Re: Subfolder Disguise Programming Web Development by joshl_1995 Yer i know that would work but then i misewell just put the page in another subfolder. I just want a way to make it look like the page is in another subfolder not virtually put it in a subfolder. Re: Subfolder Disguise Programming Web Development by minitauros Well does "making it look like it is in a subfolder" not equal "virtually putting it in a subfolder"? ;) This is the only option I know about that works, but I'm curious as to what others think of this. Re: Subfolder Disguise Programming Web Development by TonyG_cyprus Why *not* just put it in a subfolder? It's not like it'll slow things down or anything. make_path for subfolder Programming Software Development by reza.adinata … to create a script for creating a simple folder and subfolder. So basically i am in directory \home\ and want to… create folder1, and afterwards subfolder 'folder2'. so at the end, I am expecting to have… How to bulk resize JPG files in folder and subfolder Programming Software Development by bimaljr … photos but there are so many subfolders too and every subfolder contents JPG files. Now, I want to resize all my… Detect Subfolder In PHP Codeigniter Programming Web Development by riwakawd … make it so if I type a name of a subfolder in controllers then will pick folder and filename up. <… htaccess redirect to mobile subfolder without changing the URL Programming Web Development by FarrisFahad … to my mobile site. My mobile site is in a subfolder instead of a subdomain. Here is how I want it… Re: htaccess redirect to mobile subfolder without changing the URL Programming Web Development by jkon Using htaccess for mobile detection and subfolder redirection is a primitive way. You can as rrproffitt suggested … Re: access parent directory from subfolder domain name Programming Web Development by JorgeM Maybe i am not comprehending your question, but usually when you have the site setup on a subfolder, you simply configure your web server's home directory to be that of the subfolder, rather than the root folder. Re: Sub domain or subfolder which is more SEO friendly? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by infinique Both are equally good but I normally use a sub folder. Having a subfolder enables PR to be passed more easily. Re: Copy subfolder structer to new folder Programming Software Development by lolafuertes …]Set SourceRootFolder = fso.GetFolder(sfol)[/CODE] you can loop by subfolder as (untested) [CODE]For Each Folder In SourceRootFolder.SubFolders fso… Subfolder Search Loop Programming Software Development by lcannon I am very new with VB and am using Access2000 to try to find a Table in ALL mdb's located under Z:\ and look in all mdbs in all folders and subfolders. I need not to see information but to have someone actually help me with this code. There has to be a simple way to do this and keep this code to use a combo box and input into table. This code … Re: Subfolder Search Loop Programming Software Development by Comatose One solution that I'm fond of, in order to make VB search an entire drive is to shell a dos command of dir and redirect it into a file. Then open the file (which will contain a list of all paths to the files of a specific criteria), read in the paths line for line, and do something accordingly. For example: [CODE] dim wsh dim PathList() as … Subfolder Disguise Programming Web Development by joshl_1995 Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to make a page look like a subdirectory. This is what it would look like now this is what i want it to look like But i don't want to put the page.php in a subdirectory i just want it to look like it is. Please help... Re: Subfolder Disguise Programming Web Development by dorco add this to .htaccess RewriteRule ^sub/page\.php$ page.php [L] Re: Subfolder Disguise Programming Web Development by joshl_1995 The styling for the page has gone. Re: Subfolder Disguise Programming Web Development by dorco use absolute path for css/js/images.. or try: RewriteRule ^path_to_css_folder$ /path_to_css_folder Re: Subfolder Disguise Programming Web Development by minitauros Try using absolute paths to your css files. E.g. not css/stylesheet.css, but /css/stylesheet.css or Re: Subfolder Disguise Programming Web Development by diafol You've been given the correct info. You use an Apache mod_rewrite in your .htaccess file To ignore your css files, you just add the ^ line. Here's an example of an old one of mine: Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^(js|css)($|/) - [L] RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/([^/]*)/*$ /index.php?lang=$1&page=$2 [L] … Re: Subfolder Disguise Programming Web Development by joshl_1995 I don't fully understand .htaccess so could you show me how i can use this. This is what i have so far: Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(js|css)($|/projects) - [L] RewriteRule ^projects/software.php software.php [L] I'm sure i've done it wrong because there is still no stlying. Re: make_path for subfolder Programming Software Development by mitchems [CODE] use File::Path; my $path1 = '/home/folder1'; my $path2 = 'folder2' ; mkpath "$path1"; mkpath "$path1/$path2"; [/CODE] Re: make_path for subfolder Programming Software Development by reza.adinata Thank you.. What a stupid mistake it was :D Re: How to bulk resize JPG files in folder and subfolder Programming Software Development by Salem Maybe the "find" command with the "exec" option? Re: How to bulk resize JPG files in folder and subfolder Programming Software Development by bimaljr Oh I got the command [code=bash]find . -iname "*.jpg" | xargs -l -i convert -resize 1000x600 {} {}[/code] This will do my job. Re: How to bulk resize JPG files in folder and subfolder Programming Software Development by programmerpro awesome stuff! Re: htaccess redirect to mobile subfolder without changing the URL Programming Web Development by alan.davies You write **exceptions** for certain directories. But it depends, on whether almost all links need to redirect or just the hot directory. If just the hot directory, specify that **only**. Re: htaccess redirect to mobile subfolder without changing the URL Programming Web Development by FarrisFahad Here is what I have come up with ... RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !^desktop RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "android|blackberry|googlebot-mobile|iemobile|iphone|ipod|#opera mobile|palmos|webos" [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "acs|alav|alca|amoi|audi|aste|avan|benq|bird|blac|blaz|brew|cell|cldc|cmd-" [NC,… Re: htaccess redirect to mobile subfolder without changing the URL Programming Web Development by FarrisFahad Can someone please edit the last 2 lines to make it work? Make sure that you read the first post. Re: htaccess redirect to mobile subfolder without changing the URL Programming Web Development by FarrisFahad Here is the code I currently have ... RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] RewriteRule ^(trending|hot|featured|users|rooms|languages|comments|register|login|forgot-password|upload|contact|learn|rules|thanks)$ $1.php [NC,L] RewriteRule ^… Re: htaccess redirect to mobile subfolder without changing the URL Programming Web Development by gentlemedia Sorry to say this, but user agent sniffing was/is never a good strategy. Just make your site mobile friendly, so you don't have to alter/update multiple code bases and your URLs work everywhere!