Slope intercept formula help Programming Software Development by Zvjezdan23 … *formula1, float *formula2); { cout << " The slope intercept formula is (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) which is… cout << "That being the case, your Slope Intercept of the First Problem is: " <<… *formula3, float *formula4); { cout << " The slope intercept formula is (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) which is… Re: Slope intercept formula help Programming Software Development by Zvjezdan23 …;< "What is the X number for the second slope intercept formula? "; cin >> x2; cout <&… slope1((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)); cout << "The slope for the first equation is: " << slope1 <… slope2((y4 - y3) / (x4 - x3)); cout << "The slope intercept for the second equation is: " << slope2… Slope Formula Programming Software Development by vckicks Calculate the slope between two points. Simple slope-intercept program help Programming Software Development by Zvjezdan23 …of solutions." << endl; } else if (slope == slope2 && Y_intercept != Y_intercept2) { cout <…solutions." << endl; } else if (slope != slope2) { cout << "The …quot; << endl; } } void Results(float slope, float slope2, float Y_intercept, float Y_intercept2) { cout &… Homework help with piont-slope equation Programming Software Development by dbwalters …in); void FindPerpBisector(); private: CartesianPoint first, last; double slope; }; inline double LineSegment::Slope() { if (first.X() == last.X()) { … SlopeIntercept(ostream & out); private: CartesianPoint point; double slope; }; inline Line::Line(CartesianPoint p, double m) { … Re: Simple slope-intercept program help Programming Software Development by Zvjezdan23 … continue to do good in them. I am now programming slope intercept formulas, but in another post, i have x,y…,z, slope formula help, I have written code and i wanted to… << endl; cout << "M is your slope. Your slope is: " << slope1 << " x… Having trouble compiling C program to convert two-point/point-slope to slope-intercep Programming Software Development by jsphb9000 …x1); /*CALCULATIONS*/ m = ( y2 - y1 ) / ( x2 - x1 ); /*SLOPE*/ y_int = y1 - (m * x1); /*Y_INTERCEPT*/ x_int = -y_int / m;…quit =='n'); case 2: do { printf("Enter the slope=> "); scanf("%f", &m);… Re: Simple slope-intercept program help Programming Software Development by MonsieurPointer … Line2(); void solution_identifier(); void Results();[/CODE] [CODE]void solution_identifier(float slope, float slope2, float Y_intercept, float Y_intercept2)[/CODE] and my second… created within the scope of your functions (e.g. [b]slope[/b], [B]slope2[/B]) and are never passed to the… Python Slope of a line Programming Software Development by Elizabeth_13 …trying to figure this out. I need to find the slope of a line after the user is prompted to click… two points and display the line. I know to find slope you need y2 - y1/x2 - x1 but how can … line? from graphics import* def main(): win = GraphWin("Calculates Slope", 400, 400) win.setCoords(-100, -100, 100, 100) win… How to generate slope and aspect polygons from elevation map Programming Software Development by nikhilsamkumar I have an elevation map, from that i will get slope values,but wat my idea is to generate the polygons of 0-10 range slope values ,10-20 slope values .... like that.. i.e vector polygons .. please help me .. im in deep trouble Re: How to find the slope of a point with java? Programming Software Development by pikalife …i write a program using Java to find the exact slope of a point on a parabola. I am asking… how to write a program to find the slope of the tangent line on any point of the …parabola. The slope of the tangent line when it makes contact with the…a while loop method in order to find the slope on any given point. Finding point of impact on a 2D slope Programming Software Development by Valaraukar … to determine when an object has actually collided with a slope (the point of impact) because obviously the y value is… points), how can I find the y value on the slope (i.e. the height) using the x value of the… c++ calculate acceleration from slope Programming Software Development by iammfa … hill is a = g sin a , where a is the slope of the hill, and the gravity acceleration g = 9.8…++ function that calculates the acceleration as a function of the slope a in degrees.[/I] Hint: the header file MATH.H… Re: Finding point of impact on a 2D slope Programming Software Development by WaltP Isn't this basic math? If you know the terms (slope, axis, etc) you already know (or can find) the correct equations. Turn them into code. Re: Finding point of impact on a 2D slope Programming Software Development by Fbody … final solution. I'm sure you're familiar with the slope-intercept method (y=mx+b). If you already know m… Biggest Geeks are in Japan - rocket armchair down a ski slope. Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ryanc … up a house and send unsuspecting victims down a ski slope? screen cap + link below. my head hurts after watching it… Question about Program for Slope of a Line using a Class and Object Programming Software Development by mbleiche …;< endl;//Prints out Point 2 cout << "Slope of the Line is " << Formula.CalculateC(e… Finding slope, rise and run. Programming Software Development by OurNation When this program is run it asks for the coordinate grid points, then it processes that and the result is the run rise and slope. 2D plane slope finding problem Programming Software Development by am5a03 …>x2 and y1>y2, 1 pair of +ve slope is formed and I just come up with this stupid… between merge sort and binary insertion sort graph whose slope is greater Programming Software Development by poojabi … of comparison vs number of element in the list hose slope wll be slightly more than the other.and how will… 2D vs 1D Array. Calc Slope Programming Software Development by JordanHam … the points. m[n/2] would have m[0] the slope from the first two points and m[1] has slopes… How to find the slope of a point with java? Programming Software Development by pikalife How to find the slope of a point on a parabola with loops? Re: How to find the slope of a point with java? Programming Software Development by hfx642 Find the MATH to calculate the slope of a point on a parabola. (I'm sure that Google or Wikipeda can tell you that.) Then, code the math using Java. Re: Slope intercept formula help Programming Software Development by Zvjezdan23 I still need helpppp Re: Slope intercept formula help Programming Software Development by Taywin Hmm... So many unknown function calls! Anyway, when an external link error occurs, you need to check if the libraries you include in your program are installed correctly. I don't know about your "algorithm" library. Also, the line [CODE] int formula3[2]; ... ... float Other_Slope_intercept_formula( float *formula3, float *formula4); [/… Re: Slope intercept formula help Programming Software Development by Taywin Hmm.. You are still using syntax wrong... In line 23 & 43, do you want to declare a variable or a function? [CODE] float slope1((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)); [/CODE] If you want it as a variable, you should do it as [CODE] float slope1 = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1); [/CODE] The same should be applied to line 43. Re: Slope intercept formula help Programming Software Development by Fbody [QUOTE=Taywin;1665532]Hmm.. You are still using syntax wrong... In line 23 & 43, do you want to declare a variable or a function? [CODE] float slope1((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)); [/CODE] If you want it as a variable, you should do it as [CODE] float slope1 = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1); [/CODE] The same should be applied to line 43.[/QUOTE] … Re: Simple slope-intercept program help Programming Software Development by Zvjezdan23 can you show me? Re: Simple slope-intercept program help Programming Software Development by Fbody No. You know the site rules. We're not here to do your work for you, we're here to guide you to your own success. You've been doing this long enough, you should know what the proper signature(s) for the main function is/are by now. Re-work your main() into the proper form yourself. Then go from there. Pay close attention to your scoping … Re: Simple slope-intercept program help Programming Software Development by Zvjezdan23 I thought the site is supposed to be a forum to help people when they need it. Also, if they have the work and they tried, how come we can't help them??