20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for jclancy3

Hello all, I am relatively new to Visual Basic and have managed to muttle my way through creating a 2013 Word document that has some ActiveX controls. The final control I put in place is a Command Button that, when clicked, it sends the form off to an email. That …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for mksaeed

Hi guys, This is my first post and so glad to start sharing the knowledge. I am using Mysql database with VB.NET and I have this code : Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim str As String = "Server=localhost;Port=3306;Database=testdb;Uid=root;Pwd=password" Using con As New MySqlConnection(str) Dim …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for mmangold322

Hello, I am have been struggling with this and need some help. I am reading and excel sheet and getting the data and trying to search sql server to get the record. IN excel the length is 12 characters and in sql its 30. I am trying a like query …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for PM312

I am traying to filter Datagrid view based on user type in TbxGlCode (TextBox) Initialy Datatable is populated from SQL table to TempTable (DataTable) getting error at **runtime** at below line Dim Rows As DataRow() = TempTable.[Select]("Code like '%" & VerCode & "%'") Exception Unhandled **System.Data.EvaluateException: 'Cannot perform 'Like' operation …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Ethan Marr

I Need Help, I Cant Find Anything Online On How To Make A Application That Can Have The Option To Sign Up And Login And When Accounts Are Signed Up, Anyone With The Application Can Login With Acocunts From Other Computers, How Would I Do This Without Being On The …

Member Avatar for JModak

I create a project on vb.net 2010 and SQL server 2008r2 I showing a report in listview report am show fine and error free. But now I want to add a sub total column every end of the category. How it is possible please help me sir Please see the …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for sabiut

hi, i am trying to read from a text file and store the data in an array but i don't know how to get started with my code. can someone please get me started here. i have start with the code for locating the file, but i am having difficulty …

Member Avatar for LordPike
Member Avatar for Nbrase

i'm trying to make price lable printer and i was able to print a single page for a single id, but my problem is when i'm trying to print more that one id i was not able to make it work, i'm still learning but i was hoping that someone …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for Shkelzen_1

I need to Retrieve the values from a XML file i have seen many example but none of them is like the XML I have. My XML look like this <component> <section> <code code="31011" codeSystemName="Codifica Interna Laboratorio" displayName="Etanolo (urine)"> <!--TRASCODIFICA ANALISI NON DISPONIBILE--> </code> <text> <paragraph> </paragraph> <table> <thead> <tr> …

Member Avatar for xrjf
Member Avatar for Ethan Marr

Im Stuck With Something, Iv Been Searching, And Searching And I Canot Find Any Information On How To Make SQL Database Show The Samething For Everyone, When Updated Of Coarse... I Can Make The DataTable And Put It On A Form But I Cannot Make It To Where I Add …

Member Avatar for Ethan Marr
Member Avatar for videv

hi all , i have the Following CSV generated by a third party software, i need to be able to read the first row and see what month and year it is. what i would like to do is generate a MySQL Table using the "<monthyear>" so november2018 and place …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for JModak

I create a project encrypt and decrypt data in vb.net how to use this code as a function please help it is work only on a textbox i want to send a string value then return encrypt value and when i send encrypt value then send me decrypt value. [Click …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for fugio

Hi all I have a script to update the value from datagridview to database I do use a button insert ToolStripButton but not working hope people to help thank ! Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load conn = New SqlConnection("") conn.Open() Dim query As …

Member Avatar for Amudhambika
Member Avatar for JModak

showing Error "Failure sending mail." please help me i used port 587 because maximum example 587 used this port how i can know the my mail port or it is right error in this line SMTP.Send(Mail) massage is:- Just "Failure sending mail." ------------------ Imports System.Net.Mail Public Class Form1 Private Sub …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Hashik

I have a Database named "Store" and tables are orders and firm. The firm table fields are firmname, firmcode. The fields orderno, orderdate orderqty, qtyrcvd and balqty are stroed in another table. When selecting three ComboBox values (fetched from another(invoice) table) ie firm name, orderno and orderdate respectively when clicking …

Member Avatar for aldeene
Member Avatar for Solution Hall

Hello! Good Day to All, I am working on Visual Studio 2015. I have two workstation computer systems, in both same operating system and Visual Studio is installed. When i Build the main project it succeeded, and no any problem and my project runs normally on both systems. Then i …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for JModak

How to change the color of a cell(back or fore color) of listview item according to item value with if condition. I do it but it is not work and show no error Please help me...... For k = 0 To ListView1.Items.Count - 1 If ListView1.Items(k).SubItems(6).Text > 100 Then ListView1.Items(k).SubItems(6).ForeColor …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Hashik

I have one data base named store and tables are order and firm fields are firmname,firmcode in firm table and orderno,orderdate orderqty,qtyrcvd and balqty are in another table. when selecting three combo box values (fetched from another table ) ie firm name , orderno and orderdate respectively when clicking a …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception

I was so amazed at how easy it was to embed google maps into a vb app I decided to post a quick example to help anyone get started. This is a simple example. Google's api has all kinds of things to help customize your map. You can find out …

Member Avatar for Jorge Braga
Member Avatar for Steve_43

Hello How do I rectify this error, please: 'Argument not specified...'? I have 4 columns in a MS Access database: username, strEmail, hashed, and salted. In my form field (on the Webpage), I have Name (username) and Email (strEmail) which are text fields and correspond to username.Text and strEmail.Text in …

Member Avatar for Steve_43
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

vb.Net - Regular Expression Tester Every now and then I find another use for a regular expression. For those not familiar with regular expressions, they can be as cryptic to read as strings of Greek letters. Simply put, regular expressions are just patterns. If you've ever used the DOS command …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Vb.Netter

Hi here is code snippet used temprarily on button to debug. This works but i wish to use the 2nd snippet. 1st snippet Dim connString As New SqlConnection connString.ConnectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("sql2008r2_857000_dmcsqlConnectionString").ConnectionString Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("select TOP 1 no from members ORDER BY no DESC", connString) Dim reader As SqlDataReader …

Member Avatar for dongtrien

I want to color cell of the listview, how to write code ? You see my image file. http://www.mediafire.com/view/uoq3qw4o9c90jwd/chamcong5.jpg/file

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

vb.net 2010 Windows Pro 7 ## Create a Video Library with an Embedded Windows Media Player ## I have close to 400 video clips in my home movie library. In order to quickly locate any given video I have added certain words into the file names. Even so, locating specific …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Rhys_3

Hi, For a school assenment I was tasked to make a small database solution for a medical clinic. I am wanting to select an access database table after gaining the ID for the table. I will be needing to read and write to this table as well if it makes …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for dongtrien

Suppose there are two forms: frmMain and frmPopup, frmPopup is always on frmMain, when select frmMain inputting data then frmPopup always on frmMain, frmPopup is always on frmMain, how is it to write code ? you see attach file http://www.mediafire.com/view/bq32fcb3ept329r/PopUpInput.jpg/file

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Dexter_4

i need to format my textbox result into two decimal places after i divide two textbox here is my code. If String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMonthly.Text) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtdr.Text) Then Exit Sub If Not IsNumeric(txtMonthly.Text) OrElse Not IsNumeric(txtdr.Text) Then Exit Sub txtDaily.Text = CDbl(txtMonthly.Text) / CDbl(txtdr.Text) Thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for josh_9

dbconn.Open() s = "Select Max(cheque_no) + 1 As NewValue From tblEntry" Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(s, dbconn) Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader() If dr.HasRows Then dr.Read() If IsDBNull(dr("NewValue")) Then empId = 1 Else empId = CInt(dr("NewValue")) + 1 End If Else empId = 1 End If dr.Close() …

Member Avatar for josh_9
Member Avatar for imBaCodes

Below is my code for adding parameters in my vb .net code for prepared statements of npgsql. Dim xConn As NpgsqlConnection = ConnectDB() Dim xCmd As NpgsqlCommand = xConn.CreateCommand() xCmd.CommandText = "UPDATE " & xTable & " SET previous_tot_adj = @prev_adj ,tot_adj = @tot_adj WHERE version = " & _version …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for joshi1984

Hello, I´m not a professional in vb.net, but i try to make a tool for my colleague and me. I got a XMLTreeView on my form and i load a XML-File in it. Now, I want to set each node in the XMLTreeView another icon, but it must set by …

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The End.