5,213 Topics

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Member Avatar for gwizyo

[SIZE=7][COLOR=Black][FONT=Arial] HEy my laptop makes too much sound. this sound is most prominent at the time of startup. is it some problem with my laptop or is it just normal for it too make this sound thanks for any help

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for gandy1

I boot a laptop I just received from an auction that has no O/S but was tested and refurbed with an O/S that was removed before selling to me. The first screen is in a red square and says, "Save to disk partition not found. Save to disk feature is …

Member Avatar for philpotrebel

I just want to let everyone know that there is a solar storm from the sun headed for earth and will hit today. The storm can fry your comuters so id advise to have them unlpugged. for more info go to this link. [url]http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/space/10/29/solar.flares.ap/index.html[/url]

Member Avatar for )BIG"B"Affleck
Member Avatar for mtlewphd

ok was running got message about internet explorer need to reinstall win 98. did format cause i didnt know what a friends kid did to it so figured i would wipe it out start it fresh. well loaded windows on turned it off now i get nothing tried different power …

Member Avatar for mtlewphd
Member Avatar for philpotrebel

Motherboard Bundles Athlon 64 (Socket 940) Asus SK8N Socket 64FX Motherboard with AMD Athlon 64 FX-51 Processor Click for larger image Item No. MBM-SK8N-FX51 PRICE: $1,028.99 Quantity IN STOCK The ASUS Opteron motherboard is finally here to deliver breakthrough performance. Supporting a dual-channel memory architecture, scalable HyperTransport bus, IEEE 1394 …

Member Avatar for )BIG"B"Affleck
Member Avatar for zed88

While downloading some windows updates, my computer crashed with the message on a blue SCREEN! about: kernel32.dll (or something lkek that) error needs to close to save disks whole bunch of stuff i didnt write down physical memory being flushed. ok, then on reboot it couldnt find ANY harddrives and …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for KraayBach

My daughter is having an unusual problem with her computer. After running anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour, the computer shuts off completely. There is no warning or blue screen of death. The computer shuts off as if it were unplugged. A friend thinks it may be an overheating …

Member Avatar for feigned
Member Avatar for UNKNOWN_MEMBER

Hey I'm currently building a computer right now and I put everything together execpt the video card. When I turn my computer on from the power supply the floppy drive light just turns on and the fan on the power supply runs. Is this how it is suppose to react …

Member Avatar for bobroberts
Member Avatar for philpotrebel

i have just built a new computer and it has a soyo K7ADA mb and a maxtor 40gig HD 256mb ram amd athalon XP 2000+ onboard sound and a pny vetro gforce 4 mmx 440 vid card 400 watt smart blue power supply and an antec case windows XP professional. …

Member Avatar for ZaiKen

Am going mental already cos my computer has been shutting down for the past 2 days. everytime i use TMPGenc, Windows Movie Maker or Stoik Video converter to convert a movie file, it automatically shutsdown. I end up not finishing anything and it's very frustrating. I've checked and re-checked my …

Member Avatar for )BIG"B"Affleck
Member Avatar for katrina

Okay, first a bit of background... During hurricane Isabel, these folks decided to plug their computer into a generator, lacking other power. Now, the computer won't come on at all. No POST, no keyboard lights, no beeps. I was thinking power supply, but there's a green light on the back …

Member Avatar for )BIG"B"Affleck
Member Avatar for Bubb Rubb

I am trying to find out how to setup my laptop to act as a desktop when I am at home (ie regular keyboard, monitor, and mouse) for comfort. I can't find a docking station for my particular laptop. I don't know much about docking stations ( :?: Duhh) but …

Member Avatar for rbennett
Member Avatar for gummy

Hi to everyone.. :) I'm running a ep-8kha+ with athlon 1700. first start seems to boot fine...but nearly everytime I restart , the system hangs for upto a minute or more. it just stops after shutting down , blank screen on monitor and the debug led display on mother board …

Member Avatar for Maximus529

...the only problem I have with it is that it doesn't always restart. I have to physically turn off the CPU if I want to reboot, otherwise it'll freeze when it goes through the startup cycle. Even/if I turn it on for the first time sometimes it will do the …

Member Avatar for darkshadow
Member Avatar for philpotrebel

I just built a new PC it's an AMD athalon 2000+ with 256 mb ram, nvida PNY gforce 4 vid card maxtor 40 gig HD CD burner soyo K7ADA mother board. The problem is it keeps messing up while installing windows XP such as when i was partioning it the …

Member Avatar for darkshadow
Member Avatar for toy3528

i was on my computer last week and all of a sudden i get this box counting down to zero before my computer shut down. when i tried to turn it back on it stopped at the booting up screen and displayed a message that said "error loading operating system" …

Member Avatar for toy3528
Member Avatar for theman

Hi all, The problem I'm having is that after about an hour of my PC being on, everything freezes. The HD indicator LED stays on, and sometimes the CD-ROM drive is accessed. I then have to turn the computer off and leave it for 30-60 mins before being able to …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for influx6

I recently purchased a 1 to 3 dvd duplicator controller for my pc and now I can't seem to figure out how to connect my cd-rw-dvd combo and dvd+rw drives to the controller via ide cables and to the motherboard at the same time.I would like to use the drives …

Member Avatar for jabberwock486

if u live in or around western or southern ohio i have a heads up. Only 3 modems are supported for cable internet use in time waner areas, which cover at least 95% of this area. You have no choice at all of what type of modem to use. It …

Member Avatar for jabberwock486

well this is kinda 2 topics in 1. i had started a new cable internet account and went out and purchased a new cable modem, a real nice one. built in signal filter and all. anyways i go to use it, call up the company to register the new MAC …

Member Avatar for mouse_trapuk

I am using a Blekin F5D6020 card in my laptop and have been trying to connect it to my existing network which uses the now discontinued Intel Anypoint USB wireless network adapters. I cannot seem to get the two to recognise each other, I believe that intel adapters need their …

Member Avatar for Lynn
Member Avatar for scopester

My friend has an AMD 2400 on an ASUS A7n8x deluxe motherboard with a 350w power supply. He has a Nvidia geforce 4 5600fx graphics card and running 772 megs of ram. Playing medal of honor allied assault he is experiencing lag spikes (from a base of 42 ping it …

Member Avatar for root

I need a diagnostic chip that I can put into my mini server computer so I can hook up customer CPU's to the mini computer with the diagnostic chip so I can test the computer for errors, any help ?


The End.