45 Topics

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My friend and I were texting each other about the Red Sox World Series rout the other night -- way to go Sockies, how to beat 'dem Rockies! -- and, both being Boston natives, were having a grand old time. My pal won some money on the Series and had …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Six weeks ago I wrote that video game stocks were going to be a good play for the duration of 2007 - - and probably well into 2008. As I said at the time, anyone with a 12-year-old boy in the house recognizes the familiar hoots and hollers from the …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

I haven't spent a lot of time -- okay, "any time" -- talking about the fast-growing biometrics market. Part of it was ignorance. I didn't know know much about it. But I'm all amped up on biometrics after reading a new white paper from BCC Research entitled "The Global Biometrics …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

It’s back. The dot.com bubble, that is. And with it comes a new wave of venture capitalists that are pouring money not just into Internet companies, but in life sciences companies, as well. And in increasingly larger numbers. An October article in The New York Times says it all. “Internet …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Okay, Halloween is only two weeks away, so what better time to introduce five "weird" internet & media content stocks that might be more treat than trick. The list is culled from the financial web site Barrellomoney.com. The site does warn that a few of the 'weird' selections might be …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Has there been a technology "leap" in the semiconductor market? Some people think so. But should investors go along for the ride? Earlier this year, George Scalise, the president of the Semiconductor Industry Association, was issuing talking points to the press over the relative health of the semiconductor sector. Much …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

We've been talking about "upside" in the technology stock sector all week. Hand held devices and memory cards were the sectors at the top of that list, and should stay that way. Another side to the upside discussion is who, exactly, will be buying these products? After all, a lot …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

I had to shake my head when I read about the latest GDP numbers today. The news is good, maybe even great for the economy – a 3.8% upward spike in gross domestic product for the second quarter (the numbers were revised from the original GDP estimates, and were light …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

90% of the game on Wall Street is picking stocks that will rise before they actually do. It's not easy. If everyone could do that, then everyone would be doing that. But stock-picking is not easy. It's akin to shooting an arrow at a moving target that you can't even …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

The Wall Street Journal has an interesting article out this morning touting a new defensiveness among investors -- and what they plan on doing to protect their portfolios against a possible recession. "With the housing downturn, credit crunch, gloomy employment data and a parade of maudlin financial forecasts have been …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

I have to admit, on my perch here overlooking Wall Street, of the industries traders typcially jawbone about, video games arean't at the top of the list. Exhibit "A". At a dinner Wednesday night with three options traders over some Kobi steaks and some good wine, all the talk was …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Allow me one last word on the credit crisis of last week. I hope by now I've demonstrated that credit and debt aren't the sole domain of green eye-shaded numbers crunchers on Wall Street. As the green-eye shaded numbers cruncher in your own company's finance department can tell you, bad …

Member Avatar for Toulinwoek

Is it just me, or is there a rather severe dearth of knowledgeable help at technology stores? I don't think I've ever seen a larger number of know-nothing, computer tech wannabes working at stores where technology products are sold. And God forbid you should go to an office supply store …

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[url=http://www.inetinteractive.com]iNet Interactive[/url], a company that holds the titles on some of the largest web development and discussion communities on the net, was acquired this week by a group of investors, a company press release reports. Stoddard Hill Capital bought iNet from Aberration! Ventures, and terms of the transaction were not …

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Member Avatar for Catweazle

Rockstar Games has released a game patch to counter the problemattic 'Hot Coffee' mod which landed them in hot water! The version 1.01 patch not only corrects a few game bugs, it also adds display options to suit its use on HD display devices and completely disables the 'locked' offensive …

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The End.