is the `SendKeys.Send()` works with notepad (i've tested) but not working… Re: SendKeys in C++ Programming Software Development by rdwofrdw … instead to avoid the possible hit or miss performance of SendKeys but what would you learn if you could not try…"]a codeproject article called 'Sendkeys in C++'[/URL] because someone thinks it is possible and… Re: SendKeys - Help needed please Programming Software Development by djjaries …) If (MyAppID <> 0) Then Call AppActivate(MyAppID) Call SendKeys(Keystring, Wait) End If End Sub [/code] This should do… Re: SendKeys in Programming Software Development by lolafuertes Please start at [url][/url] The Send methos sends the keys to the current active application, so you need to be confident that the application having the focus is the one you are trying to send the keys. Hope this helps Re: SendKeys.Send fails Programming Software Development by Gé48 Try this, you can send Enter as Tab and Enter + shift as Tab + Shift with it. If (e.Shift = True AndAlso e.KeyCode.Equals(Keys.Enter)) Then SendKeys.Send("{TAB}") Else If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then SendKeys.Send("{TAB}") End If End If Re: SendKeys.Send fails Programming Software Development by radu_brasov … (e.Shift = True AndAlso e.KeyCode.Equals(Keys.Enter)) Then SendKeys.Send("{TAB}") Else If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter… Re: SendKeys.Send fails Programming Software Development by Gé48 … (e.Shift = True AndAlso e.KeyCode.Equals(Keys.Enter)) Then SendKeys.Send("{TAB}") Else If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter… Then SendKeys.Send("{TAB}") End If End If End Sub Re: SendKeys.Send fails Programming Software Development by radu_brasov … (e.Shift = True AndAlso e.KeyCode.Equals(Keys.Enter)) Then SendKeys.Send("{TAB}") Else If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter… Then SendKeys.Send("{TAB}") End If End If End Sub… Re: SendKeys.Send problem GTA San Andreas Programming Software Development by skatamatic Which SendKeys are you using? Is it the .Net wrapper or a WIN32 API call? Have you tried running it as administrator? Re: SendKeys.Send problem GTA San Andreas Programming Software Development by skatamatic I think SendKeys uses the windows message pump to pass in a key down message to a form. I bet San Andreas doesn't use this message pump as most WinForms apps do, so you will have to try some other things. Check out [AutoIt]( SendKeys in C++ Programming Software Development by Fromethius Hello everyone, Is there an equivalent to SendKeys.Send in C++? I have looked into keybd_event and SendInput, but to my knowledge you can only send one key at a time with those functions. Thanks for any help. Edit: I'm not using the .Net Framework so I can't use any of that stuff. Re: SendKeys in C++ Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon >>Is there an equivalent to SendKeys.Send in C++? No. C++ language knows nothing (other than what it inherited from C language in stdio.h) about the keyboard because its os specific. You have to use os-specific api function calls to send them one character at a time like jamthwee suggested. Sendkeys in excel vba Programming Software Development by prasadh_king ….copy AppActivate "Welcome to India" Application.SendKeys ("^V") End sub the above coding is only… SendKeys.Send fails Programming Software Development by radu_brasov ….KeyPress If e.KeyChar = Chr(13) Then System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send(Chr(9)) End If End Sub [/CODE] Re: VB6 Sendkeys error Programming Software Development by vb5prgrmr SendKeys generates the error because MS in it infinite wisdom missed … exe. RunAs Admin and several other ways. Best to replace sendkeys with the SendInput API. And to be honest, I never… really liked sendkeys because the application had to have focus and some of… Global KeyHook and SendKeys Programming Software Development by ooandioo …DoStrgD(); working = false; } } private void DoStrgD() { SendKeys.SendWait("{LEFT}"); SendKeys.Flush(); } [/CODE] An here is the problem. The… is in cache, being transmitted when calling SendKeys. Is there any way to supress the CTRL… WebBrowserControl, SendKeys, and FileUploadControl Programming Software Development by ironclads … = SendKeys.Send("ABCD") SendKeys.Send("Testing123") End … = SendKeys.Send("ABCD") SendKeys.Send("Testing123") End If… Multiple SendKeys Programming Software Development by thedante … VBA. Basically I'd like to send a bunch of sendkeys. I don't have problem with the synthax but the… excel only execute the 1st sendkeys I have written. [CODE]Sub test() SendKeys ("^+F") Wait SendKeys ("^+L") End Sub… Re: Global KeyHook and SendKeys Programming Software Development by ooandioo … have the same issue: [QUOTE] Whenever I use SendKeys.Send(string), the control keys currently in effect are… == (Keys)vkCode && Keys.Control == Control.ModifierKeys) SendKeys.Send( "hi there" ); Notepad pops up a Replace…] I notice a couple of comments about the issue sendkeys with the control key. I'm getting as Gary… Delay in Sendkeys Programming Software Development by Gamer0077 … { if (RadioTextbox.Checked == true) { Sendkeys.Send(TextBox1.Text); //Sends the whole string //…else if (RadioClipboard.Checked == true) { SendKeys.Send(Clipboard.GetText()); //The same here }…